
Part-Time News-bot
Be aware that this demo is extensive - it should take 2~3 hours to complete--more for players with no RTS experience.

Above all, a HUGE thanks to you all. We can't even begin to describe the incredible amount of support we've received over the years -- especially in the last 6 months leading up to this moment. This demonstration is for all of YOU and we hope you have as much fun playing it as we did making it.
We want our players to know we are committed to maximal player freedom. While the Campaign will be a curated experience featuring our writing, and our ideas, the way you play the Skirmish modes privately and socially online will be very broadly up to you. The Skirmish Custom Difficulty Slider is only the first of many feature updates focused on delivering on these principles.

There will now be a brief slowdown in content patches as we prepare our Roadmap and plan the first patch of the Roadmap updates. Hotfixes will continue and we are still here reading and responding to your comments on Steam Discussions and Discord.

Thank you for playing so many hours of our game and for your excellent feedback, ideas, and bug reports. Our small team feels much larger thanks to you.