According to most early access reviews I've read it is already a stellar experience to play. A lot of them say it surpasses the first game, which I'm happy to hear.

Of course it is not finished yet, so maybe later chapters won't be as polished, but since it's an action rogue-like I have high hopes it will keep the quality throughout the finished game.
I don't think it's for me, but the reception it's getting is really impressive. There are already more than 16K user-reviews on Steam. That's crazy for an indie title that was released 3 says ago.
Another great game in my "wait til release" list. It's looking very good, but as far as I understand it lacks the final act, which includes the true ending and several other key features, which is a deal breaker to me.

Only for now anyway, can't wait for it to be complete, as I'm playing it 100%.
Wow, yes, the reception is really crazy. Will Supergiant Games flirt with GotY awards again?

I'm not sure yet if I'll buy it in EA and try it out. If I do, it will only be a short run since saves are not guaranteed and the EA could last until 2025 (hopefully it's shorter than Hades).

It takes time to read Homer's books, too, and it's only a part of the Greek Mythology prerequisites. Not sure when I'll squeeze that in my schedule. ;)