Joxer had a thread about how the keyboard was wonky with the dance mini game.
The dance minigame was small potatoes <ahem> compared to the fighting, IMHO. M/K works fine in fights until around mid-game, when the inputs get more complex. You can still do it, but it's made for console controllers so it can get awkward.
I have a fight stick but no controller (at least no modern controllers apart from an old logitech one).

Do you think these games would work on a fightstick? I always wanted to try them.
Do you think these games would work on a fightstick? I always wanted to try them.
It might work, but it certainly wouldn't be optimal. I'd invest in a decent gamepad. They're not that expensive, and they last a long time. (Assuming you don't bounce it off your desk when you get mad)
True enough, though it befuddles me why any company would do a port and not take mice and keyboards into consideration. I have a controller yet the computer peripherals have to be almost useless to have me actually use it.
I've been looking over the collection, and it seems there's a Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid? Is solid a spin-off of metal gear? The cover make them out to be sufficiently different.

Having watched the trailer, I'm actually less excited for trying the series. I forgot how dated it will probably feel. And while I have a curiosity for the story and cinematic nature of the game, I am preparing myself to feel a sort of culture shock like I did for Yakuza.
I've been looking over the collection, and it seems there's a Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid? Is solid a spin-off of metal gear? The cover make them out to be sufficiently different.
It's the same series. They simply added Solid to the title for whatever reason starting with the third game.
Having watched the trailer, I'm actually less excited for trying the series. I forgot how dated it will probably feel. And while I have a curiosity for the story and cinematic nature of the game, I am preparing myself to feel a sort of culture shock like I did for Yakuza.
Those earlier games are indeed very dated, and these look like lazy PC ports which is typical of Konami.
Indeed they are direct ports (probably glued together with Unity) and their age shows in the trailer, and that is why I think that this volume is overpriced. They are developing a full remake of Snake Eater by the way:

They are developing a full remake of Snake Eater by the way:
I saw the trailer a few weeks ago on YouTube. I'm surprised they chose to remake that one rather than MGS 1 or 2. It does take place before the events of those games, but it was the third game released.
Yeah, it kind of mellowed the little excitement I had to try MGS1. I also saw some comparison between their "official" version and a modded emulated version that seemed to run a lot better visually.
Plus, I'm also nervous about these older games that usually have annoying difficulty spikes that you're just expected to put up with. Usually because of bad controls or camera.
But, I'll try it at some point. I've got it in my library.
The one MGS game I am interested to try is the 4th one, Guns of the Patriots. That always seemed the most intriguing. But I assume there's a whole baggage of lore and story I need to know to appreciate that one.
So I'd need to get through all the previous ones beforehand.
You actually paid the $60 for it?

I've heard Guns of the Patriots is good, but afaik, it's only available for the PS3.
Yeah, I did pay when it got announced and just refunded it. It was a bit of wishful thinking it was going to be a solid port.
I'll probably pick it back at a significant discount. I'm not really starved to try it.

About Guns of the Patriots, it's currently rumored to be included in volume 2 of this mgs re-release.
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