I only found the game repetitive towards the end game. The game continuously introduce new monsters to hunt and they all require different tactics to tackle them.

Some new, others known to gamers. Monster Hunter includes building up skills (including mechanical skills) and previously known monsters are a warming up to regain skills.

Improving skills, repetition and stuff.
How exactly do i get my free attack gem and what do i do with it when i get it and how do i tell if i have it ?
I could be wrong (haven't been paying much attention) but IIRC gems only drop off much tougher monsters. It's a random drop so you won't know which gem you get - each gem has different affect, you basically use it by putting them in your equipment gem slots.
Aren't you suppose to get a free one since 13 million suckers purchased the game ?

I could be wrong (haven't been paying much attention) but IIRC gems only drop off much tougher monsters. It's a random drop so you won't know which gem you get - each gem has different affect, you basically use it by putting them in your equipment gem slots.