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Couchpotato spotted The Witcher 3 REDkit Q&A on Wccftech:

The Witcher 3 REDkit Q&A - CDPR and Yigsoft Confirm Steam Workshop Support; Further Improvements Planned

Today, as promised earlier this month, CD Projekt RED has released The Witcher 3 REDkit to the public. It is now available for free download on PC across GOG, Epic Games Store, and Steam.

The modding tool, created with the help of Hungarian co-development company Yigsoft, was successfully tested with over 18K users before the public release. The goal is to unleash the creativity of modders with a much more robust modding tool than what was previously available for the game.

Ahead of the launch, we reached out to CD Projekt RED's Global Community Director Marcin Momot and Yigsoft's Lead Bence Hambalko to discuss the feature set of The Witcher 3 REDkit (there's full controller support, surprisingly) and what's coming after launch.

The REDkit for The Witcher 2 was released only two years after its launch, whereas nine years have now passed for The Witcher 3. Why the delay?

Marcin Momot: The truth is that, initially, we planned to release it much sooner, but, as usual, reality altered our plans. As we fully transitioned to working on Cyberpunk 2077, we had to adjust our production timeline. After its release, we began reevaluating some of the projects we had in the pipeline beforehand. Around that time, we started forming a closer partnership with Yigsoft, who have been helping us with certain elements of Cyberpunk 2077. As the old saying goes, better late than never, and here we are, releasing The Witcher 3 editor into the hands of players in 2024.

Why did you deem it worthy to release it after all these years?

MM: The Witcher 3 is one of those games that, even nine years later, is still thriving in the modding scene. Every week, new mods keep popping up as people tinker with various aspects of the game. After releasing the next-gen version in December 2022 and all subsequent updates, we offer this as a sort of parting gift -- the final touch, if you will. We hope that now, with everyone having access to an editor that's as close to being on par with what the game's developers used to make it as can be, the game can continue to live on for years to come, with even more content being added by the community.


More information.