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Oh, nice of them to put the games in a bundle! You can get all 3 games for just over $40 USD! Essentially, buy two get one free.
All 3 for $40?
I guess I won't be buying Genshin Impact lootboxes this month.
This was a joke aimed to Couch. :)

All I need is enough time to play them all... *sigh*
Dream on. It just won't happen.
Not even if it would cure the eye cancer I get every time I see a new RPGmaker game. :D
It's free on game pass!
Some like to rent our games for a longer period of time.:p

Still yeah every game is playable on Game Pass for now at least.
I'm playing Yakuza: Like a Dragon on PS4 Pro and it is a lot of fun. It directly addresses and fixes MOST of the issues I have with JRPGs, the fact that they are so childish and cutesy. I don't want to play six bobble headed, squeaky-voiced characters dressed in lingerie armor for 125 hours.

Y:LaD features a cast of middle-aged schlubs and a couple of 20-something ladies. It's hilarious. Many of the enemies are funny, too. The abilities are often crazy. The whole thing is just pure fun. And I prefer the turn based combat over the weird, old-school fighting style of the other Yakuza game I played briefly.

Not sure if I'll make it all the way to the end as it's a very lengthy game, and my patience with turn based grinding may very well wear out. But I'm really enjoying this silly, silly game.

Question: Does anyone know of any other JRPGs that aren't based on squeaky-voiced children? Cute characters are OK once in a while, but JRPGs tend to overdo it for me. I'd love to play a fantasy based JRPG with adult characters—even silly adult characters.
Question: Does anyone know of any other JRPGs that aren't based on squeaky-voiced children? Cute characters are OK once in a while, but JRPGs tend to overdo it for me. I'd love to play a fantasy based JRPG with adult characters—even silly adult characters.

Suikoden comes to mind. Vagrant Story. Valkyrie Profile. These are all super old, of course.

I played about 30 hours of Y:LaD before taking a break. I was enjoying it. I enjoy all of the Yazuka games. The part I enjoyed the least was the combat. Not the system, but the fact that it's mostly super easy and boring.
I found Suikoden forgettable, but I remember Vagrant Story being pretty good. I never finished it because I didn't craft the right weapons and got stuck at some point. I'm surprised they never remastered that one.
Does anyone know of any other JRPGs that aren't based on squeaky-voiced children? Cute characters are OK once in a while, but JRPGs tend to overdo it for me. I'd love to play a fantasy based JRPG with adult characters—even silly adult characters.
It's annoyingly rare.

I guess Tales of Berseria technically fits (Velvet is NOT squeaky-voiced) but the adults sure do love giving life advice to the little kid they bring along. Dragon's Dogma definitely fits, though it's hard to even classify that as a JRPG. Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children is mostly adults, though the main character is a pretty young adult. (I guess that one is a KRPG, though. ;)
I play a lot of jrpg's, and I think if I had the game audio on, I also would get annoyed. I usually turn the game sound off, enable subtitles and power up my own tunes, that's worked for me the past few decades, something I'm not likely to change. Matter of fact it's kind of a game within itself, to find the perfect score to go along with a particular game. I learned long ago that what most consider music simply doesn't appeal to me, and rather than rage against it, I found an alternative.
I played Yakuza 3 last year. Ugh. I loved Yakuza 0. Yakuza 1 and 2 were pretty good, too. Yakuza 3 was not. The bosses are still fun, but the rest of the enemies block constantly. It doesn't take more than a few minutes to figure out how to deal with that. Once you do, the fights end up simply being more tedious, not more challenging. PLUS, it's very hard to avoid fights on the street. PLUS the street fights give 0 xp, just money and weapon parts. I didn't see much point in crafting weapons, so the only real money sink left was the cabaret mini-game. Unfortunately, that mini-game wasn't very fun in 3, either. The end result being that all those many, many random street fights I got into were not only tedious, but they also gave no reward I cared about.

Nearly all the zaniness was gone, too. Instead of some guy in his underwear whispering at you from behind a bush, asking if he could please borrow your pants, you're giving life advice to children. The main story is OK, but not particularly good. All in all, the game just wasn't any fun. I got all the way to the end, then flat out quit instead of trying to fight the main boss. I simply didn't care enough to learn how to beat the guy, so I just watched the ending on YouTube.


I got Yakuza 4, 5, and 6 as a bundle at the start of the Autum Steam sale and started playing 4. It's worse than 3. Now, instead of the enemies playing turtle, they don't do much of anything. Seriously. This video is recorded on normal difficulty:

And before you ask, no, you can't increase the difficulty after the game starts. I stopped bothering to spend my skill points at level 5.

Again, the zaniness is completely absent. Instead of giving little kids obvious life advice, you give other adults life advice like "she's not really desperate for money - if she was, she would have gone to the red-light district to get a job."

I powered through 3 so I could keep up with the Yakuza story line. It wasn't worth it, and I'm not going to make the same mistake again. I quit after about 8 hours of play.


Yakuza 6 was made AFTER Yakuza 0, and 0 was awesome. So, they must have turned it around, right?

YEP! Give me a physics engine, and I shall be happy.

There's still not as much zaniness, but there's some - and the physics engine gives you some, too.