Grimoire - Is Errr... Late


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
While the third campaign for Grmoire is still on the horizon, Clive brings us news about the game being close to receiving a release date. Deja vu anyone?

The game is late. It is over a year past due. Of course all people who pledged would already know this.

I have reached a stage where I can say the game is in final form. I have incorporated monsters, special effects, ambient animations and additional required graphics that have been sitting on my hard drive for many years awaiting integration into the game. I have been testing and verifying correct animation and appearance of all these graphics and their attachment to monster data.

You can imagine how ridiculous it would be to have worked this long on the game and then chuck it out there because it is technically complete but untested. I am engaged in rigorous testing to verify all bugs and issues are fixed and all areas are flawless. Strictly speaking there are 69 bugs remaining out of over 3400+ altogether when I began eliminating them during the second IndieGoGo campaign. These often involve issues that can consume several hours to fix at a minimum.

We are getting very close to setting a proper release date which will be accurate this time. Rest assured that all pledges will be the first people to get instructions for digital download of the game when it is up.

I appreciate your patience and I continue to apologise for delays. I don't like to go on about it but believe me when I say it has been a lot of work for one person alone. Most people would not be able to comprehend how much. If I had considered the scope of what I was working on very early on I would have never started on something of this magnitude.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Cleve gets a lot of flack for missing deadlines, but it will really be an amazing achievement if he manages to eventually release a game on this scale pretty much single handed. And If the whole game turns out to be up to the standard of the demos, without too many glitches, then it will be a blast to play. Maybe Cleve is nuts, but you'd have to be pretty nutty to imagine you could make a huge RPG on your own and even nuttier to actually follow it through.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
Cleve gets a lot of flack for missing deadlines, but it will really be an amazing achievement if he manages to eventually release a game on this scale pretty much single handed. And If the whole game turns out to be up to the standard of the demos, without too many glitches, then it will be a blast to play. Maybe Cleve is nuts, but you'd have to be pretty nutty to imagine you could make a huge RPG on your own and even nuttier to actually follow it through.

If he finishes it and releases it, I will have HUGE respect for him.

I agree, enormous undertaking for one person. I wish him luck.
"We are getting very close to setting a proper release date which will be accurate this time."

I fell off my chair laughing.
Aug 7, 2009
I'm sure most of us are familiar with the story of the little boy who cried wolf too many times. Would someone please send a copy to Clive?

Seriously, wasn't the Hagia Sophia made in a shorter span than this?
I understand it's his masterpiece and all that but what I think is more likely is that if he does finish the game, he'll decide that no one is worthy enough to play it but him.

Geez, Clive. Get in on Steam early access, grind a few more bucks out of the masses and pay for some hired help to finish the damn thing!

The ultimate old skool retro fantasy roleplaying game completed after 17 years of development!

Oh. I just went to the website. According to this headline the game is either done or this is lie 6776 or something close to that number.
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Oct 18, 2006
I don't begrudge him taking his time, especially since in C++ you wind up spending a significant amount of time just keeping up with OSes and libraries.

Lesson learned, though. There just is no point to talk about releasing a game with a putative release date that might be longer than 2 years, for most people. Saying it will be released "any day now" every year is even worse.
Apr 10, 2011
I don't begrudge him taking his time, especially since in C++ you wind up spending a significant amount of time just keeping up with OSes and libraries.

Lesson learned, though. There just is no point to talk about releasing a game with a putative release date that might be longer than 2 years, for most people. Saying it will be released "any day now" every year is even worse.

It's fine if this is a hobby project, but remember he pulled in over $17K USD in 2012/early 2013 for a "GUARANTEED DELIVERY MAY 31ST 2013, YOUR PLEDGE WILL BE FULFILLED!", then not only misses the deadline badly along with all intermediate milestones, but acts like a complete TOOL whenever status is asked for. According to him, we are all lucky enough to have God grace us with his genius, you lazy <insert homophobic comment> self entitled backers!

I sincerely hope someone flags this for fraud through IndieGoGo if he has the nerve to try for a third fundraiser before releasing anything.

Cleve's pitch: "Seriously I intend to release it the Friday after the Friday in question…<repeat>"

BTW, did RPGWatch go back on the no Grimoire updates until release policy?
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Aug 22, 2011
I am about 3/4 of the way through a Wiz6 replay and it has reminded me just how good it is, looking forward to this but I am gonna finish up wiz7/8 again (with the same party) first.
Oct 18, 2006
@ManWhoJaped: Sorry my last post wasn't meant to argue with your comment, just wanted to append it with further comments. :)
Aug 22, 2011
About a year ago or more I was trying to convince the Watch that this time, Cleve's deadline is for real. Silly me. :lol:
If he finishes it and releases it, I will have HUGE respect for him.

I agree, enormous undertaking for one person. I wish him luck.

Maybe Cleve will be deified if he finally releases Grimoire. Journalists realizing he is a one-man devteam, outsourcing artists.
Mar 21, 2013
Maybe Cleve will be deified if he finally releases Grimoire. Journalists realizing he is a one-man devteam, outsourcing artists.

Doubtful. If they do any research into Cleve and his decade+ long quest to get banned from respectable forums with his acrid insults and racist/homophobic comments, combined with his… ahem… elevated status as a neanderthal genius with an adamantine skeletal structure and unique perspective on the world at large… ( Most modern gaming journalists would probably crucify him long before deifying him.

Then again if it's a game of generating page hits, maybe Cleve's story will blowup and become the old school anti-hipster version of the Phil Fish saga.

Completely unrelated Jagged Alliance quote: "You obviously don't know who you're talking to! Calvin Barkmore! I will devote all my waking hours toward making your life a living hell if you continue to talk to me this way." :roll:
Aug 22, 2011
I suspect this game will be 12 years dated by the time of reelase. I nkow people still like wiz 6,7 but for me they are too old; then again I still like wiz 8 (even though some folks comment it is dated). In fact the only thing I hate about wiz 8 is that it is virtually impossible to add decent mods (I know a few loyal fans strugged with the non-mod able engine to create mods but ...).
So I probably shouldn't judge this game before it is released (assuming it will be released) but .... Btw with comments on his efforts we see many single people RPG (spider web, fayed knights, eschalon series, ...) released; now it might not be a fair comparison as I am clueless as to the scope of this game compared to those. Btw the comment about C++ I disagree with; yes you can write bad C++ code that takes years to debug but you can also write good code that localize issue and does not take that long to debug. To be fair I do my develeopment work in linux and despise the tools on windows so perhaps on windows it does take years to find bugs.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
I know I'm late to the party on Cleve, but after watching 6 minutes of his his 20 minute pitch, I've concluded that this guy is nuttier than squirrel crap.
Jan 23, 2009
I know I'm late to the party on Cleve, but after watching 6 minutes of his his 20 minute pitch, I've concluded that this guy is nuttier than squirrel crap.

Yeah, he is. I've seen him go off on people despite little provocation.

I've been following this game for a long time, but mostly out of morbid curiosity. The day it's actually released is the day I fall off my chair and lie there for a while in utter shock.
Aug 7, 2009
I'm looking forward to playing Grimoire someday... but like VTMB, I think I'll wait 10 years for the patches.
Oct 18, 2006
Seattle, WA
@ManWhoJaped: Sorry my last post wasn't meant to argue with your comment, just wanted to append it with further comments. :)

I think you are right statement of guarantee. A big mistake in the world of software.
Apr 10, 2011
is hell starting to show signs of freezing over?(and I pledged last year was it? or 2y ago?)
Oct 26, 2006
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