Ghost of a Tale - Pre-release Details


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Seith provides a new update for Ghost of a Tale in which he talks about the development progress and provides some details on the pre-release of the game.

Now regarding the pre-release, if I take a step back and look at my charitable wish of doing it within the upcoming three weeks I have to say it looks REALLY tight. Not only because of the amount of work left to do, but also of the required time for playtesting and subsequent bug-fixing. And I’m certainly not about to start taking any shortcuts.

This feeling is compounded by the overwhelming wave of support that you guys have been expressing over the last couple of months which can be summed up as “please take your time, don’t rush it, make it good”. And I’m very grateful for that indeed.

Alright, so when the initial pre-release is made public, what exactly can you expect from it? In terms of content it’s roughly 20-25% of the final game. It sports a little less than thirty quests (including both main and secondary ones) and lets you explore two main areas, both indoors and outdoors.

As I was saying, some game mechanics will not make it into the pre-release. But what’s there will give you a very accurate taste of the game’s atmosphere and scope. In terms of playtime we can’t be certain yet but it should be at the very least a couple of hours.

In terms of localization, the pre-release might be English-only at first but rest assured we will localize it as soon as possible (basically when money allows it). We’ll add French, Italian, German and Spanish to start with. Then we will expand to other languages after that (I’m hoping Polish, Portuguese, etc..).

And that about covers it for this update. In the next one I’ll talk (among other things) about the minimum and required specs for the game. As usual if you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to post them in the comments.

Oh and one last thing: I can’t go into any details about it yet but for you guys wondering if Sony is aware of the game and if they’re interested in helping us bring it to their newest console… the answer is “yes” and “yes”…
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
To me it sounds like a demo version. I'm not sure why they are doing this rather than pushing ahead to finish the full game. Maybe for beta testing purposes?
Mar 22, 2012
And I’m certainly not about to start taking any shortcuts.
It is a relief to hear that ! I'm waiting patiently to play this imaginative game and would be very disappointed to find it underwhelming because it's been rushed so please, take your time ! :eek:

As a side note, if you're looking for a motivated and somewhat experienced team to translate this project into French, feel free to PM me ;)
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
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