Warhammer: Chaosbane - Preview @PCInvasion


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
PCInvasion previewed Warhammer: Chaosbane.

Elontir has a number of spells you can choose from -- an Aqshy fireball, an aether tornado, a knockback cast, lightning strikes, and, naturally, a teleport. The effects are visually appealing, and you truly feel the ruckus going on around you due to the animations and all the numbers floating about (you can turn these off, by the way).

The combat mechanics will also remind you of other ARPGs like Diablo where you've got resource-generating skills and resource-consuming skills. In Elontir's case, the fireball, lightning strike, and spectral blades generated mana. Other active spells consumed it. Of course, there are also passive abilities that let you regain more health, mana, experience points, and gold. There are even "god spells" with long cooldowns, and they pack quite a punch.

Thanks Farflame!

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
More previews from this week.:)

The start of Warhammer: Chaosbane is currently available to play for those who pre-order. Until March 13, early birds will be able to try the game's first act for themselves as part of the closed beta. Then it'll be a case of waiting for the full thing to land on PC, PS4, and Xbox One in early June (or late, late May if you order the Magnus Edition). After having played this first chapter we're certainly more enthused about the idea of an action-RPG set in the Warhammer universe and our early game impressions are generally positive, but we're going to wait until we've played through the entire thing before saying anything further. Consider us intrigued, though.
Chaosbane is not just another hack and slash RPG. It is a robust story set in the Old World which will enchant long-time tabletop players. The game has with it the main feature which makes Warhammer so appealing to so many, it takes a dark, horrific world of demons and blood and makes it absolutely fun. We cannot wait to play and especially try the Dwarf Slayer next time we demo the game.
Hey Poor Player
Though I admittedly have only had a few hours to spend with Warhammer: Chaosbane so far, (another curse of having a demanding real-world job) I was thoroughly intrigued by what I played. I’m always down for a dungeon crawler, and this game did a great job making sure to not overdo its usage of other of familiar dungeon crawler conventions. The game was fun and played smoothly, save for a (potential?) minor bug when trying to use a keyboard and mouse setup where I couldn’t seem to find a way to display a pointer, making it hard to see where I was directing my character. I switched to using my Xbox One controller and the transition was seamless and the game controlled perfectly. If you want to have some friends join in the game will support both 4 player online and offline drop-in co-op, so if you’re looking to share in some demon slaying fun with some fancy twists this is one you will definitely want to keep an eye out for. Pre-orders for the game are active, and doing so enrolls you in more upcoming beta sessions (the current beta is live through March 13th with more scheduled for later). Pre-orders also include the bonuses outlined in the infographic pictured above. Warhammer: Chaosbane is currently scheduled for a June 4th release date for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
Indeed, Warhammer: Chaosbane’s Beta showed that this upcoming action RPG is very much on the right track. The loot collecting and stat increasing compulsion is intact and ready to eat your time away, and being able to play with up to four friends is absolutely brilliant, meanwhile, the Warhammer setting so far offers up interesting enemies and lore to immerse you. It’s a good reflection of what the full title might offer, time will tell if the story holds up and the locations become more interesting, but for now, as Warhammer and action RPG fans, we’re exceedingly pleased with what we’ve experienced.
Oct 1, 2010
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