RPGWatch @ Gamescom - The Falconeer Preview


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
The Falconeer is an airborne ocean-world fantasy RPG, where you can mount a bird and explore an ocean-world. It has been made by one developer and it just looks to become a great game.

Tomas Sala is the sole developer of The Falconeer and he has been working on his game for about 2 years. He once was a Skyrim modder and made, amongst others, Moonpath to Elsewyr and has been in the game industry for some 18 years, worked in larger teams, but burned out on everything, took time off and The Falconeer came out of that.
The Falconeer is an open world air combat game with RPG elements. One of the themes of the game is that you are in the air flying a falcon over the ocean of the great Ursee, where all the secrets in the world are covered below the surface of the see. The world has mysteries that run deep and are there for you to uncover. It also has hidden treasures and ancient relics that can be found under water.
Tomas is currently wrapping up the core mechanics of the game and will start on the story telling part of the game next, so at the moment the game is more of a sandbox open world experience.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
In a world of many same-ish rpgs, or same-ish semi-rpgs, this at least looks different. I'm not sure the flight and action oriented combat is for me, but I will at least keep an eye on it, because the originality interests me.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
So...kind of like a space sim but with a bird. And gravity. Ok, so not a space sim. And you can inject the bird with...poison or steroids? Can't I just give it some vitamins, a lean protein rich diet and make it train harder?

Looks pretty damn interesting to me either way. I applaud the fact that it's different, although time will tell if it's different AND fun to play.
Dec 20, 2010
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