General News - 5 Mechanics that more RPGs should use @ C4G

Okay I watched it.

If original english speaker Jim Sterling can upload transcript on his videos, then I see no reason others like this one rely on speechrecognition youtube robot.

The intro is ridiculously long. Instead of 2 sentences, the guy is just blathering about nothing of importance for a whole minute then for another minute he's advertising some trash so skip to 2:22 (IIRC you need at least 10 minutes long video to monetize it so that's probably the reason for this).

5. Constitution (Grim Dawn)
This is basically a skill seen a decade ago or more that certain tanks in LoL have (selfhealing over time, Garen, Mundo). No, we don't need this in singleplayer RPGs. Keep it for mmos.

4. Climbing on bosses (Dragon Dogma)
This is IMO completely retarded. Bosses aren't unmoveable trees nor mountains to climb them. Keep this nonsense for platformers and so called action games, there is no reason to have it in RPGs.

3. The Knockdown (Gothic)
Have to agree, we need this wherever possible. And we got this in other RPGs already where "pacifist" achievement hits if a player didn't kill anyone.

2. The Nemesis System (Warner Brothers DLC trash)
It's a gimmick seen once loses it's appeal as it only hides the fact we're playing yet another grinder. Keep it in those two games it's in and don't spread it elsewhere.

1. Dual Casting (Skyrim)
Yes it's a nice touch but sorry, why exactly would we need to see this in more RPGs? I don't see why should we have it in for example Fallout. Or Cyberpunk. Or Horizon Zero Dawn.
Apr 12, 2009
With some of these, if you add some imagination/creativity to them they could be good ideas, applicable to a broader range of games. Kept as stated I have a lot of the same crticisms Joker does.

4. It obviously doesn't make sense to climb on bosses in every game. But having boss fights that are more contextual (using the environment, for example) and not a matter of clicking a button until their bullet sponge body goes limp is something a lot of games could benefit from.

2. Random generation of traits, no. But having enemies who can survive encounters and reappear throughout a game, evolving as they do (much like the player's character does) might be interesting. We have companions in lots of games, characters on your side with whom you develop a relationship. How about something similar with antagonists?

1. You could extend this to "skill alchemy", so to speak. In other words, combinations of abilities (whether it be perks, spells, whatever) giving them new properties/abilities. As it stands, things the character can do are almost always entirely discrete.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
I was going to post something lengthy, but Joxer pretty much nailed it. I'd say I do enjoy the Nemesis system, but it needs to feel like it belongs to the game and the setting. If it becomes a staple of RPGs it'd soon feel dull.
Applies only to Action melee RPGs, not all RPGs. But perhaps that's the only type the author plays?
Mar 22, 2012
Climbing bosses is definitely fun! The pawn system was fun, too.

Nemesis system was good but it means you need to not show "The End" if the character dies. There's got to be some sort of revival system.

Dual casting is good stuff, too. Dual wielding swords is all over the place, why not spells as well?

Not mentioned: I still love that system Tower of Time showed us. Let me slow down time (or even speed it up) instead of the binary pause-on-space system we see so often.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
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