Genshin Impact - Version 1.5 Trailer

Okay the housing system might be fun, depends on it's overall game impact.
But the rest of the stuff is either a joke (resin ongoing idiocy) or kinda boring and I bet equally unrewarding as 1.4 events.
Apr 12, 2009
The last story 1.4 event was fun IMO, the minigames were good to waste some time.

But players who played from the beginning are reaching max-level now (I have 7 level 90 characters, already) need some new challenges like the abyss.

Or just wait a few month until new story/exploration content is released.
Oct 18, 2006
I bet you mean the quest with the new waterbased boss (never regretted having Kaeya as the main party leader) and the appearance of the twin, yes it was good.

But all 1.4 minigames, not sure which ones, were all plain rubbish. Baloons, disappearing floors and crap with out of sync wasd+ijkl mushrooms emulation, then arena with specific stage bonuses and finally mini oceanid's bubble… For god's sakes.

I've been totally ignoring abyss for months, it's annoying and rewards are what? Gems. LOL
Not caring as long as it's not a character or a prototype as on lower levels (Xiangling on the third floor).

None of my characters is level 90. Deliberately, I don't want to miss the trashmobs XP.
DPS characters (Kaeya, Xiangling, Xinyan) are lv85, while my supports (Barb, Benny, Venti, Zhongli, Noelle, Lisa, Fischl) are all lv80.
I'm currently combining the third team, not decided exactly who's gonna be in it but Mona goes in definetly who I brought to lv70 currently.

No, I still don't have Diluc and honestly if I ever get him, he'll probably get benched as some others I want to have at my disaposal are priority (Razor, Chongyun, Diona) but can't build them due to mats scarcity.

btw my Kaeya is 10/10/10. Did you manage to crown all talents on anyone?
Apr 12, 2009
I don't have used my crowns yet (I have all 5). Kaeya is not in my main party, but I use him everytime when an ice-specialist is needed.

My main damage dealers are Diluc, Noelle, Keqing and Fischl and the main char.

My best supporters / sub-DPS are Kaeya, Bennet, Xingyan.

I have many other chars, but I don't really use them often.

I'm building up Sucrose - to get at least some crowd control (I have no Venti) for Abyss 11.2.
Oct 18, 2006
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