Scarlet Nexus - Review @ Screenrant


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Screenrant reviewed the action RPG Scarlet Nexus:

Scarlet Nexus Review: A Superpowered Action RPG

Scarlet Nexus is an action RPG about a group of psychics battling extradimensional enemies, in a title with a bland story, but great action.

Scarlet Nexus is an action RPG developed and published by Bandai Namco. What Scarlet Nexus lacks in character development and story, it more than makes up for with its excellent combat system, which has some of the best representations of superpowers in modern gaming.

The futuristic world of Scarlet Nexus is home to an unnatural phenomenon called the Extinction Belt, which spits horrific monsters into the world. These monsters are called the Others, and they mindlessly kill all humans they encounter. The only thing protecting mankind from this enemy is the Other Suppression Force (OSF), which is made up of soldiers with psychic powers. The player starts the story by picking one of two new OSF cadets, Yuito Sumeragi or Kasane Randall. They soon become embroiled in a battle to determine the future of humanity, as the sinister origin of the Others is slowly uncovered.


Scarlet Nexus feels like an anime adaptation, but instead of adapting a specific series, it's taking a hodgepodge of tropes and putting them in a blender. The story is almost an afterthought to its thrilling action, which never gets dull. The best superhero games are the ones that actually make the player feel like they are playing as a character from a comic book, and Scarlet Nexus manages to pull this off with style, making it an excellent choice for fans of over-the-top action or anime-style storytelling.

Score: 4/5
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
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