Jagged Alliance 3


An RPGWatch Bot
July 22, 2022
On a Server
Grand Chien, a nation of rich natural resources and deep political divides, is thrown into chaos when the elected president goes missing and a paramilitary force known as "The Legion" seizes control of the countryside. Now, the President's family has pulled together all their resources, including an arrangement with the powerful Adonis corporation, to hire a group of skilled mercenaries tasked with finding the President and bringing order back to the country.

In Jagged Alliance 3, select from a huge cast of mercenaries all with their own unique personalities, quirks, and backstories. Then go out and explore Grand Chien as you meet new people, earn money, grow your team, and ultimately make your own decisions that will decide the country's fate.


  • Engage in rich, tactical turn-based combat
  • Recruit from a large cast of unique mercenaries, including many familiar fan favorites
  • Loot, salvage, and customize an arsenal of weaponry and equipment
  • Choose from a wide array of special perks to customize your mercs as they level up
  • Decide the fate of Grand Chien in an open RPG structure
  • Control territory, train the locals, command multiple parties, and defend against enemy forces in an alive, active world
  • Experience the campaign with friends in online co-op mode
More information.
Jul 22, 2022
On a Server
130 hours later... I really enjoyed the game and is far and away a proper JA2 sequel. Maybe only XCOM1/2 (remakes) have taken more of my time over the last 40 years of gaming.

JA3 is relatively bug-free, but also a bit content-free as well right now. It's a full campaign and fleshed out and all the basics are there, but clearly lacks the weapon selections and other equipment JA games are known for. Mods will bring all of that, along with some weapon-balances, loot distribution redesign, maybe a new merc or two. As always, this will be incredibly replayable.

This would have been my GOTY last year or the year prior, but with BG3, Starfield, Cyberpunk 2.0, Cities Skylines 2, etc, it will be surprising to end in someone's top 3 when votes are collected audience-wide. Sales were decent for the game, so maybe the developers will reverse course and design an expansion or even a sequel at some point. 20 years was too long for this sequel.
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
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