Mass Effect 2 - Interview @ Polygamia


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
BioWare Producer Heather Rabatich chats with Polish site Polygamia about Mass Effect 2. The crossover between shooters and RPGs, the appeal to traditional fans and differences to ME1 are all covered, although there's nothing really new:
What is the main improvement in Mass Effect 2 over Mass Effect 1?
We've made a few key improvements. There is no other game around that has this amount of reality within the digital actors, it's beautiful cinematically, the scenes are set up beautifully, the characters show emotions without speaking. I haven't seen any game like that coming out. We are very proud of how it looks and the response that we are getting.
Thanks, Ausir!
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Who the hell is this chick anyway and why did they let her stop sucking dick to talk?

Sorry to everybody else - I know I shouldn't feed the troll - but since it is so funny:

*You* obviously didn't need to stop sucking in order to post here.
Dec 26, 2007
I don't have a problem with character acting being raised as a big improvement... though it would be nice to see characters done even as well as the Half-Life 2 games (yes with non-verbal emotions and all); I still am not aware of any game that has come close to what Valve accomplished there.
Apr 3, 2007
Hrmpf sorry

Yeah it seems i can't get to play my nice guy-self in this forum, i keep hearing junk like i love bolivion and such. And still my first posts were so educated and amiable, a pity.

Key improvements=hollywood effects
sophisticated gamers=Halo
more accessible=better

While i still think there can be a DEEP and interesting non-linear game that's NOT a classic rpg(an adventure is not an RPG yet sometimes it has non-linear real-time dynamic environs), treating gamers like idiots who get scared at difficulties is just retarded, and it's an idea coming from a person who doesn't give a damn about interaction and videogaming, and not respecting these as culture and art at all, she just aims for fat cash exploiting the dumb mass, and she's even using easy marketing-planned adulation words as bait for us DUMB fish. In other words she surely sees us nomore than apes that give cash and get the banana. I know because my degree was half psychology(hypocrisy especially)

So the problem certainly is not how those gents handle ME2 combat, they can do it halo, they can do it gauntlet or even Gals Panic, it's not important, the important thing is that the ACCESSIBILITY this girl talks about refers to Bioware's obligation to CUT hypothetical puzzles and brain challenges that go beyond the material "game play", because we're too stupid to like 'em.
Last edited:
Jun 14, 2009
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