Cyclopean: The Great Abyss - Update


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Cyclopean: The Great Abyss got an update:

Testing Branch Updated to Version 0.9.84 (Hi Resolution Test)

Big things underway....
Okay this is still in the initial phases and I am not ready to subject everyone to what is happening here. However, I think it's a major change that may effect the way the game works.

A lot of people complained about the mouse being stuck in the game window. I understand this, it can be frustrating. Add to that, the fact that I had to slow down the mouse because I was scaling the game window, it made many other problems. The reason I did this was to preserve the "pixel perfect" nature of this low resolution game. I really think it adds to the charm of it.

But I also hear you. I get that not everyone may care about this aspect of the game as much as I do. So I am trying a new system. This one does not scale the game window, it just scales the menus and fonts so they fit into the game window. The major difference is visible when you are moving, especially inside the dungeons.

The benefit is that I no longer have to lock the mouse pointer in the game window and there is no longer any need to slow it down. You can drag the mouse right over the game window and out the other side, and nothing will stop you! The negative side is that the game is no longer pixel perfect ... something I will cry about at night when I am alone.

Thanks Couchpotato!

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
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