Ebony Spire: Heresy


An RPGWatch Bot
July 22, 2022
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Ebony Spire: Heresy is a love letter to dungeon crawlers of old with a twist: It's been signed with the blood of many roguelike games that have been experienced by the writer. Crawl, throw, summon and smash your way through 25 levels of pure mishap in this first person turn based dungeon crawling game. Experience a back-to-the-basics computer role playing game where items play a central role. Pick up, throw, use, equip and drink your way up the tower to slay the fervent goddess.

Items range from equippable swords and armors to drinkable potions and artifacts that can summon, teleport or annihilate your enemies. Trinkets can be wield to increase your stats and everything can be thrown around to trigger their effects or just crush your opponents underneath their weight.


  • All items can be used by and against the player. Enemies have access to the same abilities as you do
  • Character development revolves around the items that can be obtained. There are no classic stats or XP grinding
  • Turn-based combat in a very roguelike fashion
  • Portals that will lead you outside the tower for a quick item hunting session: Cities, Harbors, Dungeons and Arenas can be explored
Make the game your own

The source code for the game is available under the MIT license. Feel free to use it to create your own adventure. And since the code is easily accessible you can mod it, add items, enemies and levels to your hearts content.

More information.
Jul 22, 2022
On a Server
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