Icewind Dale: EE - New Updates


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
KaosWarMonk spotted some updates for the Icwind Dale EE:

Icwind Dale EE - Updates

Take heart, fellow travelers! We're sending aid to the northernmost reaches of the Forgotten Realms to sustain you in your quests through the harsh and unforgiving territories of Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition! The update for IWD:EE provides adventurers with features and fixes to light the way as you trek to the deepest recesses of the frozen tundra.

Read on for the full patch notes.


  • Area of Effect spell markers are now available as a prototype.
  • Players can toggle this option on or off by adding SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Show AOE','1') to their Icewind Dale Baldur.lua
  • The Lance of Disruption spell projectile is now distinguishable from Alicorn Lance.

  • If a party member is dead the game should not crash after captive villagers leave.
  • In Trials of the Luremaster, the Magic Mouth should open if the required skulls have been obtained.
  • In the Heart of Winter, it should be possible to enter the boathouse in Lonelywood.
  • In multiplayer, games should not crash while on the arbitration screen.
  • It should be possible to sell a quantity greater than one of rings or similar equipment from a container.
  • The iOS Export Character UI should use the Icewind Dale Character Extension.
  • In the iOS multiplayer, a player’s party members dying should not cause the other player’s game to hang.
  • You should not be able to dual-class if the requirements are not met.
  • Restoring the Elven Shrine quest should show as a completed quest when finished.
  • Result of single combat with Presio should not be said by party leader.
  • Color choices sliders should not lag when dragged.
  • In the iOS multiplayer, the title should not become unresponsive and crash when starting the dictation mode while entering a password protected session.
  • The ranger spell version of Minor Spell Deflection should use icons from wizard spell of the same name.

  • New Priest of Tempus dialogue should not play in English for languages with localized audio.
  • In the Italian voiceover, Attack Sound 3 of the “Female Mage 4” soundset should match its text.
  • Italian voiceover should not be missing for Heart of Winter player soundsets.
  • Turkish text should not be different if the party leader is female.
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Baldurs Gate EE also got updated to v2.5 with a pretty huge list of 'stuff'

A fair wind favors the Sword Coast today as the 2.5 update arrives in Baldur’s Gate! After weeks of waiting on becalmed seas, our swashbuckling team of developers have released a patch filled with features and fixes. Beyond the city gates, adventurers will find enhancements to the Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition expansion, Siege of Dragonspear!

Read on for the full details.

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition


[iOS] [Multiplayer] [Regression] Multiplayer chat should show a message when a player leaves
[Android] Mod archives created with centralfix don't work properly (partial content only)
[Uniforms] Members of the Flaming Fist in the Baldur's Gate campaign should wear consistent uniforms
Allow players to use the Priest of Tempus kit
Branwen should interject when confronting Tranzig in Beregost
Eldoth's special ability should create one stack of five arrows
It should be possible to accept Thalantyr's quest to help Melicamp if you initially decline.
Jaheira should recognize Seniyad during the encounter with Aldeth.
Kivan should interject when you encounter Tazok at the bandit camp
Make 3 new portraits from "The Road to v2.0 Reward" official to the base game of BG:EE
Oublek should not refer to you as his "fine and honest friend" if you did not decline Greywolf's reward
Shoal the Nereid should not kill Player1
Tazok should have a appropriate response if Kivan is in your party.
There should be a conclusion to the vial of mysterious liquid found in the Nashkel Mines
There should be a way to avoid Neera's initial encounter
There should be some visible indication of Marek's poisoning. Player1 should only be poisoned
Yeslick should confront Rieltar in the Candlekeep Library
You should be able to finish Kagain's caravan quest
You should be able to interact with Entar at his estate in NW Baldur's Gate
You should not receive Coran's quest to kill the Wyvern if you have done so already
Alter PST dialog selection button to match BGEE UI style
Brought over PST dialogue selection button
Replaced old sword and shield logo
It should be possible to skip all major cutscenes in BG:EE
Updated Bala's Axe description text (strref 21957)


"A Ring for a Lady" should not be removed from the journal when it is completed
"Time spent with party" should be cumulative throughout the game
(BGEE) Legacy of Bhaal mode should not result in more than one guard interrupting a rest
(BGEE) Spell descriptions should be accurate about targeting only allies/enemies
[2.4!] [iOS][Regression] Item descriptions should be available from the Store interface
[Achievement] [Steam] Lord of Murder achievement should be available when SoD is not installed
[Android] Description box on the temple Donate screen should allow tap and drag scrolling
[Android] Dragging on the colour slider should not stop the music
[Android] Movies should not appear in only one small part of the screen
[Android] Paladin Lay on Hands icon should not be missing
[Android] The buttons to restore the left and side panels should not be invisible
[AR0108] Killing Sarevok In Ducal Palace Soft Locks the Game (No Progression).
[AR0502] Tourists should not live through Demon Knight's Attacks on Bhaal Mode.
[AR1401] Combat Music should Stop Playing after Combat
[AR4300] Colquetle's Family Amulet should not be missing after leaving area for a while
[BGEE]Shapeshift abilities "Magic Item" animal paw icons should not be dispelled
[BP] Melee characters should not show fists equipped on the Game screen
[Character Creation] Import does not include a Shaman Pregen Character like BG:SoD Does.
[Console] Remove areas that are not usable from the console list
[Dorn] You should not have two active Dorn Il-Khan quests in the journal after ambush scene
[French] French description text should not be cut off
[German] First dream narration should not repeat the last line at the beginning of the narration
 [Multiplayer] Player permissions should work as intended
    [iOS] [Multiplayer] 'Ready to play' box should automatically untick when a new player is assigned to a slot
    [iOS] [Multiplayer] [Code] Player characters should be assignable when there is an empty player slot between the host and the client
    [iOS] [Multiplayer] A user with no Player Name should not be able join a multiplayer session
    [iOS] [Multiplayer] Game type column should not be blank
    [iOS] [Multiplayer] Host should be able to start the game regardless of character organization
    [iOS] [Multiplayer] Najim should not appear in the middle of the Arena during battles
    [iOS] [Multiplayer] Tapping on the multiplayer chat should not create a waypoint for the controlled character
    [iOS] [Multiplayer] The Host should not disconnect from a multiplayer session once completed or defeated in combat in the Black Pits
    [iOS] [Multiplayer] X button should close the player permissions window on client iPad devices
    [iOS] Black Pits saves should be exported with the correct file extension
    [iOS] Camera should not move on its own at the start of The Black Pits
    [iOS] Message box for being unable to save and associated interactive button graphics should not be cut off
    [iOS] Selection icon should use consistent on and off states
    [iOS] Tapping on the Area Map UI should not move the area selection cursor
    [iOS] User should not be able to access the Customization screen of other player's characters
    [iOS][Language UI] Text References to Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear should not appear within the Baldur's Gate:EE UI
    [Journal] "Joseph's Wife" quest should not disappear after completing.
    [Journal] "Khalid and Jaheira" and "Xzar and Montaron" quest entries should not be removed upon finishing
    [Journal] "Kivan and Tazok" journal entry should appear in journal
    [Journal] "Prisoner of the Gnolls" quest should not be added to the journal if Dynaheir has been rescued already
    [Journal] "Troubles in the Region" should not Disappear after talking with Mayor after Mines
    [Journal] "Tutorial" quest in journal during tutorial should show the entry
    [Journal] A Hidden Base in the Cloakwood quest should not be given after chapter 4 ends
    [Journal] An Offer from Taerom Quest should have quest text.
    [Journal] Chapter 2's "Important Events" Should not be left open upon reaching Chapter 3
    [Journal] Chapter 2's "Investigate Nashkiel Mines" Quest Should not be left open upon reaching Chapter 3
    [Journal] Chapter 2's "Troubles in the Region" should be closed by starting Chapter 3
    [Journal] Chapter 5 "important Events" should not be left open upon entering chapter 6
    [Journal] Completing "Kylee's Dagger" Quest should add all Popup entries to journal.
    [Journal] Dorn Il'Khan - A Blackguard's Revenge Quest should close
    [Journal] Entries in Journal should properly disappear without having to Save/Reload
    [Journal] Entry about ogres and madmen should not be missing in the journal
    [Journal] Entry for Neera's romance should be added to the journal
    [Journal] Entry for Neera's romance should be added to the journal
    [Journal] Firebead's Scroll Quest should Update after speaking with Tethtoril
    [Journal] Important events should never be marked as "finished"
    [Journal] Journal entries should be correct if you trigger chapter two by going to the Carnival instead of Nashkel
    [Journal] Journal Entries should not "disappear" from journal upon completion and then appear after save/reload.
    [Journal] Journal entry after Dorn is kicked out of party should be added to the journal
    [Journal] Prolog Quest "Important Events" Should Behave like other Prolog Quests
    [Journal] Quest "Poe's Tale of Firewine" should close if conditions are met.
    [Journal] Quest for Khalid & Jaheira wishing to travel to Nashkel should not be permanently open if they are recruited in chapter two
    [Journal] Quest for Montaron & Xzar wishing to travel to Nashkel should not be permanently open if they are recruited in chapter two
    [Journal] Re-work "Troubles in the Region" Quest in BG:EE to be Journal Entries instead of Quest.
    [Journal] Tazok and The Bandits Header should not be "Tandem in Extremis"
    [Journal] Xvart Raids Quest should show in Journal
    [Load Saved Game] Halen's Portrait should not be out of place in the "Prologue Start" saved game.
    [Multiplayer] Client camera should not show the same area of every map whenever the game is loaded
    [Multiplayer] Creatures should not spawn outside of Davaeorn's room
    [Multiplayer] Customize UI should not break if another player enters dialogue
    [Multiplayer] Double clicking to load a save should not disable selection actions in the Character Arbitration screen
    [Multiplayer] Gamaz should not lose his lines if the game is reloaded
    [Multiplayer] Imoen should not fail to join the party after Gorion's death
    [Multiplayer] Players should be transported back to the hub after battle 12 in the Black Pits campaign
    [Multiplayer] Selected Client-controlled characters shouldn't teleport in Gullykin when host-controlled characters go out of the buildings
    [Multiplayer] Skipping Gorion's death should not see client characters left near Gorion
    [Non-English] String 0 should be blank
    [Rasaad] Sorrem should teleport with the party
    [Rasaad] You should get an entry in the journal after recruiting Rasaad
    [SoD iOS] Exporting Saved Game from SoD back to BG1 (Possible) Causes BG1 to Crash upon Load
    [Tablets] Host should have control over disconnect characters after a time out
    [Tablets] Host should receive messages about disconnections
    [Tablets] The tutorial should not get stuck after dealing damage to the combat instructor
    [TBP] The correct title screen should show after party death
    [Windows]  Doom Guards in Degrodel's Mansion should deal additional fire damage, not slashing
    A commoner in Baldur's Gate should not talk as if in Beregost.
    Abilities should have description icons
    Additional VO should play in French
    Advanced AI should select new targets when the initial target disappears
    Aldeth Sashenstar's betrayal shouldn't bring PC in front of Angelo if PC was already brought in front of Angelo (before revealing Sarevok in the Palace)
    Arcane Conjure Air Elemental Spell should not produce incorrect summons
    Area art of Adoy's Enclave exterior should not shift between day and night
    Asp's Nest +1 poison ability description should include the saving throw
    Avenger druid baby wyvern should be able to poison with its attack.
    Baeloth should behave correctly at 19+ reputation.
    Baeloth should not repeat the same dialogue twice.
    Bala's Axe Dispel Magic properties should be listed correctly
    Bala's Axe, AX1H07, should match the description
    Bard song range should affect party members to at least a visual range
    Bard song should remove panic visualisation
    Bartender in the Helm and Cloak should open his store for low rep/chr players.
    Battle Axe +3 from the Enchanted Weapon spell should have the correct range
    Beamdog logo should not be out of date on tablets
    Belt during the tutorial should not skip a section about the world map
    Blindness on Flaming Fist Mercenaries South of Beregost
    Blink Dogs should not be doing nonlethal damage
    Bottle of Wine shouldn't be dropped to the ground in Durlag's Tower
    Bounty Hunter should display Set Traps skill bonus on the Skills screen during character creation
    Bounty Hunter's special snares should be throwable
    Branwen should correctly initiate dialog with Gamaz
    Branwen should not turn back to stone after leaving the area
    Branwen's name should not be displayed as "Statue" after she is rescued
    Brief Description for Monk Class and Kits should be correct
    Bucklers should have the correct strength requirement
    Burning Hands spell icon should not have a black border
    CADER09.WAV should play correctly
    Camera should follow Garrick and the Protagonist as they walk over to Silke
    Cancel button on Quit Game dialogue should always work
    Candlekeep Inn rumours should be added to the journal
    Captive Audience harp should dominate targets when they fail their save
    Certain scrolls should be named "Letter"
    Chapter 4 should not fail to trigger
    Character portraits should appear correctly on save files
    Characters should only level up when they have sufficient experience to do so
    Charming halfling enforcers should display their charmed dialogue
    Charming the Flaming Fist Mercenary during Narlen's First Test should not cause you to fail the quest
    Chat messages should not appear twice in the dialog box
    Clicking on an identified Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity should not hang the game
    Combat music should not end before the Gorion ambush is over
    Commoner near Rasaad should not have nothing to say to you when talked to.
    COMPS01.item (NPC undroppable Bastard Sword) can break from Iron Crisis but inventory weapon still drops
    Containers in shops should not be greyed out
    Creatures without a name should not show corrupted text when they make a sound
    Custom party members that have been kicked out of the party should be able to rejoin
    Dart of Fire +1, Dart of Ice +1, and Dart of Acid +1 should look different than Dart +1
    Descriptions for Protection From Evil should match the spells
    Dialogue between Rasaad and Gamaz in OH3100 should be correct
    Dialogue with Female Commoner should not give NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS
    Diggers in archaeological site should not have their dialogues exhausted
    DisplayStringHeadDead() should function correctly.
    Done button should not be misplaced on the Character Information screen
    Doors in Gullykin should not shift when you open and close them
    Dorn should retain his level, health total and equipment if kicked out of the party
    Dorn should talk about the death of Kryll even if he was killed before her
    Dorn's journal should not mention "going to Nashkel mines" if you have already been.
    Dragon Disciple constitution should be correct on import
    Drinking a Vial of Mysterious Liquid should indicate constitution has been permanently reduced
    Drizzt should attack on Legacy of Bhaal difficulty
    During Dorn's initial ambush cutscene player characters should not appear at the center of the area
    Edwin should not speak to you about payment If Dynaheir dies for any reason.
    Edwin should target both Minsc and Dynaheir when they come to blows.
    Elven Chain Mail should have the correct unidentified name
    Empty spaces should not be shown when opening container with full inventory
    Enemy Mages should not cast spells while under the effect of Horror
    Export of character should be successful when overwriting an existing character file
    Feldepost Inn Cook's dialogue should appear in a regular full chat window instead only appearing in the small combat log window
    Fireball should not display two lines of damage feedback on failed saves
    Fist icon should not be larger than the item slot
    Game should end if Aec'Letec's Death Gaze turns Charname into a ghast
    Game should not crash during or after Alt / Tab
    Game should not freeze when starting the first combat of Black Pits Tier 3
    Garrick should always have a biography
    Garrick should attack automatically with Advanced AI
    Garrick should not get 750 extra XP and two spells when main PC reaches 2000 XP
    Geltik and Malkax should leave with Zargal when party surrenders and gives up all gold
    Greenstone Amulet removes Kiel's helmet's protection for morale failure.
    Health bars over creature avatars should always appear during combat
    Hold' status effect from Aec'Letec attack should not be called 'Paralyze' in combat log
    Husam should leave after talking to him for the first time
    Importing a character should not remove that characters class description when importing further characters
    Importing same character file into party should not make class synopsis disappear
    Infravision should not trigger in daylight and houses
    Inventory ground scrollbar should be present and have a slider
    Investigating the Merchant's League quest should not fail to complete
    Investigating the Nashkel Mines quest should not re-open if you speak to a miner after killing Mulahey
    Items such as Goodberry should not show two charge numbers
    Jaheira should not be missing her voice-overs in the tutorial
    Journal entries about Nashkel mines should not be given in chapter 3 or later
    Journal entry about ogres and madmen should only be given once
    Journal entry for rescuing Neera should be posted to the journal
    Journal entry should be erased when returning to Joseph's wife
    Journal entry should not be given until Brage has been killed
    Kent should give the correct journal
    Killing Silke shouldn't prevent Garrick from speaking to you
    Kivan and Edwin should correctly interject when Dorn speaks
    Landrin's Possessions journal entry should not remain open once completed
    Letter that triggers Chapter 4 transition should not disappear if dropped on the ground
    Listed area of effect for items and spells should be correct
    Loading a save should not produce a double click action
    Max HP should not be enabled by default
    Mayor of Nashkel should recognize that you have cleared the mines.
    Mendas should pay an increased reward if he has mentioned doing so
    Minor Spell Sequencer should have the correct description and description icon
    Minsc and Edwin should not give the quest to save Dynaheir if you have already saved her.
    Minsc should interject correctly during Dorn's first romance talk
    Minsc should leave with Dynaheir after fighting Dorn.
    Modifiers from equipped items should not affect base THAC0 on Record Information screen
    Multi-class characters should not use the bio of their first-listed class.
    Nahal's Reckless Dweomer should not work with sequencers
    Narlen should give the correct journal entry
    Neera should interject correctly during Dorn's second romance talk
    Neera should not be able to die in the first encounter in Beregost
    Neera should not respond incorrectly
    Neera should not respond incorrectly during her second romance talk
    Neera should retain her level, equipment and spells if kicked out of the party
    Number of inventory slots in loot window should not be higher than actual number of inventory slots
    Only items which provide fire AND cold resistance should use the Resist Fire/Cold portrait icon
    Osmadi should not create himself if you speak to him while he is charmed.
    Party members should not turn on each other during combat
    Periapt of Proof Against Poison should grant immunity to poison
    Phase spiders summoned by Spider Spawn should not randomly teleport to the party
    Picking up a potion should not trigger a THAC0 change in the inventory screen
    Pixie Dust's description should be accurate
    Players should be selected and can move after exiting "group combat tutorial"
    Priest of Tempus content should be translated
    Priest of Tyr and Tempus should not show as unkitted clerics on the Record and Inventory screens
    Priest of Tyr, Exaltation should remove and prevent intoxication
    Prism's emeralds should be placed in each eye in the statue he created.
    Rasaad should mention Sorrem's location even if Viconia isn't in the party.
    Rasaad should not respond with a player response
    Rasaad should respond correctly
    Rasaad's dialogue after meeting brother should fire
    Record Screens in Turkish, Russian, Hungarian and Ukranian should show full information
    Rededge should accompany Narlen during his thief quests.
    Reevor should say a voiced "By Moradin's hammer" if you speak to him after his quest has ended
    Reputation checks of familiars should be consistent with reputation checks of party members (BG1)
    Safana should interject correctly during Dorn's second romance talk
    Scar should appear outside the FF Barracks even if you don't speak to him on the bridge.
    Selecting a non-English language should result in the game using that language in the games menus
    Selling a stack of more than 20 gems should not reduce the selected quantity to 20
    Shaman should not indicate boredom during dance
    Shapeshifter werewolf should use correct weapon icon
    Soultaker Dagger should be marked as plot critical
    Sparring dummies should not move when bumped
    Spells in the spell page list should be selectable after switching page
    Spirit Form should have the correct name and description
    Story Mode should apply to NPCs even with Party AI off
    Story mode should not toggle portrait icons repeatedly while active
    Strings that are not yet translated into other languages should show untranslated English text, not "placeholder"
    Talking with Commoners near Rasaad should play audio cues
    The Archer's Called Shot ability should have the correct description icon
    The Avenger Druid's Baby Wyvern form should match its description
    The bear cage door should function correctly in OH2000
    The button for installed DLC should say INSTALLED instead of INSTALLED BUTTON
    The camera should follow Gorion and charname at the start of the ambush cutscene
    The Dispel Magic effect of Bala's Axe, AX1H07, should not be drained when found
    The donation amount should be correctly aligned on the temple donation screen
    The Fishermen and the Priestess quest journal entry should not assume the fishermen have been encountered
    The Friend of Volo achievement should unlock
    The game shouldn't crash in MP
    The guards should not wake you up when resting outside of Candlekeep
    The item Gong Mallet should have a more accurate ground item.
    The Kneecapper +1 description should not state incorrect speed factor
    The save buttons should not be cut off
    The storekeep in Nashkel should not trigger a journal entry each time the party delivers a winter wolf pelt
    The Tale of Captain Brage quest should not remain open if he is returned to the temple
    There should be a default party when a new Black Pits game is started
    There should not be a console error when un-memorizing mage spell
    THUNDER3.WAV should not be corrupt and crash the game
    Tomes of Wisdom in Durlags Tower should be consistent with other tomes
    Translation credits for Hungarian, Russian and Ukrainian should show full information when the language is set to Turkish
    Trap spells should go off instantly when they are approached.
    Turning off story mode should not give the "Godlike" achievement
    Varci should not block the area script after his timer expires
    Vultures should not produce invalid strings when string references are enabled
    Wand of Cloudkill description should state the correct saving throw type and penalty
    Yeslick should not start dialogue with you after he leaves the party due to Dorn joining.
    You should be able to tell Safana that you already cleared the cave when you first meet her.
    You should not be able to leave the Dual Class proficiency screen until proficiency points are all spent
    Zombies should use their creature weapons, not their nonlethal fists
    Zoom should work after defeating Sarevok at the Coronation

Siege of Dragonspear

    "Important Events" is a vague quest title
    (ITEM) Implement Mizhena's reward item: Blazing Glory +3 (BDBLUN09)
    [Android] Back button should consistently behave as Google expects it to
    [Bridgefort] The fire elemental that was supposed to trigger the explosive barrels instead attacked me, but the barrels still blew up.
    [Cyric temple] Some monsters spawned when I rested in the Cyric Temple, but they spawned inside of some cages.
    [Focus Test] There should be a Tutorial popup when the first new game is started on tablet
    [iOS] Red diamond icon should not be blurry on higher resolution tablets
    [SOD] update achievement script to use proficiency instead of checkstat for the grandmastery achievement
    [Tablet] Portuguese language should be available on Android and iOS
    Allow players to use the Priest of Tempus kit
    Blazing Glory +3 should have unique inventory and description icons
    Bring over PST dialogue selection button
    Bring over PST side bar and re-color to match SoD scheme
    Corwin, Glint, M'Khiin and Voghiln should return to the camp if they leave party due to bad reputation
    Implement the new Mizhena sequences
    iOS 11 should be the min spec for Apple devices
    Item name should appear when the party receives an item
    Mizhena plot needs journal entries
    Mizhena's Amulet should have unique inventory and description icons
    NPCs should be included in new games begun with 2 PCs
    Remove unused VO
    Shaman spells and kit description should use BGEE strrefs
    There should be a popup with clear instructions on how to import a BG:EE game when the Import button is used


    (AI) Enemies shouldn't chase indefinitely after Player1 if they don't see any targets
    (AI) Enemy archers shouldn't flee indefinitely from melee range
    (Area) BD7230 - Rest interrupt should work as intended
    (ASC defense) Allied squad leaders shouldn't be immortal during the last battle phase
    (MDD1731) It shouldn't be possible to skip the revelation that Imoen didn't plan Charname's escape by selecting specific dialog paths
    (SDD318) The option to tell Shapur that player has already met the teens should not be missing
    [All] Journal UI should not be visible during dream sequences
    [All] Multiplayer chat should not prevent user from opening the World Map
    [All] The 'Edit Character' button should function for the Client after opening the Character Arbitration screen during gameplay
    [All] The 'Initiate Dialogue' permission should function as intended when speaking to vendors
    [All] The 'View Other Character Records' permission should function as intended
    [All] The item inspection screen should be dismissed properly during a story event
    [All][Quick Loot] Quick loot button should not change its activation status after holding it for few seconds
    [Android] 'Choose Amount' popup should not close when double tapping an item near the 'Cancel' button area
    [Android] Framerate should not drop during the combat against 'Belhifet' on the Galaxy Tab S2
    [Android] Google Play store should not request permission for in-app purchases
    [Android] Imoen Assassination Cutscene should focus on Imoen
    [Android] Keyboard does not close automatically after saving the game
    [Android] The Color Choice bar should be responsive to dragging motions
    [Android] The onscreen keyboard should close when it is no longer using 'Multiplayer Chat' or 'Journal'
    [Android] The title should not become stuck on a black screen when suspending it
    [Android] The title should not experience performance issues whenever a Pixel C is part of a lobby
    [Android] The title should not have a low frame rate on the Galaxy Tab S2
    [Android] There should not be random door icons in locations where there are no doors
    [Android] Title should not crash when the user presses the ?Character Arbitration? button while switching maps or saving
    [Android] Trap icons should not be visible before they have been detected
    [Android]- The menu UI should not be overlapping when pressing the back button on the device while watching the credits
    [Android][iOS] Characters should not frequently clip through a door when standing between other characters and the door
    [Android][iOS] Help popup should not appear above Imoen's dialogue in multiplayer
    [Android][iOS] The cursor location and label text should not overlap on the world map
    [Audio] VO and corresponding text appearing on screen should be in sync during Chapter Seven intro
    [BD0102] Sprite should be covered when standing in archway
    [Focus Test] Chapter text should not appear then disappear then start scrolling after the Prologue
    [Focus Test] Long tapping on items in the Quick Bar should open their description
    [Focus Test] NPC names should not be present on the black screen after the prologue when Highlight Objects is turned on
    [Focus Test][Android] Holding down the plus/minus buttons should not stop assigning points
    [GDD100] Glint should not reply to Voghiln unless he is in the party
    [GDD100] Glint should reply to Voghiln's "personal safety" line (stringref 67691)
    [Hungarian] - Letters should not be missing from the SoD font
    [iOS Options UI] Changes to Description should show when highlighting a new option within a scrollable option's area.
    [iOS] [Android] [MP] Modifying character inventory should not erroneously trigger the "wizard spells have been disabled" flag
    [iOS] [Android] [Multiplayer] 'Time played' displayed in the multiplayer lobby should match the time played in-game
    [iOS] [Android] [Multiplayer] Client device should not crash when the host attempts to reload
    [iOS] [Android] [SDD201b] The lever used to kill the imprisoned crusaders should be labelled
    [iOS] [Android] Combat AI should not be disabled whenever the host opens the 'Character Record' menu
    [iOS] [Android] Hosts should not be able to bypass the lock on reassigning characters during combat using drag-n-drop
    [iOS] [Android] Scrolling the dialogue box should not scroll the background
    [iOS] [Android] Slider handle should not appear outside of slider bar in Appearance section when creating a Half-Orc character
    [iOS] [Android] The onscreen keyboard should not pop back up when attempting to close it when entering a password for a multiplayer lobby
    [iOS] [Android] The Wraith should be visible to all players when using the team's Mage to dispel the stone's effects in Bridgefort
    [iOS] [UI] UI should properly fit on screen of the iPhone X
    [iOS] A placeholder should not be displayed in the main menu
    [iOS] Dungeons & Dragons text should display crisply
    [iOS] Exporting a save mid-game should allow that save to be re-imported to continue the game
    [iOS] Host should not crash when client loots the 'Sacks of Grain' from the crate without a lid in 'Underground River'
    [iOS] Introduction video should play when launching the title
    [iOS] Opening the Map screen should not close the app
    [iOS] SoD should be able to import BG:EE saves
    [iOS] The map should stop scrolling after there is no touch screen input on the iPhone X
    [iOS] The title should not crash after removing a character from a full party
    [iOS] The title should not crash for host after specific dialogue choices with Jegg at Bridgefort
    [iOS] The title should not crash when opening a container while purchasing from a vendor
    [iOS] The title should not crash when turning off the device screen of host device
    [iOS][Android][Multiplayer] Title should not crash for the Host when opening the Character Arbitration sheet after a quick save is completed
    [iOS][Android][UI] Quick bar should not overlap with the dialogue box
    [iOS][Android][UI] UI overlay should not disappear when identifying an item and saving the game simultaneously
    [iOS][Options UI] Options->Sound should not Open "Movies" and "Movies" should have an effect.
    [Localization] Strref number for items and the NPC named "Belt" should be different
    [Long Tap to Save Feature - iOS] Long Tap to Save in Standalone SOD Build should not be using .bg1save extension.
    [MDD201] Jaheira should be visible in dialogue
    [MDD531] Dead Crusader Scouts should not block pathfinding
    [Mizhena Dialog - SDD303J/K] Return of Mizhena's Amulet should be possible after triggered camp battle
    [Mizhena Dialog - SDD303n] Killing Mizhena's Father Should be a more Fleshed Out Option
    [MP] [PC] Hiding the UI prior to entering active dialogue should not disable reactivation of the UI
    [Multiplayer] [Android] [iOS] Title should not crash for one or all players at random intervals within Bridgefort
    [Multiplayer] [iOS] [Android] Scripted dialogues should not repeatedly trigger if clients are in proximity when the host is occupied
    [Multiplayer] [iOS] [Android] The title should not crash when loading into the 'Dragonspear Castle Basement'
    [Multiplayer] Characters should not treat previously accessible ground areas as blocked after a save is made
    [Multiplayer] Client should not crash with specific pre-gen characters when the host starts the game
    [Multiplayer] Clients should see spirits shown by the Spectacles of Spectacle as ghostly figures consistently
    [Multiplayer] Clients' cutscene should match the Host's cutscene during the 'Coldheart Lich's' resurrection
    [Multiplayer] Dialogue should only show when players are on the main game screen
    [Multiplayer] Different games should not be able to see each other's sessions in multiplayer
    [Multiplayer] Game should not crash when the Warrens elevator is used
    [Multiplayer] Permissions should work correctly for the 'Character Arbitration' menu
    [Multiplayer] Players should not be able to block progression by deleting characters with quest items
    [Multiplayer] There should only be one 'Duke Belt' waiting to send the player off as they leave the 'Ducal Palace'
    [Multiplayer] Wraith should not attack until Bridgefort defences are down
    [Multiplayer][Android][iOS] Texts should not show twice in game chat when typing multiplayer chat
    [Options UI] Options->Credits->Done should take you back to the Options menu, not to the game menu.
    [PC] - Game should not crash when fighting multiple enemies in Dragonspear castle.
    [PC] 'Waiting for Other Players' screen UI should be properly aligned
    [PC] [iOS] The camera should center on Coldhearth during the lich reveal cutscene
    [PC] [Multiplayer] The host should not crash after being idle for a short period of time
    [PC] A fresh install of the title prompts the player to select invalid game modes
    [PC] Exiting the 'Inventory' menu should not toggle the 'Reveal Details' view
    [PC] Option to pre-generate a player character should be present
    [PC] Player characters should not attack each other during combat
    [PC] Steam Cloud functionality should not be present when title is launched from the beamdog launcher
    [PC] The title should not be become stuck when attempting to join a session while refreshing the Join Game screen
    [PC] User is should be able to Quick Save the game
    [Retail Build, Standalone Build] Game should not crash upon importing a saved game.
    [SDD215ba/SDD215bb] Hoach Randymonk journal entry should be removed from Quests when the Boots of Speed have been repaired
    [SDD215ce] You should not get a journal entry about Daggerford soldiers if you never talked to them
    [SDD215cf] Daggerford soldiers should not ask you to kill Pritchard if you have already finished the quest
    [SDD220] Beetles should spawn if huge spider corpse has disappeared
    [SDD221, M'Khiin] Journal entry about goblin loot should close once it is found
    [SDD223c] Journal Entry 50750 should not be empty when Khalid refuses to pay you for the Aquamarine.
    [SDD303f] You should get a reward for returning Mizhena's Amulet
    [SDD303l] Mizhena should not get herself killed by attacking the gate at Dragonspear Castle
    [SDD303n] You should get a finished quest in the journal if you free Mizhena's father after her death
    [SDD303o] Response should not be missing in dialogue with Mizhena
    [SDD303o] The quest Mizhena's Amulet should close when you return the amulet at Dragonspear Castle
    [SDD330b] BeenInParty()-trigger should work when talking to Julann and Rigah
    [SDD330f] Dynaheir should not say that a male charname is a woman
    [SDDD12a/b/c] You should get journal entries after using the scrying pool
    [SoD] You should not be able to hear pre-release voice-overs when the language is not English
    [Story Mode] Story Mode should apply to NPCs as well as CHARNAME.
    [Tablet] Language screen should not reference Baldur's Gate or have incorrect information about SoD
    [TBP] Text should not scroll over background graphics on the Black Pits epilogue screen
    [UI] "Continue" and "End Dialogue" buttons should not be visible to client during a multiplayer game
    [UI] Mizhena's Amulet quest journal prompt should be free of typos
    [UI] Multiplayer lobbies should not disappear after inputting the wrong password
    [UI] Slider elements should be scaled correctly
    [VO] Duke Eltan's VO should match with the text appearing in the dialogue box when speaking to in Ducal Palace
    10 HP should not show as 0 HP on tooltip
    6th party member should not get stuck when leaving Bridgefort
    Add blood stains to BD5000
    Alora and Ajantis should not have their lines crossed in the opening dungeon
    Ancient menhirs should not open more than one dialogue when activated
    Arbinge should say the correct line if talked to after fight in ogre camp
    Area list in console should show base game areas and not SoD areas when playing the BG1 campaign
    Armor description text should not overlap border
    Blank entries on inventory screen seem broken
    Bridgefort's drawbridge opening cutscene shouldn't disable zoom
    Buttons on the options screen should not be cut off
    Casting Find Familiar should not crash the game
    Chaos of Battle should give bonuses to allies in its radius and penalties to enemies in its radius
    Character Creation - Specialist's Mage Book should prevent you from selecting only non-specialist spells
    Character wearing Dragonscale Armor should not get killed by Cloudkill
    Choosing "Priest of Tyr" subclass should not block character creation
    Corwin should start a dialogue and not keep stopping
    Corwin's line regarding Skie should make sense
    Critical Hit Effects opcode should not bypass Protection from Weapon Type opcode
    Damage breakdown should be correct when equipping "Legacy of the Masters"
    DisplayStringHeadDead() should function correctly.
    Dragon Disciple constitution should be correct on import
    Effects with save for half damage should not display two lines of damage feedback on failed saves
    Elements' Fury +2 description should state correct weight
    Elven Chain Mail should have the correct unidentified name
    Enemy AI shouldn't cast spells when panicked
    Examined items on the quick bar should not show "Drink Potion" if the item isn't a potion
    Exported characters should not start a new game with no equipment
    Flaming Fist Enforcers should not attack Corwin after the Player Characters attack her
    Game should not crash when AOE spells are cast
    Game should not crash when starting the SoD campaign with a Sorcerer or Shaman
    Gnome Illusionists should not have <SCHOOLTOKEN> in their Specialist Mage spell selection warning
    Help Popup should not appear behind Imoen's first dialogue box
    Help popup text should be free of broken characters and symbols
    Help popup texts should be free of typos
    Implement the new art for BD5000
    Importing a character should not remove that characters class description when importing further characters
    Inn Rest at Thaird's should not cause a CTD
    It should be possible to bind the Quickloot button to a hotkey
    It should not be possible to unpause the game while in the Reform Party window
    Item "Circlet of Lost Souls" should have an accurate description
    Items such as Goodberry should not show two charge numbers
    Key bindings in the Assign Keys menu should not have incorrect names
    Key bindings should not be listed as SDL_0
    Killing Jamven should not block the player from progression
    Legacy of Bhaal mode should not result in more than one interrupt per rest
    Line should play for Voghiln in banter with Khalid
    List of priest and mage spells in Assign Keys menu should be complete in SoD when launched via BDC
    Listed area of effect for items and spells should be correct
    Looters in Dragonspear Castle should not be able to escape justice
    M'Khiin should have her Advanced AI detect trap enabled, and detect illusion when enabled
    M'Khiin should not be missing from the Flaming Fist Camp
    M'Khiin should not repeat her dialogue about hidden goblin treasure if spoken to again
    Male: Jovial soundset should have correct subtitle for the bored VO
    Map note for Phossey Dugdeep should be removed when she leaves
    Map Notes for General Stonehand and Marshal Nederlok should be removed when they leave for Dead Man's Pass
    Mizhena sdd changes.
    Modifiers from equipped items should not affect base THAC0 on Record Information screen
    Modify Characters permission tooltip should not talk about inventory access
    Movie subtitles should match the new VO
    Multi-class characters should not use the bio of their first-listed class.
    Nahal's Reckless Dweomer should not work with sequencers
    Neera should not keep the Planetar Feather in her inventory
    Opening container in inventory should not cause game to crash
    Overhead text in cutscene should not have differently sized text
    Plot should not move forward after getting permission from Ogres to Ascend to DSC Basement.
    Poisoned Throwing Dagger description should not state incorrect weight
    Pressing "Done" should hide the keyboard and exit text edit when editing the character biography
    Priest of Tyr should not reference Exaltation and Acclamation
    Priest of Tyr, Acclamation should remove and prevent intoxication
    SDDD13 Lich phylactery should not become inaccessible and block further game progress
    Shadowed Spear should have an image associated to it in the lore tab
    Shapeshift abilities "Magic Item" animal paw icons should not be dispelled
    Shapeshifter werewolf should use correct weapon icon
    SoD scimitars should not display their Shaman usability restriction twice
    Soft Feet boots should protect against Gargantuan Spider Web
    Spectator VO should not be cut off prematurely in pit fighting scene
    Spell Immunity should show schools when used in a Contingency
    Subtitle text for intro movies should not be right aligned.
    Text box should not jump to an older entry then scroll back down every time a menu is opened
    The achievement Family Reunion should unlock
    The achievement Nature Lover should unlock
    The achievement You Chose… Poorly should unlock
    The Customize button should not be disabled
    The game should not stall between end movie and end credits
    The player should not be able to start 'All the Way to the Bank' by speaking to Senna
    The player should not be able to start 'Refuge for the Refugees' by acquiring 'Supplies'
    There should be temple services available on return from Avernus
    Throwing Axe +1 should have portrait icon when used in combat
    Trolls in the pen should help fight when freed
    Unique save file should be created at the beginning of chapter 11
    Viconia should not automatically leave the party after departing Baldur's Gate if the party's reputation is too high
    You should not be able to get stuck in BD4300 during the escape
    You should not be able to leave the Dual Class proficiency screen until proficiency points are all spent
    You should witness a beautiful dawn

Apr 9, 2015
On one hand I'm happy Beamdog is still patching the EE versions, but I'm also surprised at the amount of bugs that still need fixing, or tweaking. It's mind boggling.

Also I'm still waiting for more info about their new original game.
Oct 1, 2010
Nice spot Monk. After the previous update which was quite large, I decided to reinstall.
They've since added achievements as well which was after I finished it the first time.
I never did complete the game on Heart of Fury mode back in the day, so whenever the cold winter AD&D adventure itch strikes me again, I'm going to roll up a thematic party called the " Dwarves of Doom" and wreak havoc across Easthaven and Kuldahar. :)
Jul 12, 2009
I'm just waiting for an enhanced edition of Icewind Dale II. The original version refuse to work on my system, it's infuriating!
Jul 27, 2018
I'm just waiting for an enhanced edition of Icewind Dale II. The original version refuse to work on my system, it's infuriating!
It probably wont happen as the source code is missing.
“We’ve searched all the archives we have access to, including all the data handed over to Wizards of the Coast from Atari and there is no source code for Icewind Dale 2,” Oster said. “We’ve reached out to our friends at Obsidian, as many of them were the development staff behind Icewind Dale 2, and they do not have any source code. We’re stalled on the project without source and the project won’t move forward until we can find it.”

The source code for the Baldur's Gate games, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment was available directly from BioWare, with some assistance from Wizards of the Coast. But the IWD2 situation is more complicated. “Icewind Dale 2 was created by Interplay working off a customized version of the BioWare Infinity Engine,” Oster explained. “They took the Infinity Engine variant they used to ship Icewind Dale and started from there. Somewhere along the path of the Dungeons and Dragons license moving from Interplay to Atari and then reverting to Wizards of the Coast, preserving source code and transferring it to the new rights holder somehow data was lost.”

And without that data, the whole thing is basically dead in the water: Oster said it is "simply too expensive to attempt to reverse engineer from an existing version of the game data," and so Beamdog has "moved on to other things until there is a change in the situation."
It's the reason why NWN was Enhanced instead.

Link -
Oct 1, 2010
I think they said that IWD2 can't be enhanced for some reason. I wanted to start it when I finished Icewind Dale but was hoping for the enhanced version also.

Couch beat me to it :)
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
Well, that's sucks!
Jul 27, 2018
I think they said that ID2 can't be enhanced for some reason. I wanted to start it when I finished Icewind Dale but was hoping for the enhanced version also.

Couch beat me to it :)
Only two minutes apart but yeah it's a shame about the source code.:biggrin:

I'll summarize why from the link I posted.
Although anyone can buy and download Icewind Dale II on GOG, there’s no simple way to extract the source code from finished copies of the game. Because the code is all compiled, the data is inaccessible. “There is really no way to go backwards from a compiled game to the source code to rebuild it,” said Oster. “You can decompile the game, but the difficulty of digging through the decompiled blob and extracting anything useful is much too high.”
Oct 1, 2010
On one hand I'm happy Beamdog is still patching the EE versions, but I'm also surprised at the amount of bugs that still need fixing, or tweaking. It's mind boggling.

Most of the fixes are for the ios version which was released with patch 2.4. Otherwise it's things they revamped/add with 2.0 (multiplayer/UI/new journal) or nickpicking (i.e. stuff that people says should have been on the original game, I once checked the fan created bug list for the EEs and it was mind blowing, lol).
Oct 13, 2007
It probably wont happen as the source code is missing.

Perhaps then it's time to build their own isometric engine to support d20 SRD games? They can start with a port of IWD2, which should be relatively straightforward since the stock components are already built. Kickstarter, perhaps?
Mar 22, 2012
Perhaps then it's time to build their own isometric engine to support d20 SRD games? They can start with a port of IWD2, which should be relatively straightforward since the stock components are already built. Kickstarter, perhaps?

Do they have the "class" yet to write good games on their own?
But yes, why not. At best license a ready made engine, like the one from Pillars or Pathfinder.
Nov 7, 2006
Perhaps then it's time to build their own isometric engine to support d20 SRD games? They can start with a port of IWD2, which should be relatively straightforward since the stock components are already built. Kickstarter, perhaps?
They were supposed to make their own game engine and game but nothing has been announced in years after the announcement. The hired talent even left the company.
Oct 1, 2010
Yuk, the linux version of the game is *still* broken. Instant crash on both loading & new game.

I played through the whole game on linux when the first 2.5 beta was released, so I never bothered to file an official bug report once the second beta turned out to be broken, but I guess I´ll have to do so at this point.
Feb 11, 2014
Vaguely I think the linux version worked fine for myself. I was on ubuntu 16.04 at the time - only thing I can't remember if it was EE or non EE version; I played one of them on 16.04.

Yuk, the linux version of the game is *still* broken. Instant crash on both loading & new game.

I played through the whole game on linux when the first 2.5 beta was released, so I never bothered to file an official bug report once the second beta turned out to be broken, but I guess I´ll have to do so at this point.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
I would love to see an Icewind Dale Turn-Based Tactical mod, on hex tiles.
Mar 21, 2013
Yeah, have to bear in mind that Linux distros frequently introduce breakages. All sorts of possibilities for dependency hell, driver issues in kernel updates, etc.
Nov 8, 2014
I played through the IWD EE about a year ago and it became extremely easy towards the end because of the new spells and kits. Definitely worth a go though, especially if you have never played it.

I also had a nice modded BG EE-BG DS-BG II EE-ToB EE set up, but my PC died midway and I didn't find the energy to set up the mods again so far. Will give it another try when the BG itch is itching again.
For anybody who is interested in modding the EEs, here is a good start:
Feb 21, 2015
BW, Germany
Oct 1, 2010
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