King Arthur: Knight's Tale - Patch 2.0 announced


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Patch and season 2 for King Arthur: Knight's Tale will be launched on December 2:

Patch & Season announcement | December 2

announcing the all new Patch 2.0 and Season 2 - Rising Eclipse

Knights of Avalon,

we are beyond thrilled to announce that

Patch 2.0 & Season 2 are coming!

  • The island of Avalon, the last bastion of both the Knights of the Round Table and the creatures of the ancient legends, is saturated by magic at its core. The massive gameplay and quality-of-life overhaul will but further enhance this, adding class balance changes (Marksman enthusiasts rejoice!), brand new skills, item updates, and more.
  • Season 2 - Rising Eclipse will bring a brand new seasonal mission chain. Otherworldly earthquakes are threatening to tear apart the Island of Avalon at its foundations, and strange rifts are opening up in the kingdom, oozing energies that are dangerous and uncontrollable. It will be up to you to stop the Sídhe before they gather the energy leaking from these rifts! Doing so will prevent them from gaining unimaginable power, and reward you with precious seasonal goods in return.
  • The update, just like the previous Season, will be free for all owners of the base game, and will be available December 2nd.
That is not all, however.

  • Later on You will get to explore the fate of the (in)famous Ninth Legion of Rome and their ventures across the mystical island
  • As for the console version of Knight's Tale, we will share more news separately in the coming weeks, but you'll be able to start journeying on PS5 and XSX|S as well very soon!
Until so, may the (old) Gods guide your blades!
Thanks Henriquejr!

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Looking forward to the patch!

But regarding replayability: There is some potential, but only if you take the opposite alignment. E.g. instead of Old Good Lawful, you take Christian Tyrant. that way you will have a different team, and you will also unlock different characters. And these chracters all come with their own missions.

Regarding the other new stuff:

1. The Campaign after the campaign is ok, but not greatl. Less voice acting and the balancing is far worse. Once you start the "endgame campaign" it will be super hard. Will get easier after that.

2. The Extra Campaign (where you play the other side) is very short, but also not great. Quite luck based, not much wiggle room.

3. The challenges are terrible: For the best scores they require the perfect plan, and a lot of luck. Some of them you need to start 100 times just to get rng right. Terrible design.

Still...the main campaign and the tactical battles in there were great. And if that campaign can be continued with the extra content, I am all up for it.
Jun 2, 2012
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