Prometheus Wept: The new turn based RPG from the developer of Vigilantes


RPGWatch Donor
September 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
Hi all,

I hope you're safe and healthy in these difficult times.

Demo Link:
Kickstarter Pre Launch:
Steam Page:

As you may be aware, since wrapping up Vigilantes, I've been working on another turn based game. The setting could be described as post apocalyptic with a dash of cyberpunk. On a near future earth, a potent virus disables the majority of computerised technology in a matter of hours, casting mankind into a new dark age. The action of Prometheus Wept occurs several generations after the fall. You will assume the role of a classical technologist living among the shattered remnants of humanity, driven to discover and restore the technological and cultural relics of the mythical mid 21st century.

Feature-wise, using Vigilantes as a starting point, the focus will be on improving the depth of combat, crafting, and the character system. There will also be more focus on making meaningful choices and narrative.

Here's the first illustration created for the game.

The Steam page has some early footage, info and screenshots if you'd like to check it out. If you're interested in the game and on Steam, it would be a huge help if you added it to your wishlist.

Prometheus Wept is being co-funded by the Creative Europe Media Programme of the European Union.


If you have any questions about Prometheus Wept, feel free to ask! It's quite early in development and the design is very provisional, but I'll do my best to answer!

I'll keep you posted. Stay safe.

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Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
Looks interesting. I thought you ran your last KS project very well, so looking forward to see what you can do with this one.
Nov 8, 2014
Looks interesting. I thought you ran your last KS project very well, so looking forward to see what you can do with this one.

Glad you like, Ripper. With a few extra years experience and Vigilantes as a base to build on, it'll be interesting to see how far I can take Prometheus Wept.
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
So how close to vigilantes will this game be? Similar layout? What improvements do you see?

One thing that is bugging me, minor I know, is that the screen are white on black for a lot of the info...the UI feels very functional not artistic.
Apr 17, 2007
So how close to vigilantes will this game be? Similar layout? What improvements do you see?

One thing that is bugging me, minor I know, is that the screen are white on black for a lot of the info…the UI feels very functional not artistic.

Hey rune_74. There will be a fair bit of common ground, but even using the code from Vigilantes as a starting point, it's going to take 3-4 years to make Prometheus Wept.

Broadly, the changes will involve improved design across the board, with a special focus on combat, crafting and character development. Vigilantes is structurally more like the X-Com games and there will be a shift away from procedurally generated combat scenarios to a branching narrative with hand crafted combat encounters. Vigilantes doesn't have very strong role playing elements, so the intention is to beef this area up as well.

For combat system improvements, so far, I've added destructible cover, water tiles, and interactions between fire, water and electricity. This is really only the beginning.
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
For combat system improvements, so far, I've added destructible cover, water tiles, and interactions between fire, water and electricity. This is really only the beginning.

Just my two cents, but I'd suggest maybe not letting the environmental interactions become too dominant a factor. I thought Larian got a bit carried away with that, and it wore thin pretty quickly.
Nov 8, 2014
Just my two cents, but I'd suggest maybe not letting the environmental interactions become too dominant a factor. I thought Larian got a bit carried away with that, and it wore thin pretty quickly.

It's a fair point. Unlike Divinity, you won't be able to create water on demand, so you'll only be able to exploit water if it's present.

I can see how having too much interactions with environment could undermine combat, if it offers an easy "win" button, or makes every other approach sub-optimal in every encounter.
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
I also felt that the few missions I have run that the enemies sort of just come towards you instead of doing what is logical....maybe because they are lower difficulty? Also, facing seems to be a bit messed up, or not taken into consideration.
Apr 17, 2007
I also felt that the few missions I have run that the enemies sort of just come towards you instead of doing what is logical….maybe because they are lower difficulty? Also, facing seems to be a bit messed up, or not taken into consideration.

Most of the enemies in Vigilantes try to close the distance and attack. There are a couple of types that use cover and keep a distance, like the survivalist sharpshooter, mafia hitman and some of the bosses. The cultist enemies will nearly always rush you, as they don't have firearms.

Facing isn't taken into consideration. There's no way to change facing direction without using AP.
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
Most of the enemies in Vigilantes try to close the distance and attack. There are a couple of types that use cover and keep a distance, like the survivalist sharpshooter, mafia hitman and some of the bosses. The cultist enemies will nearly always rush you, as they don't have firearms.

Facing isn't taken into consideration. There's no way to change facing direction without using AP.

Yes I thought of much, one of the issues of them coming to you all the time is that it really doesn't require you to move much beyond the starting location….I have played maybe 20 missions so far and it felt like I was pecking them off as they came in….though a few were interesting like throwing a grenade when my guys were bunched together.

I don't know if I haven't seen this yet, but maybe add some objectives in the maps to get to in order to sort of force movement, or make starting area dangerous to hunker down in.

EDIT: Will you ad facing into the new game? I think it feels a bit weird without it, too simple. This would add a bit I think.
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Apr 17, 2007
Yep, it has been mentioned quite a lot. The battles in the next game will be hand crafted, rather than procedurally generated, so there will be more variation on how battles play out.

I'll keep facing in mind. The only thing is, to avoid vastly increasing the amount of work on animation, the characters will need to rotate when attacked. Otherwise, animations have to be in place for every attack type, for every angle.
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
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Oct 1, 2010
Thanks for the update. Gotta say Prometheus Wept looks more ambitious then your past games. Hope you don't get burned out or spend more then you have to.

Just look at at another game called Copper Dreams.

Hey Couchpotato. Yeah, the intention is to keep pushing the envelope. Prometheus Wept will have a lot of depth, but it won't be super long. Having the code from Vigilantes will drastically shorten development time, but it's still going to take a couple more years.

I'd rather focus on a shorter, memorable experience than dilute quality by trying to make a 40 hour RPG. Will probably end up spending more time on it than intended, but still feeling fresh and highly motivated.
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
Sep 20, 2016
Donegal, Ireland
Nov 15, 2013
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