I finally played about half of South Park: Stick of Truth based on some of the reviews/comments from members of this forum. I picked it up cheap during the holiday Steam sale. As a fan of the show, I was familiar with the characters, story, inside jokes, references, etc.
While there were several moments that made me chuckle, the game is literally one fetch quest after another. There were some clever gameplay elements to it and some things were done quite well, but in the end I quickly tired of the "go across town to pick up item x, and y, then come back" missions over and over. The combat also quickly became redundant, though I could see potential with the system, if expanded and refined for other, serious RPG titles.
As other reviews have mentioned, I did 'feel' as though I was part of a South Park episode, but when that novelty wore off I realized the game wasn't enjoyable enough to keep me interested. Unfortunately, that's also been my opinion of the television installments over the last half-decade or so. I 've since quit and uninstalled.
I don't know where I'd put the game on the top-10 RPG list for the year, if at all, but it apparently had enough of a following to finish #10 with voters here. I'd recommend it to fans of the show, only— specifically those who still find it as funny as it used to be.