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Thanks Couchpotato!Scribe RPG Development Update
Breaking the Radio Silence
After a long period of radio silence - when we were fully focused on development - we’re excited to say we’re back up to full speed! Our goal is to release a playable demo of the game soon for all of you to check out and, hopefully, enjoy.
What we have:
The entire demo and all its content are already in place! We’re now fine-tuning the writing, quests, and other gameplay elements, as well as finalizing the graphics and sound.
What we are working on:
We’re wrapping up and fine-tuning our combat mechanics, and most importantly, we’re implementing a robust navigation system for our NPCs. Originally, this wasn’t something we had planned for the game. However, NPCs patrolling the world or actively chasing the player - using everything the player can, like ropes, ladders, platforms, and ledges - felt like a must-have. We believe it greatly enhances gameplay versatility.
Please stay tuned much more will come soon
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