Henriquejr spotted dev update #03 for Solasta II:
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Dev Update #03 - Show me your game face!
Hey hey people,
Once again, happy new year! Now that 2025 is on its way, we’re back in the studio to share more about Solasta II. Hope you managed to get a good long rest off, because the train ain’t stopping any time soon!
[Cat Picture] ]We humans have to get back to work, you adorable little freeloader!
Before we start, don't forget to wishlist Solasta II on Steam - it helps us a ton!
Show me that face!
Let’s be honest, one of the weaker parts of Solasta I was our character models, which were the first things people saw when they started playing. In fact, even in positive reviews some of you said that they were apprehensive about getting the game at first because of how the characters looked.
Now, we explained quite a few times that we unfortunately couldn’t update them in Solasta I because of the entire pipeline already being built for that game. But you know what doing a whole new game in a different game engine allows us to do? That’s right, exactly that! Now, without further ado let me show you in-game screenshots showing currently implemented characters.
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