Solasta II - The Combat


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Learn more about the combat in Solasta II:

Dev Update #05 - Back to Combat!

Enough about the art, what about the combat encounters?

Welcome adventurers!

Now that we’ve shown you how much our character models have improved as an appetizer, let’s move on to the main course - combat! If there is one thing that people have always agreed on, it’s that Solasta: Crown of the Magister was a fantastic combat simulator. So, does Solasta II share this strength?

Good old Turn-Based Combat
First things first, yes Solasta II will still be Turn-Based. Not a very surprising decision considering we’ve always said that we want playing Solasta to feel similar to playing D&D on Tabletop. Rolling initiative, taking time to make your decisions, playing in turns one by one…


Not to say that RTwP (Real Time with Pause) doesn’t have its own advantages - for instance it makes combat much faster, which can be a boon when the enemies are much weaker than your party. Buuuut that’s not what Solasta II is going for!

Thanks Couchpotato!

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
I enjoyed Solasta and I think that one of the main reasons I am usually not a fan of turn-based games is that combat math in games is often not well enough defined for me to make informed decisions when presented with strategic choices. Is Leather +3 better than Chain Mail +1? Is attack +5 better than damage +2?

In many games the combat math is not defined enough to make these type of choices, so I just choose and hope which is not how I enjoy making strategy decisions. Sometimes I even google "combat math" for a game to see if it's something not evident in a game, and often that search comes up empty. However, with a D20 system such as D&D I usually understand very well the pros and cons of making these type of strategic decisions and that to me is much more enjoyable, and with that in place I am good with turn-based or real-time-with-pause.

Turn-based seems like a good approach for Solasta II, and probably feels more like D&D than rtwp.
Oct 23, 2006
Combat is definitely the high point of Solasta, so I've no doubt the combat in Solasta 2 will be solid. I just hope that they can improve in the writing department... Even with great combat I tend to lose interest in RPGs that lack a compelling story and / or some good roleplaying opportunities (i.e., choices with consequences or at least effective illusion of choice).
Apr 9, 2013
They mention a demo, so maybe we'll get a taste soon? It's hard to fault the combat system in Solasta; it was a very nice implementation. But IIRC there were a few issues with area spells like fog cloud and line of sight. Maybe those will be improved?
Mar 22, 2012
Combat was super-fun, writing was so bad it made me physically sick, but one thing that they should improve the most is how you navigate the world: from dungeons to open land, everything was so restrictive and narrow and "constipated". They will introduce WADS movement, so maybe they are improving that too. Anyway, day 1 purchase for me :love:
Dec 2, 2011
Man they still have syfy Ui. why can't devs ever learn... every time i see Solasta i get a feeling that some one will pull a laser gun out of their pockets cos of that futuristic UI. They should at least give us color options if you gonna use that again.
Nov 8, 2019
Yeah, would be nice if the UI was more 'fantasy-themed' - like old BG games. I always loved the stone and gold inlay used in the Forgotten Realms modules/books - seeing that instantly takes me back to my table top D&D sessions in the backroom, guzzling fanta and eating chips/crisps ;)
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
Solasta can be improved in a million ways, and what some call a virtue (its loyalty to the DnD system) I find a fatal flaw that makes combat a dull and stale snoozefest, especially in early levels - but in this genre I'll take anything they give me, so even with all that, it's very likely a day 1 purchase for me.
Apr 26, 2023
Earth's Surface
Yeah, would be nice if the UI was more 'fantasy-themed' - like old BG games. I always loved the stone and gold inlay used in the Forgotten Realms modules/books - seeing that instantly takes me back to my table top D&D sessions in the backroom, guzzling fanta and eating chips/crisps ;)
i mean it's not deal breaker but it's just something that nags me.. Would be nice if Ui were more customizable in games.. But i guess devs don't give it much priority for some reason.

At least with this ones i know the budget is on smaller side so it's easier to over look that.
Nov 8, 2019
Man they still have syfy Ui. why can't devs ever learn... every time i see Solasta i get a feeling that some one will pull a laser gun out of their pockets cos of that futuristic UI. They should at least give us color options if you gonna use that again.
Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. ;)
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
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