Learn more about the combat in Solasta II:
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Thanks Couchpotato!Dev Update #05 - Back to Combat!
Enough about the art, what about the combat encounters?
Welcome adventurers!
Now that we’ve shown you how much our character models have improved as an appetizer, let’s move on to the main course - combat! If there is one thing that people have always agreed on, it’s that Solasta: Crown of the Magister was a fantastic combat simulator. So, does Solasta II share this strength?
Good old Turn-Based Combat
First things first, yes Solasta II will still be Turn-Based. Not a very surprising decision considering we’ve always said that we want playing Solasta to feel similar to playing D&D on Tabletop. Rolling initiative, taking time to make your decisions, playing in turns one by one…
Not to say that RTwP (Real Time with Pause) doesn’t have its own advantages - for instance it makes combat much faster, which can be a boon when the enemies are much weaker than your party. Buuuut that’s not what Solasta II is going for!
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