Learn more about the rogue class of Solasta II:
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Thanks Couchpotato!Dev Update #06 - Class Spotlight: The Rogue
The first one who says Rouge gets a stabbing.
Hello there fine folks,
Who here loves playing Rogues? Fail their Stealth roll at the worst time? Fumble their Sleight of Hand check putting themselves in a very awkward situation? No one? Okay maybe I’m not selling the class very well. For every Rogue out there low rolling on their Sneak Attack damage, there’s another throwing a bucket of dice thanks to a crit (more. MORE!) - and good lord does that feel good, am I right fellow dice goblins? No, just me?
They see me stabbin'
If there is one thing the Rogue is known for, it’s their signature Sneak Attack. As long as you have advantage on your attack or a (still very much conscious) friend nearby, you’re doing damage baby! Roll them damage dice!
The Rogue is also a slippery fellow with Cunning Action, which makes them one of the rare classes who can attack and get out in the same turn without getting slapped back. If that doesn’t sound fair, it’s because it isn’t - fighting fair is for LOSERS.
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