Starfield - Official Gameplay Reveal

Imaginative…They are right though they are both set in space….I'm not sure what you would expect a rpg to look like?
Nah Bethesda always simplify every new game by removing more RPG mechanics. They basically became action games with FPS and lite RPG elements which is a fact.

Also No Man's Sky was one of Starfield's inspirations so he's not wrong.

By the way Jason Schreier predicted that so meh.:p
Oct 1, 2010
Well, I'm personally done with Beth titles. Fallout 4 was my last gamble. It's hardly going to be a surprise what the gameplay will be… fun for 20 hours, mind-numbing thereafter. Unless you're a fan of their walkingflying simulators - in which case, I'm genuinely happy for you.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
They made that clear in Skyrim by giving full on quests their own independent quest log tracking and lumping all the others into one entry with one line of text each to describe them.

I agree that it should be clear. Maybe they'll do something similar here.

I get that. But I am the kind of person who doesn't like even accepting a quest without completing it. My honor doesn't permit it ;)

I would love it if there was a checkbox or mod that just disabled them completely.
Oct 18, 2006
I get that. But I am the kind of person who doesn't like even accepting a quest without completing it. My honor doesn't permit it ;)

I would love it if there was a checkbox or mod that just disabled them completely.
I wonder if we'll have another version of Preston or some type of audio channel giving random quests. Those quests got repetitive and mods did disable them at least.:nod:
Oct 1, 2010
I would love it if there was a checkbox or mod that just disabled them completely.

Better yet, just allow us to remove them from the quest journal if it turns out to be something we're not interested in completing.

That way, you're not stuck with the feeling that you left something unfinished, and your honor remains intact. ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Looks like the space-builders dream. Something for our builder division ;)

There hasn't been a proper space-sim with a possibility to fly, land, walk and talk yet. Perhaps this will be it?

I like how at 13:29 they show the principle of gravity / general relativity in that planet map. A little detail and wink toward science in sci-fi that makes me happy. I am hyped. A pity that they did not manage to keep to the original plan and release in the beginning of the dark season. Then I'd have had something to look forward to when the sun disappears the next time…
Jun 19, 2020
Looks clunky af so the real game must be way worse lol
Looks clunky af so the real game must be way worse lol

it does and it's cut gameplay so they showed us what they wanted to show…and we all know how that can turn out.

not impressed, sound good on paper... i guess still hoping though. Uncut gameplay that's what we need. Right now it feels like another missed opertunity where devs go for let's make it as big as we can instead of as good as we can hope i'm wrong… ow and whats with the XP blocking the reticle what genius made that up lol.
Nov 8, 2019
1. Physically based rendering (PBR) kills the mood and destroys the atmosphere. Solution: Fire the Art Designer.
2. That heap of blobby bubbles they want to pass as a ship looks ridiculous. Fire the space ship designer. Robot designer probably was the same idiot.
3. Creatures and plants look better than mechanics.
4. Weapons look horrendously lame. Fire the weapons designer.
5. Combat + enemy behavior looks pathetic. Weak weapons particle effects.
6. Characters speaking faces definitely look bland with a shade of diabolical.. as if a certain cult taken over the development team..
7. Environments are badly designed and lack inspiration. Physically based rendering (PBR) sucks the life-blood and mood out of everything.
8. UI is bland. As are planetary environments.

What happened? :-o Who was pitching this and convinced decision-makers this is a winning project??
Big letdown. WOW.. I expected something grand. Instead I see millions of dollars burned to produce a dysfunctional mountain of trash. Are the results of the 2020-2021 global Ponzi Fiasco showing in the workforce?

I think this game will be like Cyberpunk. A big FLOP. Already is a repulsive steaming pile of SHT. Deleted the bookmark from my browser.
Personal verdict:
F O R G E T W A R E™©℗®
Mar 21, 2013
In general, I don't agree. Not if you mean you can sprinkle points of interest throughout the entirety of those 100 systems. That would be like participating in an easter egg hunt in which 1000 eggs were hidden in a park the size of Yellowstone.

What you can perhaps do is signpost the bespoke content clearly and then procedurally generate landscapes with resources and aliens and such, allowing players to see different things geographically and fight and craft to their heart's content… but stumble across an NPC or a quest or anything really unique? Nope. It'll probably be more like a landing pad near a town or outpost or whatever (a la Outer Worlds), and then strike off into the wilderness to meet basic quest objectives ("I can fix your engines, but I'm going to need a lot of carbon, and oh, the frilly crest of the Yellow Warbling Rockspitter would be nice too")

I believe it's possible if clues to those locations are given during the exploration of known major areas. That's how I would like it to be, hearing by chance a conversation that points to a place with enough precision but not too much.

Unfortunately Bethesda's games have been running away from that concept since Oblivion, so unless they did a 180, that may well be as you said, and enough filler content to please a category of players. We've seen the mining feature…

But even if only a tiny number of planets are visited in the line of important quests, it's a good excuse to travel and change the environment. If it's done well, it can be enjoyable. I liked the little journeys in Oblivion and Skyrim.

EDIT: another possibility is counting on the community to share the locations by some in-game feature
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
I agree, that it is unlikely that every one of these 1000 planets will have handcrafted content. As per Beth's usual approach: Mods for the win!

I don't remember having heard anything on modability, but I sure hope they didn't turn completely stupid and hinder it in any way. They can sell their own horse armor if they want, though.
Feb 21, 2015
BW, Germany
In general, I don't agree. Not if you mean you can sprinkle points of interest throughout the entirety of those 100 systems. That would be like participating in an easter egg hunt in which 1000 eggs were hidden in a park the size of Yellowstone.

What you can perhaps do is signpost the bespoke content clearly and then procedurally generate landscapes with resources and aliens and such, allowing players to see different things geographically and fight and craft to their heart's content… but stumble across an NPC or a quest or anything really unique? Nope. It'll probably be more like a landing pad near a town or outpost or whatever (a la Outer Worlds), and then strike off into the wilderness to meet basic quest objectives ("I can fix your engines, but I'm going to need a lot of carbon, and oh, the frilly crest of the Yellow Warbling Rockspitter would be nice too")

Agreed. That would even be true for a single planet, let alone 1000.

Essentially, that would mean there'd be two games. Skyrim in Space and a No Mans Sky clone. Wonder how well they will mesh.

Assuming Todd is not again spinning his sweet little lies. ;)
May 18, 2012
I think it looks at least moderately interesting and that, coupled with my general liking of Bethesda-Type games, gives it a 95% chance at the moment that I'll buy it.

Of course, I expect a lot of flaws, bugs, etc. in the game and obviously, the things he promises now are vastly different from the things that will be delivered (Yes, I am still miffed about the "Radiant AI" thing in Oblivion, thanks for asking). For example, I'm not too excited about space combat, doubt that it will be really great, but let's see.

But, on the positive side, there seem to be some nice features that expand the usual Bethesda-stuff (like pretty free chargen, etc.), so that's good. Also I do not doubt that a big part of the 1000 planets will be pretty uninteresting in itself, but it provides a big "official" space for mods to be placed in, which is cool. If they also use it cleverly by providing manually designed places which can be found via hints, etc. this can be really nice. Of course, could also be horribly boring if done wrong. We'll see.

All in all... Not to shabby, for now, let's wait for people actually playing it. Cyberpunk also didn't fail on promising stuff - it failed on the execution. And since Bethesda is even better at underfulfilling the hype train promises, I will hold back my enthusiasm for now.
Oct 22, 2010
Berlin, Germany
While I'm luke-warm to what they showed, I just realized how un-ambitious the game is. Aside from the ambitious scale, it's pretty much an amalgamation of the same mechanics of most of their games, and other games. Which could be great for fans of their games, but I think it's a missed opportunity to try something new, at least in parts.

But I guess, when it comes to games of this scale/scope/cost, you do not want to risk it.

Anyway, I'll probably avoid all the base-building, resource collection, and just focus on exploration and story when it comes to Starfield. I hope the rest is all optional.
Jul 31, 2007
Well I actually respect "No Mans Sky" for its comeback and it is pretty faithful to its vision. Star Citizen on the other hand. Basically Bethesda are supplying a single player vision of what Star Citizen was supposed to be as a Multiplayer game. It won't have blue space elves but I am sure in a couple of years that will be modded in. Pleased they have a practical demonstration.
Mar 2, 2015
New Zealand
While I'm luke-warm to what they showed, I just realized how un-ambitious the game is. Aside from the ambitious scale, it's pretty much an amalgamation of the same mechanics of most of their games, and other games. Which could be great for fans of their games, but I think it's a missed opportunity to try something new, at least in parts.

But I guess, when it comes to games of this scale/scope/cost, you do not want to risk it.

Anyway, I'll probably avoid all the base-building, resource collection, and just focus on exploration and story when it comes to Starfield. I hope the rest is all optional.

Well that's what happening nowdays. It's more important to have a BIG game with 1000 planets than to have a good game where most parts work.

Like i said, it sounds good on paper. But that 1000 planets is a big warning sign for me right now. You can land anywhere! Hehe sure i can… with randomly generated crap i guess? Pass. Hopefully at least the hand crafted quest hubs are good.
Nov 8, 2019
I'm quite happy with what I saw. Open world Sci-fi, single player, moddable, hopefully proper RPG mechanics.

No pre-order, but if it reviews well, word of mouth is good, and my computer can handle it, then I might buy it close to release.

Edit: It is single player, right?
Feb 15, 2009
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