Imho it extremely depends on the length of the texts and how much they contribute to the game.
Just a few examples:
In Pillars of Eternity you had "golden NPCs" all around, which basically acted like "books" in other games. They were not relevant for gameplay but had some stories to "explore" when you looked in their spirits. However they did not give you any more in depth look of the world. They also did not give you hints. Basically they didn't contribute to the game at all but to give small short stories, often without ending. I only read first of them, then stopped it.
In Avernum/Avadon you have some Codex entries. They were walls of text each but only like 10-20 or so in total. But they gave a good overview about the world and helped you to make a picture of the world. I didn't enjoy reading them a lot. But I think they contributed to the game and might have helped making other things more enjoyable.
Also if something has a voiceover there is no question about whether or not I listen to it. I always will.
But as you can see with these examples already, I don't think that it's about books.
Imho it's about any kinds of text. The format in the game doesn't really matter.
The questions to ask are rather:
-How much text is there? And how to the point is it? Personally I didn't enjoy the texts in Pillars of Eternity a lot. As a lot of it was just blahblahblah, especially with the Mother and the Priest
-How interactive is the text/dialogue? If there is only a "continue" at the botton or you rotate through all options anyways, it loses tension and the text lacks importance. Avernum did a great job of not just keeping their dialogues to the point, but to also have some decisions mixed into the dialogues. So you paid more attention reading them as you might just make a decision
-How elemental is the information to gameplay aspects? In a lot of modern games you have a quest log and it might already show you the solution of the task. In that case there is no use to look for hints. Other games might leave puzzling it together to the player. In that case the text in books in dialogues gains in importants and also reading it becomes more exciting.
So it's not about the format, but how the texts are utilized in the game, which then also influences everything else.