Couchpotato spotted devlog #9 and a demo of Underrail: Infusion:
More information.Dev Log 9: New Combat System
Hi guys,
As I mentioned in the previous dev log, our next goal with Infusion was to produce a short gameplay video that would feature some exploration and combat. The said video is finally here. This is a big milestone for us as the game is finally in a good enough state to be seen in motion, but also with this video we're revealing probably the biggest (and potentially the most controversial) change - the new combat system. Check out the video below.
Before I get into the details of the new combat system, I would like to say a few words about the state of the engine and Infusion's development in general.
I think we are finally at the point where we have all the fundamental visual and gameplay features in a stable and robust state, ready to have the content piled on top of them. Of course, many smaller secondary systems are yet to be migrated from the previous game or re-implemented completely, but these are much easier and faster to develop.
For example, this year I spent a lot of time transitioning the engine from tile-based to voxel-based space, allowing for true verticality, which in turn allowed for free-form movement in 3D space for player, creatures and objects. So now we can have platforms above and below, flying (and maybe later swimming/diving) enemies, dynamic climbing and falling, etc.