Drakensang: The River of Time - All News

Tuesday - July 30, 2024
Drakensang: TRoT - Retrospective Review
Mortismal Gaming checked out Drakensang: The River Of Time:
Drakensang: The River Of Time - Retrospective Review
Thanks Couchpotato!
Friday - July 26, 2024
Drakensang: TRoT - First Impressions
Mortismal Gaming checked out Drakensang: The River Of Time:
Drakensang: The River Of Time - First Impressions
Thanks Couchpotato!
Tuesday - November 20, 2012
Drakensang: TRoT - On Steam Greenlight
German publisher dtp put a couple of RPGs and many adventures on Steam Greenlight. Among them is the modern classic Drakensang: The River of Time, which still hasn't been released in several countries.
Friday - March 11, 2011
Drakensang: TRoT - Review @ Armchair Empire
I haven't linked the Armchair Empire for years but they've kicked up a Drakensang: The River of Time review, which is a nice change from all the Dragon Age 2 stuff. The score is 7/10 and the intro explains their view:
Here's an RPG that slipped onto the market without much fan fair. Although it's not all that surprising, given the sordid history of the game's developer who almost went under recently, and has since made a heavy shift towards browser games. In any case, what we have here is a prequel to the well-received Drakensang. The River of Time provides an entertain, albeit very traditional, adventure in a fantasy setting with some solid tactical battles making for a decent game. What holds it back from being truly great, however, is the game's lack of polish thanks to poor animation, choppy frame rates, and some sub-standard voice acting.
Monday - February 28, 2011
Drakensang: TRoT - Guide @ GamePressure
Ovenall writes that English guides and walkthroughs for Drakensang: The River of Time are rare but GamePressure has posted a visual guide for those interested.
Friday - January 21, 2011
Drakensang: TRoT - Review @ GameBanshee
GameBanshee has posted a review of Drakensang: The River of Time, penned by Brother None. In general, the game is praised for the myriad of minor improvements over the original, saying the game is a "steal" at $20 for those in NA. Here's a snip:
The River of Time's main plot is linear, but that doesn't necessarily mean the game is. Where its predecessor locked off most areas after you visited them, in The River of Time areas stay unlocked once you find them (primarily done in the main plot), and not only can you travel back to any area, you're supposed to do so regularly, as new quests unlock as you progress along the main storyline.
Like Drakensang: The Dark Eye, The River of Time is not a particularly challenging game, but this open approach means that you're free to search out challenges if you want them. The Dark Eye had one such instance – the infamous rat basement – but The River of Time is full of them, and does not appear to have any level scaling. This may be frustrating to gamers not used to this mode of design, but it is an absolute delight for RPG gamers who like having to plan and think to take on a monster that is way beyond their abilities. It can make the ending areas a bit of a letdown as they do not scale either, and can become very easy if you spent a lot of time on sidetracks, but this is something I personally can live with it, it feels like the game is rewarding you for your character progress rather than character progress being made meaningless by level scaling.
Thursday - January 13, 2011
Drakensang: TRoT - Ergo's AddonPack v1.5 Released
Ergo has updated his AddonPack for Drakensang: The River of Time to v1.5. Here's a feature list:
- New application icon
- 3 new advantages for combat attributes
- 7 new advantages for spells
- 6 new disadvantages
- 10 traits
- 8 backgrounds (advantages)
- 50% faster plant lore (gathering) and animal lore (skinning)
- 25% faster movement speeds for all (including NPCs and monsters)
- Renamed some attributes and special abilities back to as they were in Drakensang 1
- Game follows orignal P&P rules more accurately
- Darker dungeons
- Localization fixes
- Bug fixes
For a download link, discussion and a detailed change log please visit this thread in our own forum.
Tuesday - January 11, 2011
Drakensang: TRoT - Download Version Released in NA
Drakensang: The River of Time, the much improved prequel to Drakensang is now available in NA through Impulse, GamersGate and Amazon for $19.99. Other download services and more territories may follow.
Thanks, Alrik!
Thursday - January 06, 2011
Drakensang: TRoT - NA Digital Releases Next Week
The NA release of Drakensang: The River of Time has quietly crept up on us, with both Impulse and Gamersgate offering DRM-free versions for the 11th January. Unfortunately, both are region restricted so the UK, AU and other English regions are still waiting - but promised for early this year. The price won't display for me because of my region, so check it out yourself. I had a quick look for retail boxed versions at a few stores but didn't see anything available.
Thursday - November 04, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - Gold Edition Released in Germany
dtp sends word that a bundle of Drakensang: The River of Time plus add-on is now available at retail in the German market.
Tuesday - October 19, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - German Gold Edition
Alrik points out dtp has announced a Gold Edition of Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit and Drakensang: Phileassons Geheimnis, which will sell for 39.99 Euro. No new updates on the English release, of course.
Thursday - September 23, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - Release Confirmed for US, UK, RU & Benelux
dtp's Community Manager Betty announced the planned release schedule for Drakensang: The River of Time in the official forum:
Hi all,
finally I have good official news for you:
Drakensang: River of Time will be released in US and UK.
Currently we are aiming for a release in the beginning of 2011, but I will deliver final dates as soon as they are approved.
Also the game will be released in Russia and Benelux this year.
Thanks, Dwagginz.
Wednesday - September 01, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - Eidos to Publish?
Here's an interesting - but completely unsubstantiated one. Belgian game site Gamemania.be lists Drakensang: The River of Time, pictured with an English box and Eidos as the publisher. Looking through UK sites I couldn't find another reference to back it up but it we'll keep an eye out.
Thanks, Alrik!
Wednesday - May 26, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - English Version Still OK?
It's not exactly detailed news but one of our readers noticed this comment from dtp community rep Betty when asked about the English release of The River of Time, following Radon Labs' bankruptcy:
Da ist alles gut.
So, "all good", apparently. Thanks, Gumbomasta.
Monday - May 10, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - New Trailer
dtp released a short trailer with voice acting outtakes from Drakensang: The River of Time. It's in German, and the humor is ... special. Apart from that music and rhythm certainly make it one of the more original trailers out there.
You can watch the video in HD at YouTube.
Saturday - April 03, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - Screens @ Worthplaying
Worthplaying posts four hopefully new screenshots of the gameworld for Radon Lab's rpg, Drakensang:The River of Time.
Wednesday - March 31, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - Patch 1.1 Available
A new patch for Drakensang: The River of Time is available. The patch notes can be found in another thread.
Wednesday - March 17, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - v1.1 Patch Notes
DTP has released the patch notes for the upcoming Drakensang: The River of Time v1.1 patch. It's in German, of course, but I can see many of the changes need a new game to work.
Thanks, Alrik!
Monday - March 15, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - Review @ Adrift
Although this reviewer of Drakensang: The River of Time is clearly not writing in their native language, it's still interesting to see an English article. Here's a snip from the Adrift blog:
The biggest and most welcome perk is most likely the “open world” alteration, where all locations remain accessible. Nothing was as unsatisfying as this in 1, being cut off and shut out. It doesn’t matter if all quests were finished, it isn’t even important if all quests were discovered in the first place. The world map allows a return at any time (while not on story quests). They were very consequent with this change in game design. Places even progress, after story quests are done there. New people arrive, dialog options adapt to the new situation, sometimes new quests await… As if this wasn’t great enough, a Mass Effect 2/GTA is pulled here, because the game doesn’t necessarily end with the main story. After the ending credits it’s possible to return to the ship, to hunt down overlooked quests and the like (and people are once again aware of this in dialogs!). No pressure is added, where none should be. Cool!
Thursday - March 11, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - 4th Making of Video
Publisher dtp released the 4th Drakensang: The River of Time "Making of" video:
Wednesday - March 10, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - Making Of Videos
The official dtp YouTube channel features the first three of four planned making of videos for Drakensang: The River of Time. In German, as usual. Here's the 3rd one.
The other clips can be found nearby, as well as a TV special, a TV spot and a creature guide.
Thanks Omega!
Friday - March 05, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - Patch Plans
We plan on posting a big Drakensang: The River of Time roundup next week but current players might be interested to know a patch is underway. There are no details at all so far, other than an announcement from dtp's community rep Betty that more details will be forthcoming next week.
Hat tip to Alrik for the news.
Friday - February 19, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - In German Stores, Add-On Revealed?
Drakensang: Am Fluß der Zeit has hit some German stores just a day or so early, according to some forum reports.
More interesting is the talk of an add-on, already well into development. Titled Phileasson´s Secret, it would seem the rumours are accurate given there is already a subsite on drakensang.de, albeit not yet linked from the front page.
Ragon der Magier, who sent in this news, explains that Phileasson is a well-known contemporary explorer in TDE from four adventure books titled Folge dem Drachenhals, also known as "Phileasson-Saga".
German TDE site ALVERAN is the source of the information, with one of the site's contributors - Mark Wachholz - one of the four authors of the original Drakensang story, which lends further credibility.
No doubt our German-speaking readers can add to this information.
Thanks, Ragon!
Wednesday - February 17, 2010
Drakensang: TRoT - Soundtrack Coming
dtp announces the soundtrack for Drakensang: The River of Time will be available for sale from Friday, bundled with the soundtrack from the first game. The official PR is available here, in German.
Thanks, Alrik!
Thursday - January 28, 2010
DraSa: The River of Time - Trailer
Alrik writes in with a new (German) trailer for Drakensang: The River of Time, titled Kraft der Erde, which we think to something like Force of the Earth.
Thursday - January 21, 2010
DraSa: The River of Time - German Version Gold [Update]
We haven't seen a big, official announcement but Alrik noticed this forum post from dtp's Betty on the official forums. This context is a speech bubble contest for the German community and in the midst of a reply she says (according to my Google-fu)...
...the game has gone gold status...
Edit. Here's the official German PR:
Leinen los! Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit erreicht Gold-Status
Hamburg, 19.01.2010 - Heute bestätigen Publisher dtp entertainment und Entwickler Radon Labs den Releasetermin des PC-Rollenspiels Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit: Am 19. Februar 2010 wird das Spiel in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz in den Regalen der Händler stehen.
Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit erreichte vor Kurzem den Gold Master-Status und befindet sich nun im Presswerk in Produktion. dtp entertainment veröffentlicht das Spiel als Standard Edition sowie als Collector's Edition mit besonderen Inhalten. Bis zum 06. Dezember 2009 war zudem eine einzigartige, individualisierte Personal Edition vorbestellbar.
Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit spielt 23 Jahre vor den Ereignissen des letzten Drakensang-Spiels. Wieder bieten dtp entertainment und Radon Labs den Spielern ein einzigartiges Rollenspiel-Erlebnis auf Basis Deutschlands beliebtesten RPG-Systems Das Schwarze Auge.
Alles nimmt seinen Ausgangspunkt am Großen Fluss, auf einem Schiff befindet sich ein junger Lehrling auf dem Weg zu seiner Abschlussprüfung nach Nadoret. Der Lehrling ist der Spielercharakter - unterwegs trifft er auf eine merkwürdige Gruppe von drei Charakteren, deren Identität er erst nach und nach ergründet: Bei den Dreien handelt es sich um die aus Das Schwarze Auge: Drakensang bekannten Charaktere Forgrimm, Ardo vom Eberstamm und Cuano.
Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit nimmt den Spieler mit auf eine Schiffsreise entlang des Großen Flusses, die Drakensang-Fans nicht nur jede Menge neue Abenteuer in Aventurien bescheren, sondern auch interessante Hintergründe zu den Ereignissen des letzten Drakensang-Spiels verraten. Um den Strom ranken sich viele mythische Legenden, die in die Handlung einfließen. Mit jedem Ort, den der Spieler besucht, verändert sich seine Sicht auf die Dinge. Je nach Charakterwahl und Verhalten ergeben sich neue Möglichkeiten und Questreihen.
Neue Archetypen wie die Geoden und die Gjalskerländer sowie neue Gegner, Waffen und Rüstungen erwarten die Spieler.
dtp entertainment veröffentlicht Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit im Februar 2010 für den PC.
Friday - January 08, 2010
DraSa: The River of Time - German Voice Actors
Alrik points out this dtp press release, detailing the voice actors in the German version of Drakensang: The River of Time.
Thursday - January 07, 2010
DraSa: The River of Time - German Release Date
Publisher dtp officially announced the release date for Drakensang: The River of Time. The game will be available in DACH on February 19th 2010.
Source: Gamestar
Monday - December 21, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - German Demo Released
dtp released a German demo for their upcoming Drakensang sequel Drakensang: The River of Time. The game is scheduled for February 2010 in DACH.
Download links can be found in the official forum. More mirrors should be popping up soon.
Friday - December 04, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - System Reqs
The system requirements for Drakensang: The River of Time have been released on the dtp forums. They're in German but it's easy to read:
Minimale Systemanforderungen
Pentium® 4 2,8 GHz oder vergleichbare CPU
RAM: 1 GB für Windows® XP, 2 GB für Vista / Windows® 7
NVIDIA 6800GT mit 256 MB RAM oder vergleichbare Grafikkarte
Windows XP mit Service Pack 3, Vista oder Windows® 7
DVD-ROM Laufwerk
DirectX®9c kompatible Soundkarte
7 GB freier Festplattenspeicherplatz
Empfohlene Systemanforderungen
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E6750 2,66 GHz oder vergleichbare CPU
NVIDIA 8800GT mit 512 MB RAM oder vergleichbare Grafikkarte
Windows XP mit Service Pack 3, Vista oder Windows® 7
DVD-ROM Laufwerk
DirectX®9c kompatible Soundkarte
7 GB freier Festplattenspeicherplatz
Thanks, Alrik!
Tuesday - December 01, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - German Collector's Edition Announced
In addition to the individualised Personal Edition, dtp has announced a "regular" Collector's Edition for Drakensang 2. German only at this stage, I'm afraid:
Heute kündigt Publisher dtp entertainment eine weitere Sonderedition zum kommenden Rollenspiel-Highlight Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit an: Zusätzlich zur vorbestellbaren individualisierten Personal Edition wird für Fans ab dem Erstverkaufstag eine Collector’s Edition erhältlich sein.
Während die individualisierte Personal Edition aus produktionstechnischen Gründen nur bis zum 06. Dezember 2009 und nur beim Online-Händler Amazon.de vorbestellbar ist, wird die Collector’s Edition mit Erscheinen von Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit Mitte Februar 2010 zum Preis von 69,99 Euro erhältlich sein.
In einer hochwertigen Buchverpackung in Segeltuchoptik enthält die Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit Collector’s Edition zusätzlich zum Spiel ein exklusives Ingame-Item, den Original-Soundtrack des Spieles auf CD, eine aufwändig gestaltete Aventurien-Stoff-Landkarte im DIN A2-Format, ein DIN A3-Wendeposter mit Überblick über die Sonderfertigkeiten sowie das DSA-Regelwerk der 4. Edition als PDF.
Drakensang: Am Fluss der Zeit spielt 23 Jahre vor den Ereignissen des letzten Drakensang-Spiels. Wieder bieten dtp entertainment und Radon Labs den Spielern ein einzigartiges Rollenspiel-Erlebnis auf Basis Deutschlands beliebtesten RPG-Systems Das Schwarze Auge.
While we're on dtp, they've joined everyone else with an Advent Calendar, although it doesn't do anything for me at the moment.
Thanks, Alrik!
Tuesday - November 10, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - Dev Diary #4
The fourth Drakensang: The River of Time dev diary is up at the official site, discussing the technical game design and the role of Technical Designers:
The base for the setting in our game is of course very well known and loved DSA cosmos from the Pen & Paper roleplay game of the same name. Because of that we have a complete roleplay game system as background that we can build our game world on. Although it brings certain problems along because it’s not possible to take over rules one-to-one from the Pen & Paper roleplay game to a computer game. We’ve tried that with “Drakensang” but had to realize quickly that it’s not possible because computer games run in speed as well as interaction fundamentally different.
And here is where our technical game designers appear to the scene. They are in charge of adjusting and optimizing the DSA rules so they’ll get suitable to be played on the computer. The maybe most symbolic example of such a modification: The computer is your game director. He even throws the dice for you and that hidden in the background. Even the dicing results stay hidden and will only be shown to you specifically at your demand if you belong to the ones who want to know. The ones of you who prefer to just play and experience the story without finding out to much about the mechanisms in the background can do that unobstructed.
Read the English version here and the German version here.
Thanks to Alrik, who also points to this article at Spiegel Online that says DraSa sold 600,000 units, with half in German and half internationally.
Sunday - November 08, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - Limited, Individualised Personal Edition
dtp entertainment and Radon Labs let us know they've made an exclusive deal with Amazon.de. Drakensang: The River of Time will get a limited, individualised Personal Edition. According to dtp this is a world premiere, it has never before been done for a computer or videogame.
The Drakensang: The River of Time Personal Edition is a Collector's Edition with the customer's name printed on three items and one in-game item. The full content (pics here and there):
- Premium book case, individualised
- Drakensang: The River of Time game
- individualised in-game item
- "Inrah" card game. 122 cards, premium quality, individualised box
- Big cloth map, size: DIN A2 (!)
- Sound track
- Double sided poster, size: DIN A3
- Individualised certificate of authencity
- Exclusive item for the upcoming Drakensang: The River of Time browser game
The individualised items will carry the name entered into the first address line in Amazon's order form. The Personal Edition is only available for a limited pre-order phase ending on December 6th 2009 for 89.99 EUR.
According to Amazon release is on Feb 12th 2010.
Back in 2008 the Drakensang CE was sold out quickly. It's more than likely DACH will get both a standard version and a CE in addition to this Personal Edition.
Tuesday - November 03, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - Podcast @ PC Games.de
Thanks to Alrik for this podcast from PC Games.de, featuring Bernd Beyreuther from Radon Labs talking about Drakensang: The River of Time (around 28:50). It's German, so that's all I can tell you.
Monday - October 26, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - New Developer Diary
There's a new dev diary at the Drakensang: The River of Time site, discussing the level design work. This is the third of 15 planned diaries but, alas for some some of us, they are only in German at this point. You can try the Google translation, if you are game.
Thanks, Alrik!
Friday - October 23, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - Intro Trailer
I think this is new - Worthplaying has the (German) intro trailer for Drakensang: The River of Time (70Mb). I haven't had the chance to watch it but I assume this is a story cinematic.
Tuesday - October 06, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - Developer Diary
A developer diary in English and German of Drakensang: The River of Time is to be found at the official site. Make sure to click the flag at the righ top if the diary is not shown in the correct language.
We were searching for the fitting title for our game for a long time. We even called out a little in-house competition that provided a lot of funny and bizarre suggestions. In the end we named it “The River Of Time”. Why this unusual almost philosophical name? some might be asking. The answer to that is simple. A river plays a huge part. And the time as well. Because the game takes you back into the past – to the events 23 years before the original “Drakensang” to be exact.
That brings up the question, what made us place the game before and not after “Drakensang”. The answer to this is a little bit more complex. But first things first: The story of “Drakensang” was never designed to be continued. It was epic. It would have been very difficult to tell an even bigger adventure in a sequel. We experienced with „Drakensang“, that the fascination was especially high with the smaller stories. They seem more vivid and personal. The more we would have gone into another epic, the more we would have neglected the smaller characters.
It shows clearly, what makes a fantasy roleplaying game a great one compared to others: Strong characters and a well drawn up story. They are not only attachments, not only carriers, but part of the game playing. This is where we tap the full potential of opportunities of the roleplaying game. The genre allows like no other to tell tightly woven, thrilling stories.
Thanks Armin.
Monday - October 05, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - Interview @ DSA-Drakensang
This one is already a month old, but nevertheless still very interesting. The fan site DSA-Drakensang.de sat down for a long interview session with Radon Labs' creative director Bernd Beyreuther at the GamesCom in Cologne. The resulting article was split into 3 parts (one, two, three). Here's a quick and dirty translation of two of Bernd's answers regarding Drakensang: The River of Time:
DSA-Drakensang.de: How long will the game be?
Bernd Beyreuther: Well, in the first game we had 80 hours. We were quite surprised about this because it only became clear when we had merged all components together and focus tests were made. Then we thought. "Oh my god, the game's 80 hours long!". We'll try to have the content - which is ca. 150% of that in the first game - told in roughly 40 hours. We want to make everything more compact, we want to reduce walking distances. There are for example jump points within the levels. If you've unlocked a merchant for example, you can don't have to run all the way back. You can easily jump to his location. Of course you can, you don't have to.
DSA-Drakensang.de: How do you want to make this work?
Bernd Beyreuther: [Detailed explanation cut.]
Of course course this reduction to 40 hours is no reduction in content. We want to take out the artificially stretched parts and the uninteresting parts. [Bernd used the German words "Längen" and "Durchhänger". Unfortunately my dictionary doesn't know an exact translation.] The story however shall be told in a tighter and more gripping way.
These 150% content also lead to more replay value. For example different training quests and different branches. Much more than in the first part. We simply want to create a different flow of events depending on how you play and which decisions you make.
Friday - September 04, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - Gamescom Screens
Unfortunately I did not had the opportunity to get a tour of Drakensang: River of Time, but I did find the time to upload the screenshots from the Gamescom presskit I got from DTP to our gallery.
Here are two samples to start with.
Wednesday - September 02, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - Take Part in the Beta Party!
dtp and Radon Labs came up with a quite unusual idea to combine a community event with a beta test: They'll have a party with the community!
From Saturday, Sept. 12th, 10:00 until Sunday, Sept. 13th, 18:00 a beta test will take place. All around the clock, day and night, in all available rooms and on all PCs, here in Hamburg [dtp; ed.], Halle [Halle/Saale, Radon Labs' secondary office; ed.] and Berlin [Radon Labs; ed.].
More infos and an email address for application in the official Drakensang: The River of Time forum.
The PR didn't say it explicitly, but you can safely assume this is for Germans only.
Friday - August 28, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - Screens @ Worthplaying
Not sure if these are new but Worthplaying has three screens from Drakensang: The River of Time.
Thursday - August 20, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - GamesCon Video
Gamestar.de has a Drakensang: The River of Time video from GamesCon. The hi-res 2:30 video has their German presenter discussing the game, which can be seen behind on a monitor.
Thanks, Sir_Brennus!
Drakensang: The River of Time - Official Site Launched
Alrik writes that dtp and Radon labs have kicked up the official site for Drakensang: The River of Time. The site URL is German but an English version is selectable. There's not much there at this point but you can check out some screens, a FAQ and a feature list. From the FAQ:
What’s new on Drakensang: The River of Time?
Starting in Aventuria’s Middenrealm in the city of Ferdok, the story of the games takes players down the Great River to the city of Nadoret. Many mythical legends entwine around this river and will also flow into the main plot. The story will contain more twists than in Drakensang: With every place the player visits, his view on things will change. Depending on the choice of character and behavior new opportunities and series of quest will come up.
Living on a ship, players will experience a broad variety of RPG quests. There will be two new character archetypes to play, tons of new foes and monsters as well as equipment items.
Tuesday - August 11, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - Playable at GamesCom
dtp sent us this PR, announcing Drakensang: The River of Time will be on show and playable at GamesCom in Colgone, next week:
World Premiere: Play Drakensang: The River of Time for the very first time at dtp entertainment’s GamesCom booth in Cologne
Hamburg/Cologne, Germany, August 11th 2009 – Visiting dtp entertainment’s booth (Hall 8.1, Booth B030) at this year’s Gamescom show in Cologne (August 20th – August 23rd) will be a real fest for RPG players from all over the world.
They’ll see the world premiere of Drakensang: The River of Time and can play the game for the very first time. Drakensang: The River of Time is the prequel to the award winning PC RPG Drakensang: The Dark Eye.
RPG players also have the chance to check out the upcoming role playing games Divinity II: Ego Draconis and Venetica (both PC and Xbox 360®), as well as the PC horror adventure game Black Mirror II and So Blonde for Wii™ and Nintendo DS™.
Visitors of the dtp entertainment booth also have the chance to win big prizes: dtp entertainment is giving away a powerful gamer notebook, which is worth 1,500 Euros. This prize is sponsored by MSI.
Make sure to visit dtp entertainment’s booth B030 in hall 8.1 at GamesCom, Cologne, Germany (www.gamescom-cologne.com).
Thanks also to PrinceOfDeath for a similar submission.
Saturday - April 11, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - Development Video
German mag GameStar visits Radon Labs for this video on the development of Drakensang: The River of Time. Creative Director Bernd Beyreuther describes the project with concept art used to illustrate the conversation. From around the halfway mark, Bernd walks us around the studio on a short tour.
The video is in German but the concept art and work-in-progress glimpses make it worth a look for those fans that lack the requisite language skills.
Thanks, Alrik!
Tuesday - February 17, 2009
Drakensang: The River of Time - Official Press Release
The official press release for Drakensang 2 shows it's actually named Drakensang: The River of Time and that it's a prequel to Drakensang.
Drakensang: The River Of Time: Prequel to award-winning RPG highlight in production
Hamburg/Germany, February 17th, 2009 - Hamburg/Germany based publisher dtp entertainment has today confirmed that developer Radon Labs is working on a prequel to the award winning title: The Dark Eye: Drakensang, which has won the "best German RPG 2008" award at the German Developer Awards. Drakensang: The River Of Time is going to tell a new story within the Drakensang universe. The prequel is scheduled to be released on the PC early 2010.
"Fans of Drakensang and RPGs get exactly what they want: A new story in the embosomed Drakensang universe, bringing as much innovations as tried and true game elements", describes Bernd Beyreuther, Creative Director at Radon Labs, Drakensang: The River Of Time.
"We continue the success story of Drakensang. The Dark Eye players can look forward to another precise realization of their favorite RPG system. Those players who will experience The Dark Eye for the first time won't miss a thing and can just start right into the fascinating medieval RPG fantasy scenario of Drakensang: The River Of Time", Markus Windelen, COO of publisher dtp entertainment, adds.
Thursday - October 23, 2008
Drakensang 2 - Officially Confirmed
dtp COO Markus Windelen confirmed to Radio Hamburg that Drakensang 2 is indeed in production. ETA is early 2010. The article also mentions that Drakensang has sold through "at least 90.000 units" since August. The Drakensang add-on and the XBox360 version - both open secrets - are not mentioned.
via World of Drakensang.
100k is the border for a major hit in Germany.
Drakensang's international release is expected early next year through THQ (NA) and Eidos (UK, maybe Europe).
Information about
Drakensang: The River of TimeDeveloper: Radon Labs
SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Action-RPG
Combat: Pausable Real-time
Play-time: 40-60 hours
Voice-acting: Full
Regions & platforms
Germany, Austria & Switzerland
· Platform: PC
· Released: 2010-02-19
· Publisher: dtp
North America
· Platform: PC
· Released: 2011-01-11
· Publisher: dtp