The first-person Dungeon Crawler is a genre that has seemingly been lost to the ages. A few sprout up now and again, but the fruitful era seen on older PCs has since been forgotten. Nonetheless, a quality entry in the genre surfaces to help scratch that itch, and incite some deep-rooted nostalgia within all of us.
The story of Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk is fairly light, but manages to give enough incentive for the gameplay. Our focus is on a somewhat rude witch named Dronya (or Baba Yaga) and her lighthearted apprentice, Luca. The duo has recently arrived to the town of Refrain in an effort to search the mysterious dungeon that lies underneath. However, you will not be playing as this duo, instead you personally take the role of a magical book, using puppet soldiers to grind your way through the depths below.
Overall, Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk is a very well-rounded game. Despite some slight downfalls in terms of navigation and a simplistic combat system, there is a very solid core gameplay loop here. If you’re not a fan of JRPGs or dungeon crawlers, this game won’t change your mind whatsoever, as it sticks to what works rather than deviating from the norm much. For JRPG fans, the interesting dungeons, enjoyable characters, and 100s of hours of content will easily warrant the entry-fee.
Score 7/10