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Urban Strife - All News

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Wednesday - February 05, 2025

Urban Strife - Major Update

by Hiddenx, 17:10

Urban Strife will get a major update this month:

Coming next in February...

We've been planning a major update for the start of the year, originally intended to roll out in multiple patches. This update includes a significant rebalancing of the economy, which wouldn't work well without a series of tweaks and adjustments. However, since it's already February, we've decided to release everything in one go to ensure it's fully functional and ready to play.

The focal points of this update are industry mechanics and a new class of weapons. Most of the work on the industry crafting (code and HUD) is complete, and submachine guns are performing well in our tests. Over the next two weeks, we’ll focus on adding the following:

Loot distribution and trader restocking will be balanced for a longer, more open-ended campaign, allowing you to take your time and experiment with different approaches.
Diverse weapon classes of of .22LR, 9mm, and .45 calibers will appear more often in the starting zones for better weapon variety.
Damage values will be adjusted to make these weapons more viable in low-tier or bad armor setups.
Headshot mechanics will be reworked to be less of a one-shot kill. Since heads are naturally exposed in combat, they currently cause too many instant fatalities.

Another major change we've been planning for some time is streamlining the RPG elements in the first act. Instead of quests primarily pushing factions into conflict, they will now focus more on helping you understand each faction’s unique traits. This means that, for a while at least, it will be possible to maintain friendly relations with three faction groups simultaneously if that’s how you want to play.

We're also working on reducing linearity, giving you more freedom to explore and start the game on your own terms. The first maps to receive improvements will be those set in the suburbs, and we’ll gradually extend these changes to the rest of the first act. Additionally, we hope to release a pair of new maps this month -more details on that soon! Stay tuned!

Thanks Henriquejr!

Saturday - January 25, 2025

Urban Strife - Preview @ TBL

by Hiddenx, 17:11

The Turn Based Lovers checked out Urban Strife:

Exploring The Post-Apocalyptic Tactical RPG Urban Strife – Preview

If you are looking for your next post-apocalyptic, turn-based RPG, then Urban Strife might be what you are looking for. Currently, in Early Access on Steam, Urban Strife is looking to be the next turn-based strategy game with a twist. The developers have made an old-school TBS with a modern feel. Let’s jump in and see what this one is all about.

Here is what I am going to go over in this preview.

  • Story
  • The Town
  • Combat
  • RPG
  • Crafting
  • Roadmap
  • Conclusion
  • Story

You are a mysterious patient from the CDC lab in Atlanta. CDC was trying to relocate you when the vehicle crashed. You were the sole survivor. Rescued by the locals from a nearby town, you must now help them get organized and get ready. You need to rebuild the town, negotiate with neighboring factions, and prepare for the coming zombie horde. 


Thanks Couchpotato!

Wednesday - January 08, 2025

Urban Strife - New Patch

by Hiddenx, 18:37

Urban Strife got a new patch - here are the patch notes.

Thanks Couchpotato!

Saturday - December 21, 2024

Urban Strife - Holidays Update

by Hiddenx, 13:00

Couchpotato spotted a new update for Urban Strife:

Holidays Update & Patch Notes - December 21st

Our small gift for the holidays - a special content update and many of the fixes you've requested!

We’ve spent most of the last week monitoring your feedback and working on fixes for reported issues. Initially, we planned to separate urgent fixes (for the stable build) from content updates (in a beta build). However, in the spirit of the holidays, we decided to let everyone enjoy the bonus sandbox map directly! We still plan to separate the two update streams in the future, but for now enjoy them at will, together with a much smoother experience!


Saturday - December 14, 2024

Urban Strife - Dev Blog

by Hiddenx, 16:28

Couchpotato spotted a new dev blog for Urban Strife:

Dev Blog: Early Access - Week One

Code Freeze Over - Back to Work!

The current public build of the game is showing strong signs of stability. While there are still a few patches to be applied, the problems seem proportionally limited. This allows us to keep the default branch as a stable release and end the code freeze to resume development. Meanwhile, everyone who bought the game is welcome to join the BETA BRANCH starting next week - provided you understand that it is a laboratory where things are experimental (and will sometimes go wrong).

So, what can you expect to see (and play) in the beta branch?

Many of you have expressed a desire for more maps and the option to play them in a sandbox format. While Urban Strife was never advertised as a sandbox game, we’ve heard your feedback and thought of a solution that should make everyone happy!

We have many maps waiting in the campaign queue to be integrated into the game. A lot of effort has gone into their level design. Why not let everyone enjoy them while the main story is still being developed?


Tuesday - December 10, 2024

Urban Strife - Preview

by Hiddenx, 18:14

Splattercatgaming checked out Urban Strife:

A New Open World Zombie Apocalypse Scavenging RPG - Urban Strife

Thanks Couchpotato!


Urban Strife - Early Access Release

by Hiddenx, 07:05

The post-apocalytic RPG Urban Strife will be released into Early Access today:

Urban Strife - Official Early Access Release Date Trailer

Old school TBS, post-apoc survival and RPG. Recruit deranged locals in your militia, ally local factions and fight those you hate. Haul loot back and rebuild your shelter, doctor your wounds, and fix your guns. People need feeding, booze needs brewing and there is an end of the world to enjoy.


Wednesday - November 27, 2024

Urban Strife - Preview @ Mortismal Gaming

by Hiddenx, 19:53

Mortismal Gaming checked out Urban Strife:

Check Out: Urban Strife

Thanks Couchpotato!

Tuesday - November 26, 2024

Urban Strife - Autumn 2024 Dev Blog

by Hiddenx, 18:42

Couchpotato spotted a new devblog for Urban Strife:

Autumn 2024 Dev Blog: It's been a long time coming...

The big news is here, folks! Urban Strife will be released on December 10th in Early Access!

Yes, it's been a long journey. But we came far and it was worth it. For those wandering how long this game was in development and how it looked back then, we've prepared a few before/after shots, a short comparison between our first ever public demo (2017) and the current game.

We are aware some of you expected a full release, considering how long it took us to reach this point. But we felt we had to own up to the “TBS Survival RPG” tag we have chosen to define our game. So when we had the turn-based strategy part dialed in, we looked at our RPG and felt it needed more. We added dialogue skill checks, character development and perks and we rewrote the story to give the player as much agency as possible. As soon as we had a good Strategy RPG, the survival part was crying for attention.


Thanks Couchpotato!

Friday - November 15, 2024

Urban Strife - Early Access on December 10

by Hiddenx, 19:43

Gamepress reports that Urban Strife will be released into Early Access on December 10:

MicroProse Announces the Highly Anticipated Early Access Release of Urban Strife on Steam this December 10th

MicroProse, the legendary publisher of simulation and strategy games, is thrilled to announce that Urban Strife, a unique blend of turn-based strategy, post-apocalyptic survival, and RPG, will be launching on Steam in Early Access on December 10th, 2024. 

Developed by White Pond Games, Urban Strife combines classic turn-based strategy mechanics with modern survival elements and a thrilling storyline that promises to captivate fans of tactical combat and gritty post-apocalyptic narratives.


Thanks JDR13!

Sunday - November 03, 2024

Urban Strife - Night Combat

by Hiddenx, 14:03

Check out the combat of Urban Strife:

Urban Strife @ Scream Fest (Night Combat Sneak Peek)

We have snuck silently into another Steam festival

Here's another sneak peek of our upcoming title, Urban Strife. This time we're showing a short night fight, to fit the theme of Steam Scream Fest we are attending. Please take this combat with a grain of salt - we've intentionally used a lot of noise makers to draw out the zombies. Do not try this at home, we are professional zombie killers (we also tend to die a lot in our playtesting but we edited out that part).

On a serious note, we've completely overhauled our hover information system and we've added a couple of the new voice-overs. You can also see the new plate carrier body armor at work in game.

You can check out the pre-recorded dev test on our Steam Store page or on our YouTube channel:

Thanks Couchpotato!


Thursday - October 03, 2024

Urban Strife - Sneak Peak

by Hiddenx, 17:54

Check out the post-apocalytic RPG Urban Strife:

Urban Strife Sneak Peek

Come check out a preview of the latest Urban Strife build (recorded on Oct. 2nd)

During the Turn Based Festival we will stream a pre-recorded dev playthrough of our latest game build.

The location shown is a gas station controlled by a group of bikers, about to go to war against a gang of zombie worshiping cultists. This is only a small part of the scenario, basically the initial contact with faction, where seek to gain their favour and gain access to their traders, before going to war against their adversary.

We stopped short of spoiling too much of the content, but hopefully you can get an idea of what is coming.

Thanks Couchpotato!

Sunday - April 28, 2024

Urban Strife - Spring 2024 DevBlog

by Hiddenx, 12:30

Couchpotato spotted a new devblog for Urban Strife:

Urban Strife Spring 2024 Dev Blog (Episode 1)

Today we’ll reveal the scope of the main campaign and our progress towards the finish, with details about AI roles, ballistics & armor, zombification and RPG improvements. Next episode will detail additions to perks & learning, the stealth game, crafting changes, cars and travel, item durability & healing/pain.

AI Improvements at Play
We have mentioned the possibility of adding more specific AI roles in the previous articles, thanks to the new AI systems. As the work on the main campaign has progressed and we’ve started to place the actual faction on the maps, the opportunity to use such roles has materialized.

Tough enemies know new tricks
First, all bosses have received specialist bodyguards, assigned to protect them and protect them only. Most of the special “named” actors have also received medical supplies, such as bandages or boosters. And you’ll notice them making good use of them, painkillers in particular being the most effective in combat. In the example shown Court Administrator Jenkins, the right hand of the Courthouse boss, takes advantage of the decent cover and medicates on his turn after being previously injured.


Thanks Couchpotato!

Tuesday - December 26, 2023

Urban Strife - December DevBlog

by Hiddenx, 09:21

Henriquejr spotted a new developer blog of Urban Strife:

Urban Strife December 2023 DevBlog

A small progress update and a huge thank you to all the fans!

Experiments with the zombie virus!
We have been experimenting with a faster effect of the zombie attacks - direct turning during combat or shortly after. The results need some tuning but they certainly add an interesting twist to any battle versus the undead. Here’s a capture of a test scenario where a boxing match between some FBI agents and a bunch of zombies ended up with a few KOs on the agent side and one of them turning over to the red team.

As more communities fall victim to the zombie horde, you might even encounter some undead wearing body armor. The goofs in the above scenario are (were) simple drunkards who managed to shoot themselves trying to see if kevlar can really withstand a bullet. They have no extra magical powers, but the mere fact that they can’t be killed with a single headshot makes them extremely dangerous.

Main campaign (responsive map changes)
Your deeds along the way will determine the fate of the survivor groups camped out around Urban. Some will become your friends and later allies, opening up their base and storages for your party, others will decide to go a different route and make it on their own when the horde comes. The local firefighters are a good example - if you fail to get them on your side they’ll go into “Alamo” mode, fortifying their station roof for a last stand. How well that works for them remains to be seen when you’ll get there yourself.

RPG upgrades: dialogue checks (faction, attributes)
We have been re-writing, optimizing, native proofreading and enhancing our RPG constantly. One of the new implements that was on the to-do list and we badly wanted to have was checks in dialogue - with relevant consequences.

Faction affinities of your recruitables will allow you to discover hidden dialogue options with relevant information about ongoing scenarios because. A friendly face tends to loosen up the tension so the NPCs encountered might be more willing to divulge their secrets to someone with a common background. If that doesn’t work, you can always try bribing them with a few gold molars you’ve delicately pulled off the zombies you’ve just killed, but that might make things worse i(f you’re dealing with a certain cult that worships the undead for sure it will).

Combine the above with the new skills checks for intelligence and/or strength that will allow you to use either the sharpest mind or the biggest fists in your group to persuade the locals. Do a good job at that and you might get access to new quests and alternative solutions to solving conflicts. Killing everyone is no longer necessary and that comes with the added bonus of sparring the ammo for the fights that matter. Just be ready to feed the new batch of refugees you’ve saved and sent home (they tend to forget easily you’re their hero if you keep them on an empty stomach for too long; then it’s game over).



Saturday - August 05, 2023

Urban Strife - August DevBlog

by Hiddenx, 09:45

White Pond Games posted an August DevBlog for Urban Strife. They're still considering a release later this year and discuss a few improvements they've been working on since the last demo:

Urban Strife August 2023 DevBlog

Long time no see. It has been a long hot summer and a busy one. We had planned initially to release the game in July, but by the time Q2 ended it became obvious the game was not where we wanted it to be and we’ll be releasing it in a very noisy marketplace, with a lot of games competing for attention. So we decided to reassess the development timeline since it was clear we will be postponing the release and look for a new window, later this year. The extra development time was and will be put to good use - and here’s a list of features and QoL improvements that have already made it into the game since the NextFest demo.

New Smoke Spreading Mechanic
Our dynamic fire system has been unanimously appreciated so we’re adding now a new one that will pleasantly tingle your inner tactician senses: dynamic smoke/gas. The cloud will grow and decrease over time and - most important - it will spread through open spaces only. That means a closed room will contain the smoke while breaking windows and opening doors will dissipate it. The uses for the smoke/gas will be plenty and will come in the shape of new grenades (starting with the most obvious, a smoke grenade that will break LOS).

Refined NightOps Mechanics
Night ops will now benefit from a refined light system, with each individual game tile having its own light intensity, instead of a generic light setting that affects the entire map. What this improvement brings is the ability to implement light generating gadgets (flares and all other illumination devices) that will make night combat quite interesting.

The LOS mechanic has been overhauled too and we added an option to manually finetune the ranges. We found out that the old automatic system was generating ridiculously small visual detection distances when the player was using stealth at night. Speaking of detection ranges, we added much needed UI helpers for zombie spawners so you will no longer bump inadvertently into one.


Thanks Redglyph!

Friday - January 27, 2023

Urban Strife - Featured at Steam Spring NextFest

by Hiddenx, 16:06

Urban Strife will be a part of the Steam Spring NextFest:

Urban Strife will be featured at Spring NextFest!

Coming to a Steam account near you with an updated Prologue

We're pleased to announce Urban Strife has been handpicked as one of the featured games at the upcoming Steam NextFest, coming February 6th. To celebrate this, we've taken your feedback and polished even more the Prologue Demo. This time you will be able to enjoy it fully, from day one of the festival and well beyond after NextFest ends.

Because we promised you an early comeback and because being a featured game requires one to have a press demo, tonight we will reactivate our regular build, the one you've seen Zemalf, Splattercat and other content creators play. You can, of course, download and have fun with it, but it is meant to be a demo for journalists and the un-patient ones. Just remember to be back here on February 6th, or you'll miss a lot of things.

If you're curious what exactly there is to miss, here's a tentative list of NextFest Demo features:

  • All the industry NPCs have now a quest to build a specific shelter upgrade; spend materials and you'll get to see the shelter change under your eyes
  • You can now salvage items and weapons at the Recycler Workshop and obtain building materials
  • There are 4 new facilities you can build: a garden (+food), a jail (+morale), a pharmacy (+health) and a garage
  • The items now have a trade value and the traders will be openly displaying the cut they take so you can do your trading math correctly
  • The backpack has been completely redesigned, with carry slots now clearly separated from equipment slots and filters;
  • Speaking of filters, all containers have item filters now and a SORT button for easier inventory management
    Item generation and manipulation has also been redesigned to lower memory use that sometimes lead to crashes
  • We have added much needed hover information on the main HUD (and we plan to expand this to other parts of the interface)
  • Targeting cursor has been adjusted to convey extra and more accurate information; loot cursor now is animated for easier detection of interactable objects
  • The city map has been re-drawn, showing the local attractions, districts and a streamlined road layout
  • Also on the city map, we have a new sector info chart, with new information about the places you plan to visit
  • RPG has gone through a new overhaul round, dialogues are now less stuffed; you can still read the lore, but you can do it at will, after you settle in
  • Finally, there is a whole new intro sequence to the game for more immersive story telling
  • List will continue as we add more features - expect an update closer to the festival.

Saturday - December 17, 2022

Urban Strife - Gameplay

by Hiddenx, 13:30

SplatterCatGaming checked out the new Urban Strife demo:

Urban Strife - Open World Zombie Apocalypse Survival RPG


Saturday - December 10, 2022

Urban Strife - New Demo

by Hiddenx, 10:51

Henriquejr spotted a new demo for Urban Strife:

New Urban Strife Demo is LIVE!

We are launching a new Prologue Demo for Urban Strife live on zemalf, thanks for the #TurnBasedFest event. Come join the devs for an ad-hoc Q&A and a chance to win a full game key. The demo is free for all and you should see it on the game Steam page.

For our new players we have prepared a special "cheat sheet" with introductory information about our interface and mechanics. You can open image in full screen with right-click, save it, and keep it at hand for a bit of quick help if you skip through the ingame tutorials too fast.


Enjoy! And do not forget to try other #TurnBasedFest awesome games, too.

Tuesday - December 06, 2022

Urban Strife - Demo on December 8

by Hiddenx, 19:58

Good news from White Pond Games: an updated demo of Urban Strife will be available on December 8:

Urban Strife - TBS Survival RPG

We're pleased to announce that you'll be able to play the 🔥updated Urban Strife demo🔥 at #turnbasedfest, starting Dec. 8th. Keep an eye on our Steam page  #indiegame #zombieapocalypse #turnbased #strategy

Thanks Redglyph!

Thursday - November 03, 2022

Urban Strife - Development Update

by Hiddenx, 20:51

Henriquejr spotted the Halloween 2022 development update for Urban Strife:

Urban Strife - Halloween 2022 Development Update

Trick or treat will have a whole new meaning soon enough

When can we play the game?
Let’s start with the elephant in the room - release date. No, we cannot set a precise day yet, as much as we wish that day was upon us. But we can have a fair estimate that work on the game will be in pretty good shape at the end of Q1 2023 so around that time we can have a chat about the big day coming. But wait, so when do we get to play, you ask?

Well, since we’re entering the end stretch of this marathon, we will try to be about everywhere you, our players, might be. We’ll have a combat demo this December, if our friends from Turn Based Lovers will pick us for their #TurnBasedFest event. We hear there are already 300 plus submissions so the company will be awesome. Come January, we have another event lined up at the end of the month where we hope to showcase the shelter mechanics and the economy. And no later than February, for the grand finale, we’ll be at Spring NextFest (this one is 100% confirmed), with what we hope will be a demo that will give you a taste of all critical features and give us a lot of essential feedback for the final bugfix before release. So don’t worry, the horde is coming!

New factional groups
Work will focus now on mid to late game campaign, but until we have something worthy to showcase from there, we have prepared a quick sneak peek into the factional groups you will encounter when exploring the sectors closer to home base.

In no particular order, meet the Courthouse Police, trying to maintain order in a sector where the local brewery is way more popular than the volunteer hospital and triage. Although morale is low, mostly due to the Army not delivering promised supplies and reinforcements, they are still a force to be reckoned with, boasting snipers, dangerous marshals and shotgun toting troopers.

Travel into the more suburban parts of the city and you’ll meet a lovely group of bounty hunters, visiting the Whitepond Supermarket neighborhood in search of a family of cultists, the Saint brothers. Once supermarket owners, the Saint family has discovered new abilities in working with the undead and are slowly training them into a loyal army. But there are people in Urban less than delighted with the existence of the zombie cult on the premises, hence the visit of the aforementioned bounty hunters.

Move down White River and you’ll eventually meet the Devilsons, a biker clan and a family business centered around turning scrap metal into badass choppers. The patriarch, Rick Devilson, has reached an age where he is hoping his twin sons, Brad and Hawk, will take over the shop. Instead the two dimwits have decided it is better to go to war against each other over a shared love interest. Without spoiling the story here's a couple of friendly local union workers who decided to take advantage of the moment and “renegotiate” their contract with Rick Devilson, with one of his sons as collateral. A fun bunch, guaranteed.

Finally, the local FBI office will be very much interested in what goes on in the Devilson Scrapyard, but meeting them is an experience in itself so we won’t give out too many spoilers. Their fancy black jeeps are all gassed up and ready for the upcoming raids on the criminal underworld. Only there’s a small problem with the assault team having their entire inventory of body protection gear stolen by some mysterious local thieves. No more cavalry coming to help anyone, unless you decide to help the federal investigation and make some kevlar vests “magically” turn up.

Looting improvements - special “looted” state for containers

In the same effort to make looting less of a chore and more of a hint of opening Christmas presents, we decided to stick to a library of lootable containers, places where common sense would tell you that loot can be. Also these containers will have a special asset blueprint with a looted state that will visibly indicate you don’t need to bother checking them, so less carpal nerve damage for you. In this respect we’ve modified our vehicles so now they have trunks/bonnets that open after you loot them and we’ll be going through the furniture assets too with the same plan.

Interface Upgrades
We have redesigned stealth indicators to be clearly visible in dangerous places. The red “no access” tiles, enemy sight and hearing ranges are now clearly visible on mouse hover. We have kept the effect discrete though in order not to disturb your immersion. Another area we’re looking for serious upgrades into is the inventory management interface, but it's too WIP to show anything yet.

Other improvements in progress
We’re looking to improve the game experience with an immersive new soundtrack. Will have more details as we progress further with this. Animations are still being upgraded and, in case you didn’t notice, we have new 2D art for our Steam page and social media platforms.


Thursday - August 11, 2022

Urban Strife - Development Update

by Hiddenx, 17:29

White Pond Games has posted a development update for Urban Strife:

Urban Strife - Midsummer 2022 Development Update

Under the scorching summer sun, the zombie horde is creeping closer and closer to your hard drive.

Layered Portraits
We know how important it is for the player to immerse into the game world and how much the portraits of your team and your avatar matter in this respect. So we’ve implemented a system of layers under the character blueprints that saves your choices in the shape of a portrait when you create your avatar’s 3d model, including sex, face type, skin color, haircut and choice of clothing with their respective colors. Of course the system can be expanded to regular NPC actors too (those you interact and have a dialogue with), allowing modders to create a lot of variations, using just one 3d body mesh and collection of easy-to-make 2D layers.

NPC Portraits Restyling
Since we were working on the immersion factor, we took a look at all the NPC actor portraits and upgraded them to more refined, hand-painted versions (initial heads were just renders of the 3d mesh). Now they will fit the story, their intended role and background and will be even more lovable (I mean just look how redneck cute Billy Bo is, don’t you want to take him home?).

Spawners v2 (continued)
We have talked about spawners a lot, we know. We are quite excited about this update because it is quite transformative for the gameplay. Today we’ll show you the smallest Prologue spawner in action (bus zombie herd). What you’re seeing is basically just one small wave of zombies, awakened from the pile of slumbering dead hidden in the bus. If you keep making a racket, more raise up until the spawner is destroyed (by fire) or emptied (herd total depends on the difficulty level and zone). If you played last year’s demo and felt the zombies were a walkover, this is another universe now. Approach even the smallest herd foolishly and you’ll get your team swimming in more “friends” than a stage diver at a rock concert.

New low level (craftable) weapons and ammo
The sawed off hunting shotgun with a 2 shot mechanism has been ready since the demo, but somehow didn’t make it into that build. In the new game prologue we’ve restructured both the loot found and the equipment of the early enemies. We’ve found this vintage hunting shotgun, in its sawed off version, to be a perfect starter weapon, together with the redneck crossbow and the nailgun. Since the scavengers you’re encountering don’t exactly have access to a weapons trader, you’ll find out they’ve resorted to crafting their own ammo, grandpa style, using packing paper or cardboard, gunpowder and some nails. You won’t hit a flying pigeon with this setup and from range those nails will go everywhere, but get up close and they’re suddenly a handful of deadly metal pieces spewed out of a shotgun.
Also this homemade recipe of nail shots will fill in the gap nicely until you get your shelter's ammo press working or access to a stable supply of “regular” munitions. Nails are everywhere, cardboard too, you just got to be a bit lucky scoring some gunpowder. You can laugh at uncle Jim Bob’s recipe, but when that zombie is in your face you’ll thank him!

New Animation Pipeline
Urban Strife development has had multiple artists contribute their work when it comes to character models and their animations. It's quite a challenge to standardize input when you’re working with freelancers and when you couple that with the fact that the game includes work done years ago, some with source files lost, making upgrades to the characters risked being an impossible task.
As we’re adding new talent to the team, we’ve found out that we don’t have a way to import our models into major 3d tools. For example, importing animations on 3DS Max Biped from incompatible skeletons proved to be a hair pulling experience. So we went and built our own pipeline for HumanIK in Maya and Character Studio in 3DS Max. This now allows us to import/export animations generated from multiple sources, for different skeletons. Also, we took the time and built ourselves a complete library of all idle animations (the start point for animations in general) for any future expansions and modding.
This entire experience taught us a lot, so the post-release modding SDK will come with a special pipeline for Blender, the free, open-source 3D creation suite. We assume most modders would rather use that, considering the price of the professional tools isn’t exactly cheap.

Animations Revamp
As we’ve mentioned, the new tools allowed us to add new animations to Urban Strife and revamp some of the old ones that feel clunky or unnatural. You can see a small example of the old rotation in crouch vs the new one. The animation revamp is not just eye candy (it’s a lot of that too) but also goes into quality of life improvements. Poor animations, like the slow turn when opening containers, were on top of the list of complaints we had from the testers. Fluid movements produce smooth gameplay and while it’s not an easy task (Urban Strife uses more than 1000 animations), we’ll try to improve as many as we can.
Just to understand the complexity of our animations system, most of the transitions should be multiplied by 5 (unarmed, armed with a pistol, a rifle, a one-handed melee weapon or a two-handed melee weapon), then multiplied by 2 (standing / crouched) and then multiplied by 2 again (for the relaxed or aiming stances). Do the math

Regiments Launch
Since we’re all fans of strategy here, do not forget to mark August 16th in your calendar. In just a few days our good friends from Bird's Eye Games will launch their much anticipated cold-war RTS. If you have played their demo you know you must have it on your wishlist already, but if you haven’t, do it now. You won’t regret it.

Thanks Redglyph!

Friday - June 10, 2022

Urban Strife - Spring 2022 Development Update

by Hiddenx, 14:37

Henriquejr spotted the newest dev update for Urban Strife:

Urban Strife - Spring 2022 Dev Update

A quick peek behind the scenes post-demo
We’ve started 2022 with a lot of feedback from the Prologue Demo and a sharper vision of what the final game will have to be like. After the festival we took the time to do a lot of behind the scenes planning and organizing, which wasn’t very glorious and news worthy but vital for the final stretch of development. Still, even with all this housekeeping we pushed on with the actual game development. The Prologue of the game has been integrated in the main campaign and has received a well earned polish that includes a functioning, upgradeable Shelter. First tier of the main campaign is in development, also, to be completed soon. Anyway, long story short, here are some of the new things we’ve worked on:

Level Design
The Shelter map layout has been optimized to receive the entire system of upgrades; your refugees will soon enjoy fresh tomatoes before their gym routine or a night cap at the biker pub. Some of the upgrades will be built from scratch, some will take advantage of the old structures on the site. For example an old office can be either a biker bar (with its own moonshine still in the back room), an army hospital complete with surgery tables or a peaceful cultist prayer room, with a small hydroponics for growing soothing herbal plants and nourishing mushrooms.

Just do not forget to upgrade your defenses. The basic electric fence will help you against zombie stragglers only. One of these days you will get a large horde on your doorstep and these fortifications will need to hold them back or you and your pals will be just another nutritious meal for the undead.

Prologue Story/RPG Changes
People complained the Shelter stole their hard earned loot from the intro sequence so Mayor Adams had a change of heart and now you will be able to recover your stuff from the Sheriff’s office. Speaking of the Sheriff’s Office meeting, everyone is a tiny bit less edgy now, nurse Lucy in particular. The girl has a heart of gold hidden somewhere, if you can go past the murderous look in her eyes.

The three faction representatives, Father Joseph (cultists), Honest Joe (bikers) and Sgt. Kowalski (army) will have the chance to rule their own domain, if you allow them to settle near the Shelter. If not, you’re welcome to piss everyone off. We’ve reviewed and streamlined all their scripts too. Honest Joe now has an actual reward for you, he sends Bubba Gimme to open a nicely stocked shop right in the Shelter and furthermore, he will upgrade Bubba's inventory each time you do good with the bikers. Father Joseph can now be freed at your leisure, during day/night time. He warns you that daytime is more dangerous, but you be you and play the game as you see fit.

And finally, Sgt. Kowalski said he doesn’t like his desk job so now he’s blissfully happy doing what every drill sergeant wants to do: yelling at recruits all day.


Tuesday - November 23, 2021

Urban Strife - November Update

by Redglyph, 11:33

White Pond Games posted a healthy update about the development of Urban Strife.

Urban Strife – November 2020 Development Update

Health/Wounds, Immolation, Stamina with Pain and Exhaustion Systems Explained

What is new

Life & Body Parts Health

Urban Strife is about combat and survival so all things considered, we decided to turn health into a system, instead of a character stat. LIFE, or overall health, has a very special meter. Life meter is, of course, critical because once it reaches zero, you are dead. This being said, body parts have their own internal HP too and damage received by them is weighted differently when applied to a NPC’s life. For example, a head shot will do about 3x damage to global health, but a wounded hand will have a much smaller effect. This makes body armor (that protects the head and the torso) way more important and leaving the limbs exposed avoids the Juggernaut effect (which is not desirable in a survival, low-tech game). Killing an armored enemy simply by attacking the limbs is a difficult feat, but bleeding and crippling will severely impact his/her combat ability so at least you have a fighting chance.


Any attack type can generate a bleed tick so for each wound you will lose a small amount of HP, over time. Of course, a blade will cause worse bleeding than a blunt weapon. If someone in your group is bleeding, that character will try to remind you, from time to time, to patch him/her up. You should do so because, while not overly aggressive (unless you are full of holes), bleeding drains from global health directly, no matter where the wound is located. This can cause massive life loss if left unattended. First because these “bleeding ticks” are cumulative so more holes means more gushing blood. Second because it will take a while for the bleeding to stop on its own and the wound to close. If you bandage early, you’ll avoid losing a lot of HP and keep fighting. Of course, trauma itself will remove a portion of your life, too. So trying to bounce bullets off your chest is still a bad idea.

Bandages and Medical Kits [...]

Immolation [...]

Crippling Effects & Damage Types [...]

Stamina, Pain and Exhaustion [...]

Items: Stacks vs Containers [...]

New Enemy Types [...]

Thursday - October 07, 2021

Urban Strife - Feedback and One More Day

by Redglyph, 18:21

White Pond Games gives a little feedback of Steam Next Fest, and makes the demo of Urban Strife available one more day.

Urban Strife Prologue

Available for one more day upon popular request

This was the first festival for Urban Strife since we've shown an early build at Gamescom 2017. It gave us precious feedback we've already started implementing in the game and a solid boost of 100 places in the Most Wishlisted games on Steam, a pretty nice bonus on top of everything.

We'll be moving to a newer version of the Unreal Engine so next iterations of the prologue should come with much better 4k and Win11 support. Dialogues and story will receive a polish too where they need it, for a more immersion. And definitely we'll improve the interface and the looting system for an enjoyable experience.

To thank everyone for attending we decided to keep the demo up for one more day after festival ends. It will make a comeback soon, new and improved, we promise.

Check out the Let's Plays here:

Sunday - October 03, 2021

Urban Strife - (Demo) First Look/Preview by Kordanor

by Redglyph, 15:33

@Kordanor has a first look at the last demo of Urban Strife.

A look into Prologue-Demo of Urban Strife, a tactics game which takes the realistic approach of combats from Jagged Alliance and puts it into a zombie-apocalypse setting like Dead State.

To my other Urban Strife video:

Setting: Hardcore

Developer: White Pond Games

Publisher: Microprose


Friday - October 01, 2021

Urban Strife - Live Stream at Steam Next Fest

by Redglyph, 17:11

White Pond Games posted an update on Urban Strife.

Urban Strife is coming to Steam Next Fest!

Come watch the prologue demo played & streamed live by our guest host, BoxMacLeod @ 3 PM PDT (22 GMT), OCT 1

Urban Strife brings together a complete package for the strategy fan: turn-based combat, RPG with character development and post-apocalypse survival. A true “Jagged Alliance meets The Walking Dead” of the modern era.

Built on Unreal Engine, Urban Strife brings turn-based strategy onto a solid platform and makes full use of it with advanced AI systems, realistic ballistics calculations, cover based on material penetration and spectacular scenery with dynamic day/time cycles. But while under the hood everything is brand new, Urban Strife comes with a user interface and battle controls that are trusted and familiar to the old-school gamer and easy to pick up by the new generations.

In Urban Strife you will command a group of quirky, slightly deranged militia and try to ensure the survival of the Urban Shelter, a small community somewhere at the foothills of the Appalachians. While on the field you will have full control over your group’s actions and engage them in exploring, trading, making allies and most important, fighting to stay alive. At home, you will manage supply and logistics, upgrade the base, heal, and train your fighters. It is up to you to organize supply runs to kickstart your shelter industry, upgrade your weapons, deal with the inevitable emergencies, and prepare for the inevitable re-emergence of the undead horde that almost wiped off civilization two years before.

Check out BoxMacLeod's channels here:

Friday - March 12, 2021

Urban Strife - March Dev Update

by Hiddenx, 17:14

Here's the March dev update for Urban Strife:

Urban Strife - March 2021 Dev Update

Shelter Economy, Reputation Checks, Faction Gear, Female Avatar & Save/Load System
Reputation checks and faction affinity in RPG

The RPG layer got an update with a new set of checks: faction checkpoints that allow you to pass through only if you accumulate enough reputation and a faction affinity check during dialogues that opens shortcuts and interesting avenues if you bring along the right team mate.

Shared inventory for quest items and crafting
Inventory management was made a bit easier when it comes to delivering quest items - no need to browse through everyone’s backpack anymore. If a party member has the needed object, you can deliver it and finish your quest. The same shared inventory system will be applied when backpack crafting, but only if the player specifically allows crafting to use the shared inventories. This way you won’t need to explain to Billy Bo why his favorite whiskey is now a Molotov cocktail.
And since we never mentioned this - yes, we do have a shared base storage for stashing all those precious looted candy wrappers and second hand syringes. Rejoice!

Special weak point for zombies
We have promised body parts damage that makes a difference and the first step in this direction is a classic - hitting zombies anywhere but the head will only result in minimal damage, while headshots will usually put them down in one turn. This makes even the vanilla zombies a bit of a challenge (and a waste of ammo if you didn’t get the memo and start spraying from a distance).


Thanks Henriquejr!

Wednesday - October 21, 2020

Urban Strife - Being Published by MicroProse

by Silver, 11:37
The devs of Urban Strife have announced that MicroProse is their publisher.

Urban Strife has joined the MicroProse family!

We have been biting our lips for a month or so but today we can finally reveal the details about the publishing deal we have signed: Urban Strife is now part of the MicroProse family!

This is a huge step for us, putting development on a solid path and we wanted to announcement to be done properly. Including a preview article by PC Gamer here (and a new trailer as bonus inside):

Sunday - July 19, 2020

Urban Strife - Hands On @ TBL

by Hiddenx, 18:34

The Turn Based Lovers checked out Urban Strife:

Urban Strife – Hands-on!

"There’s something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware"
– Buffalo Springfield "For What It's Worth"

Here, where I’m now, a zombie apocalypse it’s one of the hardest things to imagine.

Here, where the Dolomites seem giants of rock that watch over the nature and where the green of the mountains is so intense that hurts your eyes; here, as I was saying, the horror of a civilization overwhelmed by an immense army of walking dead sounds just like a childhood fear.

Nevertheless, is out of question that zombies are one of the most terrifying inventions of the lasts decades. Personally I have a true obsession for anything related to the zombies. An obsession born when I watched for the very first time “Dawn of the Dead”. It was 1979 and at that time I was only 7 years old.
After I watched that movie I was unable to sleep for several days, then, after getting over the shock, I became a true horror movie addict!
So when, after six years from Dead State, I heard about a new turn-based zombie RPG, I decided that this was an unmissable opportunity to challenge again my fears. I was kindly invited by White Pond Games to the Alpha test of their game and what follows are my impressions.


Saturday - June 20, 2020

Urban Strife - First Impressions Videos

by Silver, 23:14

Some first impressions videos of Urban Strife which is currently in alpha.


A look into the Alpha of Urban Strife, a tactics game which takes the realistic approach of combats from Jagged Alliance and puts it into a zombie-apocalypse setting like Dead State.


An exciting and exclusive first look at this TBS game. It had a definitely fallout vibe and very lethal combat. I ended up getting my arse kicked twice!

Thanks Kordanor!

Urban Strife - In Alpha, Early Access in Q4 2020

by Silver, 01:02

Urban Strife has reached Alpha status. Current plans are for the game to enter Early Access by Q4 2020.


Urban Strife is an old-school TBS Survival RPG, where you lead a team of makeshift, slightly deranged militia in an effort to keep the small community of Urban Shelter alive, amidst a zombie pandemic.

With what’s left of human civilization divided into factions fighting over the scraps, you will need to broker alliances and fight factions wars, fortify and rebuild your community and forge a future against the ever-present threat of the zombie horde. 

Thanks Couchpotato!

Friday - June 28, 2019

Urban Strife - Fire Spreading Mechanic Video

by Silver, 10:56

A new video for Urban Strife shows off the fire spreading mechanic.


Usually in Urban if you come across a crashed bus it's not going to be full of cheerleaders. So instead of opening the door and saying hi, you could be in need of a more dramatic solution. Enter good old Molotov cocktail and a new mechanic of fire spreading.

PS: We have accelerated the fire for video capture purposes, actual ingame one takes a while to eat a whole bus.

Tuesday - April 02, 2019

Urban Strife - Interview

by Silver, 11:25

TurnBasedLovers have interviewed the developers of Urban Strife, which is a turn based RPG set during a zombie apocalypse.

7) Looking at the screenshots, it’s almost impossible not to notice a resemblance to some cornerstone of the past like Jagged Alliance and the X-Com series.  Besides these ones, are there other sources of inspiration?

We are die-hard fans of Jagged Alliance, Fallout, Wasteland, X-Com (and XCOM) with hundreds of hours sunk into these games. Some of us have been involved with these communities, as regular users, for years and years and it is normal that you would see these games being reflected in USG. But we’re equally enjoying a lot of other flavors of gaming, from Dead State Reanimated to State of Decay, from Commandos Behind Enemy Lines to Shadow Tactics and from This War of Mine to The Long Dark to mention just a few. We’re suckers for strategy, apocalypse, and survival and we’re proud to admit it. On the other hand, our professional background has been built working on Ubisoft AAA games such as Assassin’s Creed and Tom Clancy titles and thus, willing or not, there’s bound to be an influence from there too.

tactical combat screen


Information about

Urban Strife

Developer: White Pond Games

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Apocalypse
Genre: Tactical RPG
Combat: Turn-based
Play-time: 20-40 hours
Voice-acting: Unknown

Regions & platforms
· Homepage
· Platform: PC
· Expected: 2025-06-01
· Publisher: MicroProse