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Consortium - Master Edition Announced

by Couchpotato, 2014-04-10 05:02:56

Interdimensional Games has a new update for Consortium about a new version of the game called The Master Edition, and talks about the baker awards.

CONSORTIUM:  The Master Edition

Lately, we've had our heads down once again, working on polishing, fixing and optimizing our game to a very high degree.  Our goal?  Essentially we are gearing up to re-launch the game on April 29th, as "CONSORTIUM:  The Master Edition". 

Polished and improved combat gameplay, greatly optimized and bug fixed, greatly polished choreography, and much more.   All backers at the $10 (gimme the game) + level and everyone who owns the game will get this version for free.  We will also be launching the game on GOG.COM and the Humble Store.

You heard it here first.  This version has the benefit of thousands of players playing it for a few months, and we've been working to address every single issue that has been posted to the Steam discussion forums.

Backer Rewards Update

As per our last update about this, we did hope to largely be completely finished with the rewards at this point.  Our focus has shifted since then a little bit, as we've gone back to the dev grindstone to get the Master Edition completed.  HOWEVER...real progress has been made, and here's proof:

  • T-shirts and Posters.  As you can see above, they have all been created.  We are now working through the process of shipping everything.  U.S backers will be receiving T-shirts for them arriving within the next few weeks!   The rest will follow soon...
  • Kickstarter Special Edition and DVD:   This version will be built on top of the Master Edition described above.  The core development team spent three days in March, playing through the whole game together.  During these sessions, we had a room microphone hooked up and we were all encouraged to just talk out loud about memories from the production, funny development stories, etc.   Steve and Gregory will be getting together soon to compile all of this into "sound bytes", create additional commentary AND place developer commentary triggers into the game itself.
  • iDGi-1 Discoveries:  This has taken us much longer to produce than we anticipated, but I am pleased to announce Steve has completed work on it and it is currently in the polish and edit stage. It's shaping up to be a very dense 130 pages long and is just an awesome read into the deep back-story of CONSORTIUM, specifically through the lens of our early quantum stream explorations (the A.R.G.)

We all really appreciate your continued patience with getting your goodies, and hope that the quality level that we're aiming for with all of it will be well worth the wait.

Finally, we would also like to mention that after we ship the Master Edition, work will resume on our Mac and Linux ports - so for those of you in the "Other Platforms" tier, there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel! 

Wish us luck with finishing up the Master Edition - we'll be updating more this month as we approach April 29th....

Information about


SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Sci-Fi
Genre: Shooter-RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released
