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Fury: Joseph Hewitt Interview @ MPOGL

by Inauro, 2006-06-01 02:45:00
The crew at Multi-Player Online Games List send word that they have an interview with Joseph Hewitt, a Senior Designer at Auran Games, who is currently hard at work on Fury.<blockquote><em><b>MPOGL</b>: 2) Can you give us a brief over-view of the game for our readers that may not know what a SFurya ? is?<br><br><B>Hewitt</b>: Fury is an online, team-based, competitive, action-based, arena combat game. Translating those adjectives to normal English you get a MMO game with character development, trials (quests) and loot. You are competing directly against other players in fast paced PvP combat. It has been described as MMORPG style combat and character development with FPS style game types, ladders and arenas.Fury is built completely around competitive game play in such a way that you will still have a good time and progress your character even if you lose the match.</em></blockquote><a href="" target="_blank">More...</a>
Source: MPOGL

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