Grimoire - Indiegogo Update
Cleve Blakemore - Grimoire update:
Working on completing the final touches for the game, including this baby poster found in various locations all over Hyperborea.
I am down to roughly 7 issues that have emerged mainly from searching for notes in the code commented as "//*TODO" and "//*FIX". As far as I can tell I have not been able to produce an in-game exception from doing anything.
The goal is to submit to Steam Greenlight as soon as all final graphics are in, including this poster. Placeholders for monsters in some places are being replaced with super high quality graphics and the animated magic and spell effects are also being finished off. Game is looking pretty good considering only one person has been working on it the past three years.
All pledges will receive instant early access to the complete version of the game in Steam Greenlight when it becomes available. I completed a full walkthrough last month and only encountered one exception crash generated by an in-game assert which I fixed on the spot.
Information about
GrimoireSP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released