Grimoire - The Campaign is Over. Time For a New one
The IndieGoGo campaign for Grimoire is over ending at $10.598 of an asked $250.000. The demo is still not done, so we have that to look forward to as we can look forward to the new campaign.
Well, the IndieGoGo campaign has come to an end. Thanks to all the people who pledged.
I have quite a few things to do. As a minimum I have to put the URL into the new demo of where our new campaign is running so I have to package up the demo this weekend for installation.
When the new site is ready I will put the link to it up on this one and will mail it out to all who have previously pledged, just so they will know where it is.
All pledgers will be getting the super demo by private email. The public demo will be available to everybody but only those who pledged at least $25 will get the super demo which will be roughly equivalent in size to the original demo released in 1997.
Sometime in February I will see if I can get stuck into implementing the pledges. As of this time it is no big deal, less than a day or two of work if I have them all in front of me. The biggest problem is corresponding with pledgers to get the specs on their contribution to game content.
Information about
GrimoireSP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released