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King Arthur: Knight's Tale - Patch v1.1.0
by Hiddenx, 2022-05-20 14:34:44
With patch v1.1.0 a lot of balance issues of King Arthur: Knight's Tale got fixed:
Content Update for Knight's Tale - Patch v1.1.0 | May 18
Patch v1.1.0
- Sorting: A sort button has been added to the inventory with which players can sort all their items based on rarity
- Filtering: A filter button has been added to the inventory with which players can filter out all the class-only items
- The Knight's Tournament will be cancellable now in the Training Grounds but the cost won't be provided back
- Sir Tristan's starting equipment has been improved a bit, his starting level is 4 now and received the Jump Vanguard skill when we encounter him for the first time in the Whispering Cove mission
- Sir Tegyr's starting level has been increased to 7 from 6
- Sprint is tagged as a Movement skill now
- Leap Attack, Earth Shaker, Poison Bomb and Rain of Arrows received an Area tag
- Enemy units which occupy more than 1 grid cannot be put into a Bone Cage any longer
- Lowered the requirement of the Parry Master Challenge from 5000 to 3000
- Changed the It's a Trap! achievement's unlock criteria: Kill 5 enemies in their own round by traps in a single encounter
- Changed the Fire Walk With Me achievement's unlock criteria: every Arcanist spell will count from now on
- Decreased the Vitality and the damage output of the villagers in The Return of Morgana le Fay mission
- Various Endgame missions have been reviewed and improved
- Reviewed and slightly rebalanced several thematic enchants (Blood Magic, Wild Magic etc.)
- Rebalanced the AP/kill enchant which will grant AP once per turn from now on
- Developer comment: The combination of stacking AP per kill from various sources and the ease at which certain heroes can close the gap with enemies, combined with other, stacking on kill effects made this enchant far too powerful. We hope this change reduces the possibility to abuse this mechanic, without taking away from other builds that use it.
- Increased the cooldown of the Vanguard's Jump skill a little bit. 3 turns needed for it to be used again but with its mastery this number can be lowered to 2
- Developer comment: The Vanguard had the ability to deal massive damage, and did that without any repercussions. Jump combined with Hide was a complete safeguard for the class, no matter how aggressive or risky one played. With the changes, mistakes can be punished by the AI, and the Vanguard can't close distance so easily - thus making it harder to clear the whole backline of enemy teams with only one Hero
Information about
King Arthur: Knight's TaleSP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Tactical RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released