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Those Who Rule - Review @ TBL

by Hiddenx, 2025-01-30 19:19:39

The Turn Based Lovers reviewed Those Who Rule:

Those Who Rule – Review

Those Who Rule is a brand-new tactical RPG developed by Eldin Turulja. The game offers a few unique systems, a gorgeous art style, stunning character portraits, and even perma-death.

The player will take control of a group of Rangers in a war-torn world. The man cast is Slyker, the leader, Marcus, the brute of the party, and Illyana, the tactician. These three are tasked with impossible decisions at every corner of their journey.

The player will traverse a wide range of biomes and locations, such as castles, dungeons, caves, snowy plains, sandy deserts, and lush forests.

As you play through the story you will uncover the secrets of the world and the enemies you are fighting, but not every enemy is how you pictured. The game is riddled with twists and almost becomes a thriller in the sense of not knowing who the villains truly are, and even then, the game leaves you asking questions about each decision you make.


The combat, the story, and the challenge are incredible. Every mission has been engaging and making me want more, and the story beats do not let up in keeping the suspense while also reminding us that this is a grounded experience for our cast. Seeing these inexperienced young adults battle through these dangerous encounters makes you feel more connected with them.

The game will take roughly 20-30 hours to complete and offers some replayability with the dynamic story options that they have to offer.

I would highly recommend this game to RPG fans who are looking for a hardcore tactical experience.

Thanks Couchpotato!


Information about

Those Who Rule

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Tactical RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released
