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Sunday - December 21, 2014
Friday - October 31, 2014

Sunday - December 21, 2014

Six Ages - Concept Art Continues

by Couchpotato, 04:29

Developer A Sharp has new update for Six Ages. In-case you forgot it's the spiritual sequel to King of Dragon Pass that is available for six dollars on GOG.

King of Dragon Pass had great art, but we’re trying to go even better with the concept art for Six Ages. As I said last time, we’re trying to be cool and distinctive, which weren’t explicit goals in King of Dragon Pass. And of course, we now have the excellent art from the Guide to Glorantha to live up to.

Friday - October 31, 2014

IndieRPGs - Checks Out Sproggiwood

by Couchpotato, 05:02

Craig Stern of IndieRPGs posted a new video preview for Sproggiwood.

Megan Fox of Rocketcat Games has evidently been doing PR duty for Sproggiwood developers Freehold Games these past couple of weeks. She sent me a build of Sproggiwood to check out a few days ago, and in true fashion, I did so with my headset on and FRAPS a-running.

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