Bell's Shield (BELL)

BELL'S SHIELD Special: +3 to Wisdom +25% Magic Resistance Memorize 1 Additional 1st Level Priest Spell Memorize 1 Additional 2nd Level Priest Spell Memorize 1 Additional 3rdLevel Priest Spell Memorize 1 Additional 4th Level Priest Spell Memorize 1 Additional 5th Level Priest Spell Memorize 1 Additional 6th Level Priest Spell Weight: 0 Usable only by Fall-From-Grace The engravings on this bracelet are nothing short of beautiful. The craftsmanship reflects the skilled work of the Meh 'gahmi Sah 'ma nomadic tribes. This bracelet was carved for their greatest warrior-priestess, Bell, who sought to bring peace to the greater southern plains region. The enthralling purple stones inset along the bracelet give off a soft, warm, royal purple glow.
Value: 25000
Bronze Bracelet (BROBRA)

BRONZE BRACELET Weight: 0 This thick bronze bracelet is heavy, simple, and uninteresting. You could probably sell it to a local merchant for a bit of coin.
Value: 75
Dread Bond (NOFEAR)

DREAD BOND Special: Immunity to Panic +1 to Strength Weight: 3 Usable only by Fighters and living creatures Legend has it that this bracelet was created by Nacek the Sadistic. Tiny razor sharp spikes cover the entire surface of this item injecting small amounts of rare reagents into the blood stream of the user. The effect of these chemicals causes the user to feel a constant adrenaline rush of strength.
Value: 1500
Dustman Embalming Charm, Greater (EMBCHRM2)

DUSTMAN EMBALMING CHARM, GREATER Invokes: "Embalming, Greater" 3 Charges Weight: 0 Usable only on Nameless One and Morte This intricate metal bracelet has directions inscribed on the side of it. Judging from the text, it appears that the bracelet works by being held by a living creature, then while pronouncing a mantra to the 'True Death,' it is touched to the forehead of a zombie or skeleton. When this is done, the enchantment held within the item spreads through the corpse, strengthening their bones, killing traces of corpse rot and/or grave mold, and helping to seal minor tears in the skin. It appears that this bracelet has been forged with a great deal of skill and care. Presumably it is more powerful than some of the standard embalming charms.
Value: 500
Dustman Embalming Charm, Lesser (EMBCHRM)

DUSTMAN EMBALMING CHARM, LESSER Invokes: "Embalming, Minor" 3 Charges Weight: 0 Usable only on Nameless One and Morte This strange metal bracelet has directions inscribed on the side of it. Judging from the crude text, it appears that the bracelet works by being held by a living creature, then while pronouncing a mantra to the 'True Death,' it is touched to the forehead of a zombie or skeleton. When this is done, the minor enchantment held within the item spreads through the corpse, strengthening their bones, killing traces of corpse rot and/or grave mold, and helping to seal minor tears in the skin. NOTE: This item will work on either you or Morte. Simply place it in your quick item slot, then use it from the quick menu on Morte (or have Morte use it on you) in order for it to take effect. When cast, the target gains +2-8 temporary hit points and a temporary bonus of +1 AC for a "half-hour." The extra hit points will heal the target if he is less than max hit points or they will give him bonus hit points for a half-hour.
Value: 200
Gold Bracelet (GOLBRA)

GOLD BRACELET Weight: 0 Although this bracelet is of fine gold, it bears no ornamentation or engravings. Despite its simplicity, it is bound to be worth something to a local merchant.
Value: 350
Intestinal Phylactery (INTEST2)

INTESTINAL PHYLACTERY Invokes: "Heal" Special: +9 to Base Hit Points +2 to Armor Class Weight: 2 Usable only by living creatures This ropy mass of bloody intestines is yours; Ravel pulled them quickly and painlessly out of your body when she reverted to "Marta" during your conversation in the Black-Barbed Maze. The fluids surrounding these intestines have congealed into a slick resin, and holding them is like holding a dry, rubbery cord. You have to admit it makes you uncomfortable to see them outside of your body. Ravel... Marta... WHOEVER that insane hag was... mentioned that these intestines would serve as a powerful charm; it looks like when they are wrapped around one's wrist like a phylactery, they give the wearer a portion of your immortal endurance, increasing the person's pain threshold and armor class. Furthermore, you may call upon this phylactery's power to fully heal a target three times - even when this ability is exhausted, the intestines will still remain. You have to confess, however, no matter what blessing these intestines bestow, they look pretty damn gross when worn as a bracelet.
Value: 2000
Magus Guard (MAGGUARD)

MAGUS GUARD Armor Class: 6 Weight: 2 Usable only by Mages Considered standard equipment for any adventuring mage, bracelets such as these can be found across the planes. Judging by the markings on this particular bracelet it appears to have been made in a style quite common to Sigil. Various glyphs of warding are meticulously carved along the surface producing an almost hypnotic effect when looked at. When worn this bracelet protects the wearer from normal attacks as if they were wearing scale armor.
Value: 500
Magus Shield (MAGE4)

MAGUS SHIELD Armor Class: 4 Weight: 2 Usable only by Mages This bracelet is a variation of the Magus Guard. Essentially using the same spells and glyphs as its predecessor, the Magus Shield is better able to focus the energy of the enchantments placed upon it.
Value: 1500
Rat Charm (RATCHARM)

RAT CHARM Invokes: "Confusion" Special: +2 to Armor Class +1 to Strength +1 to Constitution -2 to Wisdom Weight: 0 Usable only by Chaosmen This strange charm of woven rat tails was made by Barking-Wilder, and it has been infused with some of his chaotic spirit. When worn, it helps the wearer shrug off physical attacks and gives him an insane rush of strength and energy (but reduces the wearer's wisdom accordingly). When held in the hand, it can also be used to confound others for a limited period of time. This item can be used only by Xaositects.
Value: 5000
Silver Bracelet (SILBRA)

SILVER BRACELET Weight: 1 This thin circlet is of fine silver, with a series of beautiful engravings surrounding its exterior. It is bound to be worth something to a local merchant.
Value: 200
Soego's Dustman Holy Symbol (SOHOLYSY)

SOEGO'S DUSTMAN HOLY SYMBOL Weight: 1 This holy symbol used to belong to the Dustman Soego. The symbol is of heavy iron, designed to be wrapped around the wearer's wrist with a series of small, tightly linked chains. The symbol itself reminds you of a screaming face.
Value: 0
Spider Bracelet (THIEF1)

SPIDER BRACELET Special: +25% Resistance to all Normal Attacks +10 to Base Hit Points -1 to Intelligence -1 to Wisdom Weight: 0 Usable only by Thieves In actuality this is a living spider not jewelry. When attached to ones wrist, the spider will sink its fangs into the users flesh and feed from the host, providing both beneficial and detrimental effects.
Value: 1000
Tarnished Silver Bracelet (TSILBRA)

TARNISHED SILVER BRACELET Weight: 1 This tarnished silver bracelet has a number of dents and scratches on it. It doesn't look old, but it looks as if it has seen a lot of use. Despite its appearance, it might be worth a few coins to a local merchant.
Value: 125