"Club of Celestial Fire" (CFCLUB)

"CLUB OF CELESTIAL FIRE" Damage: 3-18 Crushing Enchanted: +3 Special: +2 to Armor Class +10 Fire Damage +10% Resistance to Crushing Attacks THAC0: +2 Speed: 3 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Clubs Not usable by Mages Usable only by Lawful Good characters "Celestial Fire" was the only object that Trias had left to remind him of the Upper Planes. The blade became a club in your hands. It is warm to the touch, and flames have been carved all along the length of the weapon. The intricacy of the carvings is breathtaking; they are done with such skill that the club seems to be burning with metallic flames...someone must have spent several centuries rendering them. The metal of the hammer is unfamiliar... it is heavy, but it shines like silver. The club looks several millennia old. A faint hum can be felt within it, and the vibration becomes stronger when it touches human flesh. Not surprisingly, "Celestial Fire" can be wielded only by those with sufficient strength and purity of heart. When used in combat, "Celestial Fire" bursts into a holy radiance that burns any evil creature it strikes in combat.
Value: 10000
"Devil's Due" (DEVILDUE)

DEVIL'S DUE Damage: 3-8 Crushing Enchanted: +1 Special: 1-6 Acid Damage to target 1-6 Acid Damage to self +2 to Armor Class vs. Piercing THAC0: +2 Speed: 4 Weight: 4 Proficiency: Clubs Usable only by Fighters This weapon has a black metal handle that seems to have grown into the narrow skull that is affixed to its top. The metal looks as if it has grown out from the skull, and spikes pierce through the eye sockets, jaw and from the skull cap itself. The "metal" is not metal at all, but the remnants of a creature's forearm that punched through the base of the fiendish skull that now bedecks the head of this weapon. The spikes that have pierced through the skull actually appear to be some sort of quills from the creature's forearm. When this weapon is used in combat and the spikes of the club penetrate a creature's skin, acid oozes from the quills into the target, doing additional damage. This acid also burns the hands of the user, doing some damage to the wielder every time he strikes someone else. The common name of this weapon is "Devil's Due." To who or what event it refers to is unknown, but it was obviously a painful experience for the two parties involved.
Value: 1
"The Justifier" (JUSTFIER)

THE JUSTIFIER Damage: 3-12 Crushing Enchanted: +2 Special: Increases Regeneration THAC0: +2 Speed: 2 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Club Usable only by Fighters This mace looks much like any other mace - a spiked ball atop a wooden shaft, leather handgrip with a thong to prevent losing it in the heat of battle. Where it differs is in the Eye etched in acid on the head of the weapon, a stylized sigil of the god Horus. This weapon is The Justifier, a mace created in the city of Heliopolis on the plane of Arcadia, designed to aid the followers of good and maim the followers of evil. It can heal its owner, if asked, and will offer its opinions on various matters.
Value: 10000
Baatezu Mace (BMACE)

BAATEZU MACE Damage: 3-9 Crushing THAC0: +1 Speed: 6 Weight: 10 Proficiency: Clubs Usable only by Fighters Made from ore found only in the wastelands of Avernus. Baatezu have created a metal called Baatorian Green Steel. Weapons produced from this metal are lighter and stronger than those forged of ordinary steel and tend to inflict greater damage. Although produced in great quantities for the Blood Wars, weapons such as these are rarely found outside of Baator.
Value: 500
Blind Terror (AMACE)

BLIND TERROR Damage: 1-2 Crushing Enchanted: +2 Special: Causes Blindness 2-8 Acid Damage THAC0: +2 Speed: 5 Weight: 4 Proficiency: Clubs Usable by only by Fighters When an opponent is struck with sufficient force, acid is released thru the spongy surface of the mace. From the resulting spray of acid, the adversary can become temporarily blinded making him easier to hit.
Value: 5000
Club of Nettles (NETTLES)

CLUB OF NETTLES Damage: 1-6 Crushing Special: Causes Confusion THAC0: +2 Speed: 3 Weight 4 Proficiency: Clubs Usable only by Thieves This club seems to be made from some sort of prickly plant. Small thorns adorn the head of the club and can easily be broken off. This particular club is one of the more favored weapons of thieves. Upon making a successful hit on an opponent, tiny barbed thorns lodge into the skin and cause the victim to become disoriented for a brief period of time. This allows the thief time to safely rob and escape the victim.
Value: 750
Club of Piercing (SCLUB)

CLUB OF PIERCING Damage: 1-6 Crushing Damage: 1-6 Piercing Enchanted: +1 THAC0: +3 Speed: 7 Weight: 12 Proficiency: Clubs Not usable by Mages This is a heavy iron club that is covered with sharp spikes. Enchantments have been placed on this club so that it can be wielded with greater accuracy.
Value: 3500
Corpse Limb Club (LIMBCLUB)

CORPSE LIMB CLUB Damage: 1-6 Crushing Speed: 4 Weight: 3 Proficiency: Clubs Not usable by Mages This rotted limb looks like it has suffered a great deal since it was torn from its owner. Nevertheless, rigor mortis has set in and made this limb almost as hard as wood.
Value: 0
Death of Desire (DDMACE)

DEATH OF DESIRE Damage: 2-7 Crushing Enchanted: +2 Special: 1-6 Piercing Damage Causes Stunning THAC0: +2 Speed: 5 Weight: 11 Proficiency: Clubs Usable only by Fighters Usable only by Dustmen This mace is used by the Dustmen to remove all desires from the living.
Value: 5000
Entropic Blade (EMACE)

ENTROPIC BLADE Damage: 3-23 Crushing Enchanted: +2 THAC0: +2 Speed: 7 Weight: 12 Proficiency: Clubs Usable only by Fighters This strange item was in your possession after you gave the Modron Cube to the iron golem in the Siege Tower. It looks to be a small dagger, but its surface twists and bends as you watch, as if struggling to break free from its shape. It looks to be made of iron, silver, and any of a number of different metals. Sometimes they blend together, other times, they submerge into the core of the blade, only to resurface again minutes later.
Value: 10000
Fiend Femur (FEMUR)

FIEND FEMUR (Unique, Artifact) Damage: 3-8 Crushing Enchanted: +2 THAC0: +2 Speed: 4 Weight: 4 Proficiency: Club Not usable by Mages Not usable by Lawful or Good creatures This tanar'ri femur carries the last traces of a balor's essence within its marrow. Disgraced in battle and torn apart by its fellow fiends in an ceremonial execution, the bone has since carried with it a vengeful spite towards all of its kind. When the femur strikes any tanar'ri or baatezu, serrated teeth bristle up and down the length of the bone and cause tremendous damage to any tanar'ri or baatezu.
Value: 3500
Heaven and Earth (HEAVEN)

HEAVEN AND EARTH Damage: 2-20 Crushing Enchanted: +3 Special: +3 Crushing Damage +2 to Strength THAC0: +3 Speed: 2 Weight: 10 Proficiency: Clubs Usable only by Fighters Usable only by Good characters Usable only by Nameless One A fearsome aura of power emanates from this massive weapon. Sharp, powerful lines adorn the shaft of this mace, which streak directly to a perfect sphere that serves as this weapon's contact point. Perfectly curved spikes emanate from the perfectly-shaped sphere, yielding an image that is at once both arresting, yet awe-inspiring. A vibrant, royal purple hue surrounds this weapon of power. Upon holding the weapon it is instantly apparent that only those that are pure of heart can truly wield it.
Value: 25000
Iron Prybar (PRYBAR)

IRON PRYBAR Damage: 1-6 Crushing Speed: 4 Weight: 3 Proficiency: Clubs Usable only by Fighters and Thieves This iron prybar can be used to pry open doors, chests, and even the occasional reluctant ribcage. It also makes a good bludgeoning weapon when there's no time for subtlety. NOTE: To use the prybar to force a locked door or chest, select it as a weapon then "attack" the container or door you wish to pry open. Although the prybar is specifically intended for such use, you can attempt to bash open a container or door with *any* weapon, including your fists.
Value: 2
Left Arm #985 (LIMB985)

CORPSE LIMB #985 Damage: 1-6 Crushing Speed: 4 Weight: 3 Proficiency: Clubs Not usable by Mages This arm snapped clean off corpse #985 when it, uh, accidentally toppled. As much as the corpse's knee was rotted clean through, it looks like the combination of thick applications of embalming fluid and rigor mortis has made this arm almost as hard as wood. If you needed to, you could either use it to shake someone's hand from a distance or use it to bash their skull in.
Value: 0
Leg Bone Club (LEGCLUB)

LEG BONE CLUB Damage: 1-6 Crushing Special: Fragile, Breakable Speed: 4 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Clubs Not usable by Mages This leg bone is heavy enough to be used as a club. It's not the height of fashion, but it sure makes a satisfying sound when you strike someone. Although an effective weapon, this leg bone is fragile and has a chance of breaking if used repeatedly.
Value: 0
Mace (MACE)

MACE Damage: 2-8 Crushing Speed: 7 Weight: 12 Proficiency: Clubs Usable only by Fighters This seems to be a standard variety mace. Used properly, this weapon can deliver a crushing blow to an opponent.
Value: 10
Pharod's Crutch (CRUTCH)

PHAROD'S CRUTCH Damage: 2-7 Crushing Enchanted: +1 THAC0: +1 Speed: 4 Weight: 4 Proficiency: Clubs Not usable by Mages This rickety wooden staff has a crosspiece nailed across the top. The crosspiece is wrapped in rags, presumably to keep the damn thing from jamming too sharply into Pharod's armpit when he leans on it. The crutch, not surprisingly, smells terrible, and every inch of it is covered in dirt, sewage and various unidentifiable stains. Something about this crutch makes you wonder - despite its fragile appearance, it has held up rather well; you even test it with your weight and it holds you up without so much as creaking. Considering Pharod's scavenging nature, the crutch may have had some value beyond its surface appearance for him. It might even be usable as a weapon.
Value: 0
Poor Quality Mace (PMACE)

POOR QUALITY MACE Damage: 1-7 Crushing THAC0: -1 Speed: 8 Weight: 13 Proficiency: Clubs Usable only by Fighters This mace seems to be of very poor construction. The balance and weight lend itself to an awkward and almost erratic swing. Most likely this was constructed by an apprentice blacksmith.
Value: 5
Severed Arm (Yours) (OLDARM1)

SEVERED ARM Damage: 1-8 Crushing Enchanted: +1 Special: +2 Crushing Damage New Tattoos Speed: 4 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Clubs Usable only by Fighters and Thieves This severed arm is as hard as a wooden club. It looks like it was severed cleanly at the shoulder (most likely by a scythe blade), and even though it looks many decades old, it is more petrified than rotted. It has an unhealthy gray pallor and is covered with scars. Intricate tattoos decorate its surface, spiraling up from the wrist all the way to the remains of the shoulder. Upon closer inspection, you know for a fact that this arm is yours. How long it has been lying around waiting for you is anyone's guess. You can't explain why, but you feel like you should take this arm to a tattoo artist and have it examined... the tattoos might tell something of what happened to your previous incarnation when this arm was still attached to him.
Value: 0
Vrock Club (CLUB2)

VROCK CLUB Damage: 4-16 Crushing Enchanted: +2 Special: Poisons Target THACO: +2 Speed: 3 Weight: 4 Proficiency: Clubs Usable only by Thieves Created from the bones of a Vrock, this club makes a formidable weapon.
Value: 12000
Wooden Club (CLUB)

WOODEN CLUB Damage: 1-6 Crushing Speed: 4 Weight: 3 Proficiency: Clubs Not usable by Mages This crude wooden club has seen better days, but it still looks sturdy enough to be used as a weapon.
Value: 0