"Dagger of Celestial Fire" (CFDAGGER)

"DAGGER OF CELESTIAL FIRE" Damage: 3-18 Piercing Enchanted: +3 Special: +2 to Armor Classs +10 Fire Damage +10% Resistance to Piercing Attacks THAC0: +2 Speed: 3 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests Usable only by Lawful Good characters "Celestial Fire" is the only object that Trias had left to remind him of the Upper Planes. The blade became a dagger in your hands. It is warm to the touch, and flames have been carved across the surface of the surface. The intricacy of the carvings is breathtaking; they are done with such skill that the dagger seems to be burning with metallic flames...someone must have spent several centuries rendering them. The metal of the dagger is unfamiliar... it is heavy, but it shines like silver. The dagger looks several millennia old. A faint hum can be felt within it, and the vibration becomes stronger when it touches human flesh. Not surprisingly, "Celestial Fire" can be wielded only by those with sufficient strength and purity of heart. When used in combat, "Celestial Fire" bursts into a holy radiance that burns any evil creature it strikes in combat.
Value: 10000
"Enlightenment" (ENLIGHT)

"ENLIGHTENMENT" Damage: 2-7 Piercing Enchanted: +2 Special: +2 Piercing Damage +1 to Charisma +1 to Armor Class THAC0: +2 Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Daggers Not usable by Priests Usable only by Godsmen The second weapon of the Godsmen's "Triad of Tests" - "Ascension" and "Reason" are the other two weapons in the triad - this dagger is slim, perfectly balanced, and light as a feather. The symbol of the Godsmen is engraved along the blade, and the entire weapon seems to shiver as if in anticipation. You are the first to bear this weapon.
Value: 2000
"Last Resort" (RESORT)

"LAST RESORT" (Cursed Artifact) Damage: 1-2 Slashing Enchanted: +3 Speed: 10 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This small dagger looks fragile, but a series of jagged teeth line the edge of the blade. The hilt itself is covered with dried blood, most likely the blood of the users who held the weapon and were unable to release their grip. Research indicates that this cursed dagger has had many names, the most prominent of which was "Last Resort." When equipped, the user cannot release the grip until death, or until the curse is lifted by spell or divine intervention. Although the dagger is slower than most two-handed weapons and the damage it inflicts is comparable to a scratch, it is rumored to be able to hurt almost any creature it strikes, no matter what the creature's plane of origin or its defenses. One planewalker who had freed herself from its curse actually chose to travel with it, figuring that in any instance where she *had* to use it couldn't be worsened by having it in her possession.
Value: 1
Adahn's Dagger (ADDAGGER)

ADAHN'S DAGGER Damage: 2-5 Piercing Enchanted: +1 THAC0: +1 Speed: 1 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This is a gift you received from Adahn when you bid him farewell in the Smoldering Corpse Bar. It's a featureless metal dagger with a gold plated hilt. It is difficult to get a feel for its balance, as it is almost weightless. The dagger blade itself is made of some strange metal that shifts as you watch it, changing from silver, to bronze, to gold.
Value: 500
Backbiter (BACKBTR)

BACKBITER Damage: 2-5 Piercing Enchanted: +1 Special: +1 Piercing Damage +10% Stealth Skill Bonus THACO: +1 Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Thieves Crafted specifically with the adept cross-trader in mind, this magical blade masks the approach of the wielder by muffling any sounds he or she might make in passing, thus improving his or her chances of approaching a target by stealth.
Value: 900
Blade of the Immortal (BLADEIM)

BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL (Unique, Artifact) Damage: 2-3 Piercing Enchanted: +1 THAC0: +1 Speed: 1 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This is the strange blade that the iron golem forged using a drop of your blood. It is an ugly looking weapon, shaped so it resembles one of the symbols on your left arm. Black veins worm their way across the surface of the metal, and the edge looks so dull that it couldn't even cut warm butter. It pulses slightly as you hold it, like a heart. The golem claimed this "blade" could slay even you - provided it was used in a place that was cut off from the rest of the Planes.
Value: 0
Bone Dagger (DAG1)

BONE DAGGER Damage: 1-6 Piercing Enchanted: +1 Special: +1 Piercing Damage THAC0: +1 Speed: 2 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests The blade of this dagger seems to be made from the bone of some creature. The edge of this blade is extremely sharp.
Value: 400
Chaos Feather (FEATHER)

CHAOS FEATHER Damage: 2-5 Piercing Enchanted: +1 Special: Panics target Fragile, Breakable THAC0: +1 Speed: 2 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This feather is ash-gray, fading to black around the edges. It is much larger than a bird feather, and it creates an unpleasant tingling sensation when held for more than a minute. Examination of the feather reveals that is the feather from a Vrock, one of the many races of tanar'ri that fill the Abyss. The Vrock resemble huge vultures, and they are often used as socuts for the tanar'ri forces in the Blood War. This particular feather is believed to have been taken from a Vrock shaman, who is reported to have died by simply disbelieving himself. Possessed of a certain mental imbalance and with an odious habit of devouring his followers to gain strength, this barmy Vrock was rumored to be capable of causing others of his flock to behave erratically -- much more so than for a normal tan'nari. He convinced many of his flock to tear off their wings and take up burrowing in the ground. Other times, he preached the virtues of honesty as being more evil and destructive than any lie. When he disintegrated, only the feather was left behind as testament to his fevered existence. Some of the shaman's residue is believed to reside in this "Chaos Feather." The Chaos Feather, when used in combat as a dagger, inflicts a minor amount of damage (about the same as a conventional dagger) and has the power to confuse any target it strikes. Creatures struck by the feather may be stunned, run away, or attack their allies. Most tan'nari consider the feather to be a sacred object. Vrocks will kill anyone possessing it in order to retrieve it.
Value: 2000
Entropic Blade (EDAG or SUPWEB)

ENTROPIC BLADE Damage: 3-23 Slashing Enchanted: +2 THAC0: +2 Speed: 7 Weight: 7 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Fighters This strange item was in your possession after you gave the Modron Cube to the iron golem in the Siege Tower. It looks to be a small dagger, but its surface twists and bends as you watch, as if struggling to break free from its shape. It looks to be made of iron, silver, and any of a number of different metals. Sometimes they blend together, other times, they submerge into the core of the blade, only to resurface again minutes later.
Value: 10000
Fiend's Blood Dagger (FDAG)

FIEND'S BLOOD DAGGER (Cursed) Damage: 3-8 Piercing Special: Poisons Target -4 Save vs Spells Causes user to go Beserk in Combat THAC0: +2 Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests Years of being embedded in the flesh of a fiend have imbued this once ordinary dagger with qualities best left with their kind. Blood of the fiend has infused itself with the dagger causing it to feel slightly warm to the touch. When in combat the user of this dagger can hear a constant chittering in the back of his mind causing him to lose all self-control making him unstoppable in combat, but vulnerable to spells. The history of this dagger is for the most part unknown. More than likely some berk perished while fighting the fiend, losing his dagger as well as his life. For now the name is but a description, it has yet to earn a proper title.
Value: 1
Green Steel Dagger (GSDAGGER)

GREEN STEEL DAGGER Damage: 2-5 Piercing Speed: 1 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This slim dagger has been forged out of the famed Baatorian Green Steel. Found only in the wastelands of Avernus, this peculiar green ore can be tempered into metal much lighter than normal steel. In addition, Green Steel weapons tend to retain their remarkably fine edges and are capable of dealing out more damage than their standard counterparts.
Value: 15
Green Steel Knife (GSKNIFE)

GREEN STEEL KNIFE Damage: 1-4 Piercing Speed: 1 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This razor sharp knife has been forged out of the famed Baatorian Green Steel. Found only in the wastelands of Avernus, this peculiar green ore can be tempered into metal much lighter than normal steel. In addition, Green Steel weapons tend to retain their remarkably fine edges and are capable of dealing out more damage than their standard counterparts.
Value: 10
High Quality Stiletto (QSTLO)

HIGH QUALITY STILETTO Damage: 1-4 Piercing Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This slim dagger is a beauty among its kind. It is a one-handed thrusting weapon.
Value: 8
Iron Spike (SPIKE)

IRON SPIKE Damage: 1-3 Piercing Speed: 2 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This is a crude iron spike, covered with rust. If necessary, you could use it as a dagger.
Value: 0
Jagged Knife (JKNIFE)

JAGGED KNIFE Damage: 1-3 Slashing Speed: 2 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This hooked knife has a thick double-edged blade and a curved wooden handle. Judging from the shape of the blade, it looks like this knife is used primarily as a surgical tool.
Value: 1
Kaarlac's Knife (KKNIFE)

KAARLAC'S KNIFE Damage: 1-3 Slashing Special: Doubles all 1st Level Mage Spells Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Mages The final achievement of one Kaarlac Cragenmoor, this enchanted knife is a boon to those who practice the mystic arts. Kaarlac, ever one to aspire to greatness, sought to create a magic item that could retain an imprint of a portion of his memory -- particularly the short term memory that contained his considerable spell repertoire. He theorized that, if successful, he could effectively double the amount of spell knowledge he could retain at any given time. Unfortunately, the enchantment was beyond his capability and in the midst of his fervent casting, Kaarlac went mad and plunged the knife into his own chest. His sacrifice, however, was not in vain, for the knife possesses enough of the intended enchantment to bestow upon its wielder the ability to memorize twice the number of first level spells.
Value: 1500
Knife (KNIFE)

KNIFE Damage: 1-3 Piercing Speed: 2 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This knife has a four-inch blade, with a plain handle of bone.
Value: 1
Mad Splinter (SPLINTER)

MAD SPLINTER Damage: 2-5 Piercing Enchanted: +1 Special: Poisons Target Fragile, Breakable THAC0: +1 Speed: 2 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This is a dagger-shaped fragment of stone taken from the statue of Gangroighydron. It bears a powerful enchantment -- each time someone is stabbed by the splinter, they have a chance of being Cursed. It is most likely that the fell curse trapped upon Gangroighydron's lips has soaked into the very stone of his petrified form, and 'poisons' those the splinter stabs with his malicious magic.
Value: 2000
Notched Dagger (DAG2)

NOTCHED DAGGER Damage: 1-6 Piercing Enchanted: +2 Special: +2 Piercing Damage THAC0: +2 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This dagger has various notches strategically placed about the blade. When used correctly, this dagger has the ability to catch incoming blows from bladed weapons.
Value: 900
Phantom Dagger (DAG3)

PHANTOM DAGGER Damage: 1-6 Piercing Enchanted: +3 Special: +3 Piercing Damage THAC0: +3 Speed: 2 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests As if of its own volition, this dagger seems to reach out to its enemies, instinctively finding the most vulnerable spots on any creature..
Value: 2000
Poor Quality Stiletto (PSTLO)

POOR QUALITY STILETTO Damage: 1-2 Piercing Speed: 2 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This squat dagger, while ideally a thrusting weapon, looks like it would be better used as a paperweight. It is not sharp or well-balanced, and might actually hinder you in combat.
Value: 1
Porphatys Dagger (PDAG)

PORPHATYS BLADE (Cursed) Damage: 1-6 Piercing Enchanted: +3 Special: 1-6 Acid Damage Beserk THAC0: +3 Speed: 0 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests The acids of Porphyatys, the fifth layer of Carceri, are dangerous to more than a body's physical form - they tear at his mind and soul, eating away at his reason. Weapons forged in this heart of betrayal do the same thing to their owners, but too many believe that the acidic powers of a weapon created in Porphatys are worth the risk.
Value: 1
Ravel's Fingernail (FINGNAIL)

RAVEL'S FINGERNAIL (Unique, Artifact) Damage: 2-7 Piercing Enchanted: +2 Special: 2-12 Poison Damage THAC0: +2 Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This twisted fingernail of extruded night hag skin has got to be one of the ugliest things you have ever seen. Its mottled green, red, and black surface is almost a foot long, and it seems like it was used alternately as a scratching aid, nose-picking tool, and gardening trowel. Looking at it makes you wish that Ravel did chew her nails. Or at least had a nail file with her in the maze.
Value: 3000
Runeblade (RBLADE)

RUNEBLADE Damage: 1-4 Piercing Special +50% Resistance to Magic THAC0: -4 Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Mages only Created by a legendary guild of battle mages known as "the Scarlet Seers," these enchanted blades were specifically designed as a defensive countermeasure against opposing spellcasters. The tiny runes etched into the blade are powerful wards that offer the wielder increased resistance against all types of magic. Unfortunately, with its emphasis on magical defense, the weapon's awkward design makes it virtually ineffective in physical combat.
Value: 1500
Rusty Dagger (RUSTDAG)

RUSTY DAGGER Damage: 1-3 Piercing Special: Fragile, Breakable Speed: 2 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This is a small rusty dagger. Its blade is chipped and the hilt is loose; it doesn't look like it will stand up to repeated use without breaking.
Value: 1
Scalpel (SCALPEL)

SCALPEL Damage: 1-3 Piercing Speed: 1 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This simple surgical cutting tool looks like it's seen a lot of use. NOTE: To equip the scalpel, left click it to pick it up, then drop it on the player character's portrait or in his weapon slot.
Value: 3
Silver Fork (FORK)

SILVER FORK Damage: 1-2 Piercing Speed: 2 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This is a silver dining fork. Its tines are especially sharp. Upon further consideration, it might be able to be used as a dagger, though it most likely wouldn't do any more damage than a conventional dagger. It might prove useful against creatures damaged only by silver weapons.
Value: 10
Silver Hairpin (PIN)

SILVER HAIRPIN Damage: 1-2 Piercing Speed: 1 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This is a thin silver hair pin. The tip is extremely sharp.
Value: 7
Small Steel Fork (NESFORK)

SMALL STEEL FORK Damage: 1-2 Piercing Speed: 2 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This fork is definitely no prize piece of cutlery. Its steel finish is scratched and slightly bent and its tines are crusted with dirt.
Value: 0
Steak Knife (STEAKKNF)

STEAK KNIFE Damage: 1-3 Slashing Special: Fragile, Breakable Speed: 2 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This is a common steak knife. You're sure if this dagger could talk, it would have many long-winded stories about cooking and carving large haunches of meat.
Value: 0
Stiletto (STILETTO)

STILETTO Damage: 1-3 Piercing Speed: 2 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This is a short dagger with a slender blade.
Value: 2
Sword of Wh'ynn (SWORDOW)

SWORD OF WH'YNN (Unique, Artifact) Damage: 2-7 Slashing THAC0: +1 Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests The Sword of Why'nn - also known as the Cheater's Blade - looks more like an ornamental dagger than a combat-worthy blade. Though not particularly well balanced, it has been enchanted with powerful magicks and is thus more effective in battle than a more 'common' knife. The Sword of Wh'ynn's greatest power, however, lies in its ability to let its bearer cheat: by merely holding the 'sword' aloft in a suitably melodramatic pose, its owner will beat whatever game the artifact's been found in.
Value: 1000
Uhir's Knife (UHRKNF)

UHIR'S KNIFE Damage: 1-3 Piercing Special +1 to Luck Speed: 1 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Edged Not usable by Priests This unremarkable, dirt-caked dagger has the letters 'UHIR' carved into its handle. Despite its shoddy appearance, the blade is well-balanced.
Value: 100
Widowmaker (WIDMKR)

WIDOWMAKER Damage: 3-7 Piercing Enchanted: +2 Special: +2 Slashing Damage Poisons Target +25% Resistance to Poison THAC0: +2 Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Thieves Tempered with the lethal venom of the dreaded hook spider, the magical properties of this blade, known simply as "Widowmaker," are much sought after by practicing assassins throughout the Planes. The poison that has been magically and permanently infused into the dagger immediately infects those cut by it. Additionally, the wielder of "Widowmaker" immediately develops an improved resistance to poison simply from holding the blade.
Value: 4000