"Celestial Fire" (CELESTI2 or CELESTI3 or CELESTIA)

"CELESTIAL FIRE" Damage: 3-18 Slashing Enchanted: +2 Special: +2 to Armor Class +10 Fire Damage +10% Resistance to Slashing Attacks THAC0: +2 Speed: 3 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Edged Usable Lawful Good characters "Celestial Fire" is the only object that Trias has left to remind him of the Upper Planes. This heavy blade is warm to the touch, and flames have been carved across the surface of the blade. The intricacy of the carvings is breathtaking; they are done with such skill that the sword seems to be burning with metallic flames... someone must have spent several centuries rendering them. The metal of the blade is unfamiliar... it is heavy, but it shines like silver. The sword looks several millennia old. A faint hum can be felt within it, and the vibration becomes stronger when it touches human flesh. Not surprisingly, "Celestial Fire" can be wielded only by those with sufficient strength and purity of heart. When used in combat, "Celestial Fire" bursts into a holy radiance that burns any evil creature it strikes in combat.
Value: 10000 (CELESTI2) Value: 50 (Others)
Dak'kon's Chained Blade (KARACH2)

DAK'KON'S ZERTH BLADE ("CHAINED BLADE") Damage: 3-12 Slashing Enchanted: +2 Special: +4 to Armor Class Memorize 2 Additional 1st Level Mage Spells Memorize 1 Additional 2nd Level Mage Spell THAC0: +2 Speed: 6 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Dak'kon On the githzerai's home plane of Limbo, solid matter is something of a rarity. Limbo itself is a soupy mass of elements, and only through force of will can the githzerai shape these elements into stable matter. A substance called "karach" is a material that can be shaped with the mind. Dak'kon's blade is composed of this substance; through mental discipline alone, Dak'kon maintains the integrity of the blade. He can shape it slightly depending on his skill, adjusting its length, sharpness of the edge. Presumably as he gains levels, he may be able to manipulate the blade in new ways. It is not known whether all githzerai zerth carry such weapons. Certainly a weapon that depends on the integrity of the wielder would be entrusted only to those who had learned to discipline themselves. This blade appears to have special religious significance for Dak'kon. Dak'kon has wound a series of parchments around the hilt of the blade. These appear to be mantras dedicated to Zerthimon.
Value: 0
Dak'kon's Chained Blade (NKARACH3)

DAK'KON'S ZERTH BLADE ("CHAINED BLADE") Damage: 5-20 Slashing Enchanted: +3 Special: +6 to Armor Class Doubles All 1st Level Mage Spells Doubles All 2nd Level Mage Spells THAC0: +3 Speed: 6 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Dak'kon On the githzerai's home plane of Limbo, solid matter is something of a rarity. Limbo itself is a soupy mass of elements, and only through force of will can the githzerai shape these elements into stable matter. A substance called "karach" is a material that can be shaped with the mind. Dak'kon's blade is composed of this substance; through mental discipline alone, Dak'kon maintains the integrity of the blade. He can shape it slightly depending on his skill, adjusting its length, sharpness of the edge. Presumably as he gains levels, he may be able to manipulate the blade in new ways. It is not known whether all githzerai zerth carry such weapons. Certainly a weapon that depends on the integrity of the wielder would be entrusted only to those who had learned to discipline themselves. This blade appears to have special religious significance for Dak'kon. Dak'kon has wound a series of parchments around the hilt of the blade. These appear to be mantras dedicated to Zerthimon.
Value: 0
Dak'kon's Chained Blade (NKARACH2)

DAK'KON'S ZERTH BLADE ("CHAINED BLADE") Damage: 3-12 Slashing Enchanted: +2 Special: +4 to Armor Class Memorize 2 Additional 1st Level Mage Spells Memorize 1 Additional 2nd Level Mage Spell THAC0: +2 Speed: 6 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Dak'kon On the githzerai's home plane of Limbo, solid matter is something of a rarity. Limbo itself is a soupy mass of elements, and only through force of will can the githzerai shape these elements into stable matter. A substance called "karach" is a material that can be shaped with the mind. Dak'kon's blade is composed of this substance; through mental discipline alone, Dak'kon maintains the integrity of the blade. He can shape it slightly depending on his skill, adjusting its length, sharpness of the edge. Presumably as he gains levels, he may be able to manipulate the blade in new ways. It is not known whether all githzerai zerth carry such weapons. Certainly a weapon that depends on the integrity of the wielder would be entrusted only to those who had learned to discipline themselves. This blade appears to have special religious significance for Dak'kon. Dak'kon has wound a series of parchments around the hilt of the blade. These appear to be mantras dedicated to Zerthimon.
Value: 0
Dak'kon's Zerth Blade (KARACH)

DAK'KON'S ZERTH BLADE ("CHAINED BLADE") Damage: 2-9 Slashing Special: +1 to Armor Class THAC0: +1 Speed: 7 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Dak'kon On the githzerai's home plane of Limbo, solid matter is something of a rarity. Limbo itself is a soupy mass of elements, and only through force of will can the githzerai shape these elements into stable matter. A substance called "karach" is a material that can be shaped with the mind. Dak'kon's blade is composed of this substance; through mental discipline alone, Dak'kon maintains the integrity of the blade. He can shape it slightly depending on his skill, adjusting its length, sharpness of the edge. Presumably as he gains levels, he may be able to manipulate the blade in new ways. It is not known whether all githzerai zerth carry such weapons. Certainly a weapon that depends on the integrity of the wielder would be entrusted only to those who had learned to discipline themselves. This blade appears to have special religious significance for Dak'kon. Dak'kon has wound a series of parchments around the hilt of the blade. These appear to be mantras dedicated to Zerthimon.
Value: 0
Dak'kon's Zerth Blade (NKARACH)

DAK'KON'S ZERTH BLADE ("CHAINED BLADE") Damage: 2-9 Slashing Enchanted: +1 Special: +1 to Armor Class Memorize 1 Additional 1st Level Mage Spell THAC0: +1 Speed: 7 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Dak'kon On the githzerai's home plane of Limbo, solid matter is something of a rarity. Limbo itself is a soupy mass of elements, and only through force of will can the githzerai shape these elements into stable matter. A substance called "karach" is a material that can be shaped with the mind. Dak'kon's blade is composed of this substance; through mental discipline alone, Dak'kon maintains the integrity of the blade. He can shape it slightly depending on his skill, adjusting its length, sharpness of the edge. Presumably as he gains levels, he may be able to manipulate the blade in new ways. It is not known whether all githzerai zerth carry such weapons. Certainly a weapon that depends on the integrity of the wielder would be entrusted only to those who had learned to discipline themselves. This blade appears to have special religious significance for Dak'kon. Dak'kon has wound a series of parchments around the hilt of the blade. These appear to be mantras dedicated to Zerthimon.
Value: 0
Dak'kon's Zerth Blade ("Kinstealer") (BKARACH3)

DAK'KON'S ZERTH BLADE ("KINSTEALER") Damage: 6-24 Slashing Enchanted: +3 Special: +2 to Armor Class Double 1st Level Spells Memorized THAC0: +3 Speed: 6 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Dak'kon On the githzerai's home plane of Limbo, solid matter is something of a rarity. Limbo itself is a soupy mass of elements, and only through force of will can the githzerai shape these elements into stable matter. A substance called "karach" is a material that can be shaped with the mind. Dak'kon's blade is composed of this substance; through mental discipline alone, Dak'kon maintains the integrity of the blade. When the spirit and discipline of the user begin to falter, the blade itself will react, mirroring the wielder's thoughts. Dak'kon must be suffering indeed, for his karach blade has become a dead flat black, mirroring Dak'kon's eyes. It has become longer, sharper, and a series of subtle jags, like teeth, now line the edge of the blade. This blade appears to have special religious significance for Dak'kon. Dak'kon has wound a series of parchments around the hilt of the blade. These appear to be mantras dedicated to Zerthimon.
Value: 0
Dak'kon's Zerth Blade ("Kinstealer") (BKARACH2)

DAK'KON'S ZERTH BLADE ("KINSTEALER") Damage: 4-16 Slashing Enchanted: +2 Special: Memorize 1 Additional 1st Level Mage Spell +1 to Armor Class THAC0: +2 Speed: 6 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Dak'kon On the githzerai's home plane of Limbo, solid matter is something of a rarity. Limbo itself is a soupy mass of elements, and only through force of will can the githzerai shape these elements into stable matter. A substance called "karach" is a material that can be shaped with the mind. Dak'kon's blade is composed of this substance; through mental discipline alone, Dak'kon maintains the integrity of the blade. When the spirit and discipline of the user begin to falter, the blade itself will react, mirroring the wielder's thoughts. Dak'kon must be suffering indeed, for his karach blade has become a dead flat black, mirroring Dak'kon's eyes. It has become longer, sharper, and a series of subtle jags, like teeth, now line the edge of the blade. This blade appears to have special religious significance for Dak'kon. Dak'kon has wound a series of parchments around the hilt of the blade. These appear to be mantras dedicated to Zerthimon.
Value: 0
Dak'kon's Zerth Blade ("Kinstealer") (BKARACH)

DAK'KON'S ZERTH BLADE ("KINSTEALER") Damage: 3-10 Slashing Enchanted: +1 Special: Memorize 1 Additional 1st Level Mage Spell THAC0: +1 Speed: 7 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Dak'kon On the githzerai's home plane of Limbo, solid matter is something of a rarity. Limbo itself is a soupy mass of elements, and only through force of will can the githzerai shape these elements into stable matter. A substance called "karach" is a material that can be shaped with the mind. Dak'kon's blade is composed of this substance; through mental discipline alone, Dak'kon maintains the integrity of the blade. When the spirit and discipline of the user begin to falter, the blade itself will react, mirroring the wielder's thoughts. Dak'kon must be suffering indeed, for his karach blade has become a dead flat black, mirroring Dak'kon's eyes. It has become longer, sharper, and a series of subtle jags, like teeth, now line the edge of the blade. This blade appears to have special religious significance for Dak'kon. Dak'kon has wound a series of parchments around the hilt of the blade. These appear to be mantras dedicated to Zerthimon.
Value: 0
Dak'kon's Zerth Blade ("Streaming Blade") (GKARACH3)

DAK'KON'S ZERTH BLADE ("STREAMING BLADE") Damage: 5-20 Slashing Enchanted: +3 Special: +3 to Armor Class Doubles all 1st Level Mage Spells Doubles all 2nd Level Mage Spells Memorize 1 Additional 3rd Level Mage Spell THAC0: +3 Speed: 6 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Dak'kon On the githzerai's home plane of Limbo, solid matter is something of a rarity. Limbo itself is a soupy mass of elements, and only through force of will can the githzerai shape these elements into stable matter. A substance called "karach" is a material that can be shaped with the mind. Dak'kon's blade is composed of this substance; through mental discipline alone, Dak'kon maintains the integrity of the blade. When the user's spirit is focused, his mind clear of doubts and devoted to a single purpose, the blade itself will react, mirroring the wielder's thoughts. If so, Dak'kon's mind must be clear, indeed, for his blade has become a brilliant silver. It seems as if the blade has become longer than when you first saw it, and there is no trace of the strange shimmering surface it once had. The edge of the blade tapers almost to a paper-thin line - despite its flimsy appearance, it looks like it could cut through chain armor with ease. This blade appears to have special religious significance for Dak'kon. Dak'kon has wound a series of parchments around the hilt of the blade. These appear to be mantras dedicated to Zerthimon.
Value: 0
Dak'kon's Zerth Blade ("Streaming Blade") (GKARACH2)

DAK'KON'S ZERTH BLADE ("STREAMING BLADE") Damage: 3-12 Slashing Enchanted: +2 Special: +2 to Armor Class Doubles all 1st Level Mage Spells Memorize 1 Additional 2nd Level Mage Spell THAC0: +2 Speed: 6 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Dak'kon On the githzerai's home plane of Limbo, solid matter is something of a rarity. Limbo itself is a soupy mass of elements, and only through force of will can the githzerai shape these elements into stable matter. A substance called "karach" is a material that can be shaped with the mind. Dak'kon's blade is composed of this substance; through mental discipline alone, Dak'kon maintains the integrity of the blade. When the user's spirit is focused, his mind clear of doubts and devoted to a single purpose, the blade itself will react, mirroring the wielder's thoughts. If so, Dak'kon's mind must be clear, indeed, for his blade has become a brilliant silver. It seems as if the blade has become longer than when you first saw it, and there is no trace of the strange shimmering surface it once had. The edge of the blade tapers almost to a paper-thin line - despite its flimsy appearance, it looks like it could cut through chain armor with ease. This blade appears to have special religious significance for Dak'kon. Dak'kon has wound a series of parchments around the hilt of the blade. These appear to be mantras dedicated to Zerthimon.
Value: 0
Dak'kon's Zerth Blade ("Streaming Blade") (GKARACH)

DAK'KON'S ZERTH BLADE ("STREAMING BLADE") Damage: 2-9 Slashing Enchanted: +1 Special: +1 to Armor Class Memorize 2 Additional 1st Level Spells THAC0: +1 Speed: 7 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Edged Usable only by Dak'kon On the githzerai's home plane of Limbo, solid matter is something of a rarity. Limbo itself is a soupy mass of elements, and only through force of will can the githzerai shape these elements into stable matter. A substance called "karach" is a material that can be shaped with the mind. Dak'kon's blade is composed of this substance; through mental discipline alone, Dak'kon maintains the integrity of the blade. When the user's spirit is focused, his mind clear of doubts and devoted to a single purpose, the blade itself will react, mirroring the wielder's thoughts. If so, Dak'kon's mind must be clear, indeed, for his blade has become a brilliant silver. It seems as if the blade has become longer than when you first saw it, and there is no trace of the strange shimmering surface it once had. The edge of the blade tapers almost to a paper-thin line - despite its flimsy appearance, it looks like it could cut through chain armor with ease. This blade appears to have special religious significance for Dak'kon. Dak'kon has wound a series of parchments around the hilt of the blade. These appear to be mantras dedicated to Zerthimon.
Value: 0