"Gauntlets of Celestial Fire" (CFFIST)

"GAUNTLETS OF CELESTIAL FIRE" Damage: 3-18 Crushing Enchanted: +3 Special: +2 to Armor Class +10 Fire Damage +10% Resistance to Crushing Attacks THAC0: +2 Speed: 3 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Fist Usable only by Fighters and Thieves Usable only by Lawful Good characters "Celestial Fire" was the only object that Trias had left to remind him of the Upper Planes. The blade became a pair of gauntlets in your hands. They is warm to the touch, and flames have been carved across the knuckles of the gloves. The intricacy of the carvings is breathtaking; they are done with such skill that the gauntlets seem to be burning with metallic flames...someone must have spent several centuries rendering them. The metal of the gauntlets is unfamiliar... it is heavy, but it shines like silver. The gauntlets look several millennia old. A faint hum can be felt within them, and the vibration becomes stronger when they touch human flesh. Not surprisingly, the "Gauntlets of Celestial Fire" can be wielded only by those with sufficient strength and purity of heart. When used in combat, the "Gauntlets of Celestial Fire" burst into a holy radiance that burns any evil creature they strike in combat.
Value: 10000
Annah's Punch Daggers (ANNAHDAG)

ANNAH'S PUNCH DAGGERS Damage: 1-4 Piercing Speed: 2 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Annah Annah's common weapons are a pair of jagged dagger blades mounted on iron knuckles. The blades are well-oiled and razor-sharp; in addition, their relatively small size allows them to be concealed quickly when a guard patrol makes a sudden appearance.
Value: 3
Assassin's Knuckles (IRON3)

ASSASSIN'S KNUCKLES Damage: 1-10 Piercing Enchanted: +3 Special: Causes Stunning Silence Poison THAC0: +3 Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Thieves A totally redesigned version of ordinary iron knuckles, these knuckles have long razor sharp blades attached to them. In addition, powerful spells have been placed on this weapon to better assist any would be assassin. When used correctly this weapon will stun an opponent making him easier to hit. A spell of silence is also placed on the victim to prevent him from crying out for help or in the case of mages from casting spells. To finish the job, the blades are coated with an exotic poison to ensure a quick death.
Value: 5000
Enchanted Punch Daggers (EPUNCH)

ENCHANTED PUNCH DAGGERS Damage: 1-4 Piercing Enchanted: +1 Special: +1 Piercing Damage THAC0: +1 Speed: 2 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters and Thieves This weapon is a pair of jagged dagger blades mounted on iron knuckles. The blades have jagged edges to allow them to dish out additional piercing damage when the wearer strikes an opponent. In addition, the blades have been magically enhanced to increase the damage incurred.
Value: 500
Entropic Blade (EFIST)

ENTROPIC BLADE Damage: 3-23 Slashing Enchanted: +2 THAC0: +2 Speed: 1 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters and Thieves This strange item was in your possession after you gave the Modron Cube to the iron golem in the Siege Tower. It looks to be a small dagger, but its surface twists and bends as you watch, as if struggling to break free from its shape. It looks to be made of iron, silver, and any of a number of different metals. Sometimes they blend together, other times, they submerge into the core of the blade, only to resurface again minutes later.
Value: 10000
Fall-From-Grace's Kiss (GKISS)

FALL-FROM-GRACE'S KISS Drains Hit Points, Gives Hit Points to Grace Speed: 1 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fall-From-Grace This is Grace's secondary (special) power. It drains six points of health and gives them to Grace.
Value: 0
Fall-From-Grace's Touch (GTOUCH)

FALL-FROM-GRACE'S TOUCH [Default Weapon] Damage: 1-3 Slashing Speed: 1 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Fists Usably only by Fall-From-Grace This is Grace's basic attack. It does slight slashing damage (1-3).
Value: 0
Fist (FIST)

FIST (Default Weapon) Damage: 1-3 Crushing Speed: 1 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Fists NOTE: Your fist is your default attack. Although the amount of damage you can do with your fists is relatively small, you can attack quickly and the damage you do *is* affected by your Strength. Your punches are lethal; you CAN kill with repeated blows. As long as you have not filled up all your quick weapon slots, you can always select 'fist' as your current weapon.
Value: 0
Fist Irons (FISTIRON)

FIST IRONS Damage: 2-4 Crushing Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Fists Not usable by Mages This crude iron bar is designed to slip over the fist, with the thick portion resting in the palm and the iron ring facing outwards, over the knuckles. While wearing these fist irons, a single punch can shatter someone's jaw. NOTE: Many weapons in Torment do similar amounts of damage... but the *type* of damage each weapon does varies. Some creatures are more vulnerable to certain types of damage than others; if your current weapon isn't doing much damage against a creature, chances are it is resistant to it. Switch off weapons and see which one works best.
Value: 1
Gauntlets of Rending (RENDING)

GAUNTLETS OF RENDING Damage: 2-7 Slashing Enchanted: +1 THAC0: +1 Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters and Thieves These leather gloves give the user the ability to use his hands like claws. When the wearer attacks a foe with his hands, long black talons lance forth from the fingers of the gauntlets and allow the user to rake an opponent for additional slashing damage. When the wearer is not attacking, the talons recede back into the gauntlets...although they seem to do so reluctantly. When the talons are not extended, the gauntlets appear to be nothing more than stiff leather gloves.
Value: 500
Gauntlets of Teeth (TEETH)

GAUNTLETS OF TEETH (Cursed) Damage: 3-8 Slashing Damage: 1-2 Crushing Enchanted: +1 THAC0: +2 Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters and Thieves These gauntlets have had many names over the centuries. Some have termed the gauntlets the 'Gauntlets of Hunger.' Other terms have ranged from 'Gloves of Greed,' or, among the stupidest, 'the Gnashing Gloves.' The Githzerai called them 'they-which-devour,' and believed them to be an artifact fashioned by the slaadi, the intelligent carnivorous frog-like beings that inhabit the plane of Limbo. The most common name for this item is the "Gauntlets of Teeth." The exact creature from which the bones originate from is unknown. Nonetheless, when the nature of the gloves is revealed, their power awakens as soon as they are used in combat. When the user punches an enemy, the bone exteriors of the gloves peel back to reveal several rows of teeth. These teeth sink greedily into the foe's body. These teeth are not jagged -- they are mostly wide and blunt, but they clamp onto a target with the strength of a giant, doing additional crushing damage when punching an opponent.
Value: 1000
Ignus' Fireball (IGNUSFI)

IGNUS' FIREBALL Damage: 1-3 Missile Damage: 2-8 Fire Speed: 5 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Ignus This is Ignus' main attack. It is a series of fireballs he fires at an opponent.
Value: 0
Iron Knuckles (KNUCKLES)

IRON KNUCKLES Damage: 1-3 Crushing Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Fists Not usable by Mages Iron knuckles that slip over the fingers, giving your fists the extra "oomph" they need to deliver bone-crushing punches.
Value: 1
Magic Punch Daggers (MPUNCH)

MAGIC PUNCH DAGGERS Damage: 1-4 Piercing Enchanted: +1 Special: +2 Piercing Damage THAC0: +2 Speed: 2 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters and Thieves This weapon is a pair of jagged dagger blades mounted on iron knuckles. The blades have jagged edges to allow them to dish out additional piercing damage when the wearer strikes an opponent. In addition, the blades have been magically enhanced to increase the damage incurred.
Value: 1000
Mark of the Savant (SAVANT)

MARK OF THE SAVANT Damage: 3-18 Piercing Enchanted: +4 Special: +2 to Armor Class +1 to Dexterity +15 to Base Hit Points +25% Open Locks Skill Bonus +25% Stealth Skill Bonus +10% Detect Trap Skill Bonus THAC0: +3 Speed: 2 Weight: 3 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Thieves Cleverly designed, this object splits into two pieces to form punch daggers. When properly used they are deadly in combat. The easily accessible levers and gears shoot out and twist various blades almost as if they were extensions of the hand. Although excellent as a combat weapon, those same mechanisms used to shred the flesh of an enemy can also be used for the delicate procedures of opening locks and disarming traps. Only the most gifted of thieves possess items such as this. As it takes keen mind and skill hand to properly operate.
Value: 15000
Punch Daggers (PUNCHDAG)

PUNCH DAGGERS Damage: 1-4 Piercing Speed: 2 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters and Thieves This weapon is a pair of jagged dagger blades mounted on iron knuckles. The blades have jagged edges to allow them to dish out additional piercing damage when the wearer strikes an opponent.
Value: 2
Punch Daggers of Moorin (MOOPUNCH)

PUNCH DAGGERS OF MOORIN Damage: 2-8 Piercing Enchanted: +2 Special: +1 Piercing Damage +2 to Armor Class +1 to Luck THAC0: +1 Speed: 2 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters and Thieves These daggers were once wielded by Moorin, the jinxed. Moorin was a hapless young woman who became a thief through a series of disasters. Each of these "accidents" resulted in the death of the trainer for whatever profession she chose. Out of desperation Moorin trained herself in the art of Thievery with laughable results. Moorin's thieving career was filled with numerous mishaps that involved her in combat situations. Each such combat often ended with Moorin being seriously wounded and thrown into prison. When it became obvious that Moorin was not long for this world her father, Arch-mage Xoorcon, created these magical blades for her use. With the luck provided by her new blades Moorin was actually able to successfully strike an opponent in combat (which came as a shock to her). While her opponent was busy bleeding, Moorin would make good her escape. Unfortunately, during one such escape, Moorin tripped, fell on her dagger and died before she could staunch the bleeding from her wounds.
Value: 4000
Punch Daggers of Shar (SPUNCH)

PUNCH DAGGERS OF SHAR Damage: 1-4 Piercing Enchanted: +3 Special: +2 to All Saving Throws +35% Resistance to Magic Speed: 2 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters and Thieves These daggers were once wielded by Shar, the Mage-slayer. Shar was an assassin of some merit who decided to specialize in the 'removal' of mages for large sums of gold. To further her goal she commissioned the creation of these blades by the mage Thex Voorton. With her new weapons in hand she was quite successful at her craft. Shar met her demise when she was hired to assassinate the very mage who created the daggers. Much to her surprise the weapons failed to harm their creator, Thex, nor did they grant Shar protection against his spells...
Value: 6000
Punch Daggers of True Death (TPUNCH)

PUNCH DAGGERS OF TRUE DEATH Damage: 1-4 Piercing Special: Poisons Target THAC0: +1 Speed: 2 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters and Thieves Usable only by Dustmen To ensure that the recipient reaches the "True Death", these daggers have been coated with a powerful poison.
Value: 500
Punch Daggers of Zar'Anun (ZPUNCH)

PUNCH DAGGERS OF ZAR 'ANUN Damage: 3-12 Piercing Enchanted: +2 Special: +2 Piercing Damage +2 to Armor Class +35% Stealth Skill Bonus THAC0: +1 Speed: 2 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters and Thieves This infamous weapon is said to have once been wielded by the assassin Zar 'anun. At first nothing more than a little known thief, Zar'anun soon rose high in the ranks of his guild by assassinating everyone who got in his way. His career came to an end when one of his 'possibly next' victims noticed that the upcoming thief was never without his daggers, keeping them with him even while bathing. When the daggers mysteriously disappeared, so did Zar 'anun.
Value: 5000
Shards of Fate (SHARD)

SHARDS OF FATE Damage: 10-100 Piercing Special: Breaks after first use Speed: 1 Weight: 5 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters These are gauntlets have been created from special crystals found only on the planes of Baator. When struck by these gauntlets, the crystals will shatter into thousands of pieces, tearing into the flesh and bone of those unlucky enough to be struck. Although heavy metal plates protect the users hands, there remains a slight chance that some of shards may strike the user.
Value: 2000
Siphon Knuckles (IRON2)

SIPHON KNUCKLES Damage: 1-6 Piercing Enchanted: +2 Special: Transfers Hit Points From Target to Wielder THAC0: +2 Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Fists Not usable by Mages These knuckles have had large metal spikes added to it, so as to pierce armor as well as flesh. Used by the less savory inhabitants of Sigil, these knuckles have the ability to drain the life force of an opponent and at the same time is able to rejuvenate the wielder.
Value: 1250
Spiked Gauntlets (SPKGAUNT)

SPIKED GAUNTLETS Damage: 1-4 Piercing Speed: 1 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters and Thieves A ridge of spikes bristle along the knuckles of these gauntlets, allowing the wearer to perforate any target they punch.
Value: 5
Spiked Gauntlets of Ogre Power (OGRGAUNT)

SPIKED GAUNTLETS OF OGRE POWER Damage: 4-6 Crushing Damage: 4-6 Piercing Enchanted: +1 THAC0: +3 Speed: 1 Weight: 2 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters and Thieves A ridge of huge black spikes bristle along the knuckles of these metal gauntlets, allowing the wearer to perforate any target they punch. Clamps line the edges of the gauntlets, as if to secure them in place once worn. This gauntlets bear an enchantment that allows the user to strike opponents with the strength of ten men. The spikes along the knuckles simply add insult to injury, as any victim whose bones are not shattered by the initial attack will slowly bleed to death from the jagged wounds the spikes inflict.
Value: 5000
Spiked Knuckles (IRON1)

SPIKED KNUCKLES Damage: 1-6 Piercing Enchanted: +1 THAC0: +1 Speed: 1 Weight: 1 Proficiency: Fists Not usable by Mages These iron knuckles have been improved upon by the addition of tiny spikes. In addition, a minor enchantment has been placed on them making them lighter and stronger than ordinary iron.
Value: 500
Umei Kaihen (UMEI)

UMEI KAIHEN Damage: 3-21 Piercing Enchanted: +3 Special: +3 to Dexterity +10% Open Locks Skill Bonus +10% Detect Traps Skill Bonus +10% Stealth Skill Bonus THAC0: +3 Speed: 2 Weight: 0 Proficiency: Fists Usable only by Fighters and Thieves These punch daggers seems to almost slip from your grasp as you hold it, yet at the same time, it invokes a strange sensation as you wield it, as if fate itself was changing in your favor. As a dagger-type weapon, it is massive and fearsome, with sharp serrated edges along both sides. It is bathed in a vibrant, royal purple hue. Along the hilt is carved the word: "Hii 'toh 'mi."
Value: 25000