Armor (SPWI102)

ARMOR Range: 0 Duration: Until destroyed by damage Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None Physical attacks shall be better thwarted as protection is granted to those who have none. This spell grants an Armor Class of 6 to the target. It is culmulative with Dexterity bonuses, but nothing else. The spell lasts until the wearer sustains culmulative damage more totaling more than 8 pts. + 1 / level of the caster. Note that the armor does not absorb this damage; it only distintegrates after that much damage has been inflicted on it.
Value: 100
Blindness (SPWI115)

BLINDNESS Range: 90 ft. + 30 ft. / level Duration: 60 seconds Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: Neg. How frail is the body when it depends upon its eyes! When sight is removed, things become harder to hit, and the sufferer becomes an easier target. If the targeted creature fails its saving throw, the creature will be struck with blindness and suffer a -4 penalty to its attack rolls and a +4 penalty to the target's AC.
Value: 100
Chromatic Orb (SPWI101)

CHROMATIC ORB Range: 50 feet Duration: Special Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Neg. Long are the debates about the spectrum of color in the multiverse. "This Blue is better than Yellow!" "Pike it, berk! Of course White is the true color!" And while in the end, many generally agree that a color's greatness is in the eye of the beholder, this spell establishes the fact that some colors are deadlier than others. This summons a large, magical Orb of Color, which can then be hurled at a target using the caster's normal Attack roll +3. The color of the Orb changes depending on the caster's level. Level: 1 White Damage: 1-4 pts. Special Power: 10 sec: -4 Attack, -4 S.T., +4 AC Level: 2 Red Damage: 1-6 pts. Special Power: 10 sec: -1 Strength, -1 Dexterity Level: 3 Orange Damage: 1-8 pts. Special Power: Additional 1-4 pts. of fire damage Level: 4 Yellow Damage: 1-10 pts. Special Power: 10 sec: -4 Attack, -4 S.T., +4 AC Level: 5 Green Damage: 1-12 pts. Special Power: Stun for 10-25 sec. Level: 6 Turquoise Damage: 2-8 pts. Special Power: Unconscious for 10-25 sec. Level: 7 Blue Damage: 2-16 pts. Special Power: Paralyzed for 30-100 sec. Level: 10 Violet Damage: Paralysis Special Power: Petrification Level: 12 Black Damage: 4-40 pts. Special Power: Paralysis for 10-40 sec.
Value: 100
Fist of Iron (SPWI104)

FIST OF IRON Range: Caster Duration: (5 seconds / level) + 5 seconds Speed: 1 Area of Effect: Nameless One only Saving Throw: None This spell gives the caster's fist the strength and durability of iron, turning it into a living weapon. Any punches the caster does will do more damage than normal. This spell works only on the Nameless One. When cast, all his normal punch attacks are +3 to hit and +6 to damage. The Nameless One cannot cast spells while the Fist of Iron is in place.
Value: 100
Friends (SPWI114)

FRIENDS Range: 0 Duration: 5-20 seconds + 5 sec. / level Speed: 1 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special One's charm, one's beauty and one's charisma is oftentimes the key to gaining the trust of strangers and creating new friends. When cast, the caster temporarily gains 2-8 points of Charisma, which could be helpful in making new friends, or opening new paths.
Value: 100
Identify (SPWI105)

IDENTIFY Range: 1 Item Duration: Instant Speed: 1 Area of Effect: Inventory usage only Saving Throw: None This spell reveals the mysteries of an enchanted object, allowing you to know its exact abilities.
Value: 100
Magic Missile (SPWI107)

MAGIC MISSILE Range: 80 ft. + (30 ft. / level) Duration: Instant Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None This spell shapes arcane energies into unerring missiles. The greater your skill, the more missiles you can hurl from your body. The spell summons a magical missile that strikes its target unerringly for 2-5 pts. of damage with no saving throw possible. In addition, the caster gains 1 extra missile every 2 levels, for a total of 5 missiles at level 9.
Value: 100
Minor Embalming (SPWI103)

EMBALMING, MINOR Range: 0 Duration: 30 minutes Speed: 1 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None Embalming preserves the flesh of the dead. . . as such, this spell can preserve the flesh of the Nameless One, mending tears, off-setting decay, and making your skin more resilient to damage. This spell works only on the Nameless One or any undead. When cast, the target gains +2-8 temporary hit points and a temporary bonus of +1 AC for a "half-hour." The extra hit points behave exactly like an Aid spell. . . they will heal the caster if he is less than max hit points or they will give him bonus hit points for a half-hour.
Value: 100
Missile of Patience (SPWI113)

MISSILE OF PATIENCE Range: ? Duration: ? Speed: ? Area of Effect: ? Saving Throw: Special "Could this spell be any more useless??!" cried Eelnek, mage of Amnar. The bane of mages everywhere, could this be the practical joke of an arch-mage, or living dis-proof of the old Prime Material axiom that "good things come to those who wait"?
Value: 100
Pacify (SPWI108)

PACIFY Range: 180 feet Duration: 40 seconds + (5 seconds / level) Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 2-8 creatures (non-undead) Saving Throw: None Violence is not always the best solution. This spell seeks to quell the boiling blood, the anger and malice through peaceful means. As per the name, this spell will magically pacify 2-8 creatures of 6 HD or less in the area of effect; this affects all types of creatures except for undead. When cast, creatures must immediately make a saving throw vs. spell. If they fail, they stop all activities that require any exertion, including arguments, combat, etc. From here, the affected creatures will fall into a deep slumber. The affected creatures will remain in this state for the duration of the spell if left unharmed. If attacked, they automatically gain a new saving throw to try and break the spell.
Value: 100
Reign of Anger (SPWI121)

REIGN OF ANGER Range: 40 ft. + (15 ft. / level) Duration: Instant Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None Zerthimon's teachings allows the channeling of anger into streams of unerring missiles that quickly strike those that oppose you. This spell summons a magical missile that strikes its target unerringly for 3-6 pts. of damage with no saving throw possible. In addition, the caster gains 1 extra missile every 2 levels, for a total of 5 missiles at level 9.
Value: 100
Scripture of Steel (SPWI118)

SCRIPTURE OF STEEL Range: 180 feet Duration: 30 seconds Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 50 feet cube Saving Throw: None One of the earliest teachings of Zerthimon, this incantation reflects what *knowing* that flesh yields to steel achieves: bestowing a greater advantage to strike and the strength to resist damage. Scripture of Steel grants +1 to hit and +1 to saves to all creatures that are "Friendly" to PC in a 50 feet radius from the casting point.
Value: 100
Seeking Flames (SPWI117)

SEEKING FLAMES Range: 180 feet Duration: 30 seconds Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 50 feet radius Saving Throw: None As the maintainer of life, fire is a true blessing. Yet as it warms, it also burns; while it is blessing, it is also a curse. Its scorching flames distract and weaken all enemies who succumb to its effects. The Seeking Flames grant all enemy targets in a 50-ft. radius, -1 to Attacks and -1 to their saving throws for 30 seconds.
Value: 100
Shield (SPWI111)

SHIELD Range: 10 feet Duration: 25 sec. / level Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None This spell summons a globe of force that protects the caster from physical attacks. When cast, a magical orb of protective energy arises and protects the recipient from attacks from all directions. It bestows an AC 3 against all attacks and +1 to all Saving Throws for 25 seconds / level of the caster.
Value: 100
Submerge the Will (SPWI119)

SUBMERGE THE WILL Range: 10 feet Duration: 12 sec. / level Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None When the will is submerged, new strength is gained: The strength to endure and protect against adversity. With *knowing* the teachings of the Third Circle of Zerthimon, comes greater protection against all forms of attacks. When cast, a magical orb of protective energy arises and protects the recipient from attacks from all directions. It bestows an AC 2 against all attacks and +1 to all Saving Throws for 12 seconds / level of the caster.
Value: 100
Tongues of Flame (SPWI116)

TONGUES OF FLAME Range: 80 ft. + (30 ft. / level) Duration: Instant Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None The Flame scorches and burns. Its hatred arcs and swirls as it strikes the enemy without error. This spell summons a missile of flame that strikes its target unerringly for 2-5 pts. of magical fire damage with no saving throw possible. In addition, the caster gains 1 extra missile every 2 levels, for a total of 5 missiles at level 9.
Value: 100
Vilquar's Eye (SPWI120)

VILQUAR'S EYE Range: 45 ft. + 15 ft. / level Duration: 30 seconds Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: Neg. Vilquar's Eye is branded upon the one who is foolish enough to cross the caster. Vilquar's shortsightedness becomes the target's vision, and soon the world is muddled and dark. If the targeted creature fails its saving throw at -1 penalty, the creature will be struck with blindness and suffer a -4 penalty to its attack rolls and a +4 penalty to the target's AC.
Value: 100