Adder's Kiss (SPWI201)

ADDER'S KISS Range: 150 feet Duration: 5 seconds per 3 levels Speed: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None It is said an adder's kiss can scald even the most fearsome of fiends. This spell calls forth an acidic bolt to shower an opponent with its vile green acid. If the caster is skilled enough, the adder's kiss lingers after the initial strike, continuing to sink into an opponent's skin with its acidic teeth. When cast, the caster chooses any target within 150 ft. and the Adder's Kiss will strike for 2-8 hit points of acid damage. For every three levels of the caster, the acid lasts 5 seconds longer, inflicting another 2-8 points of acid damage / 5 second segments.
Value: 250
Black-Barbed Curse (SPWI202)

BLACK-BARBED CURSE Range: 30 feet Duration: Instant Speed: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None Ravel's maze seeks new fields in which to grow. This spell summons some of the barbed seeds from the maze to burrow inside the target's flesh. When cast, the player can select any target within 30 feet. When a target is selected, the spell summons a swirling mass of black barbs that grow and burrow into any target for 4-16 hit points of piercing physical damage.
Value: 250
Black-Barbed Shield (SPWI203)

BLACK-BARBED SHIELD Range: Self only Duration: 10-30 seconds Speed: 2 Area of Effect: Self only Saving Throw: None Those who have walked the forest paths of Ravel's maze can summon its branches to help shield them from damage. This spell (which affects only the caster) calls forth a series of black barbs that protect and shield the caster from harm for 10-30 seconds. The player gains +2 to AC for the duration of the spell, and any creature that attacks the player with a melee attack should suffer 1-6 hit points of damage every time they successfully hit the character.
Value: 250
Blood Bridge (SPWI204)

BLOOD BRIDGE Range: 0 Duration: Instant Speed: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None A bizarre compact of the healer's heart and the merchant's mind, this necromantic spell transforms your very body into a marketplace that barters life and death. Your life essence can be given to others... at a cost to yourself. When cast, the mage can select any living (non-undead) target within touch range and drain life from himself (2 hit points + 1 hit point per level of the caster) and give it to the target.
Value: 250
Blur (SPWI216)

BLUR Range: 0 Duration: 15 seconds + 5 seconds per level Speed: 2 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None The blurring of form and spirit causes one to be hard to see or touch, granting a great advantage in battle. Blur causes the wizard's form to shift and blur, making it much more difficult to attack the caster: It causes all incoming attacks to be made at -3 penalty and grants the wizard +1 on all saving throws.
Value: 250
Greater Embalming (SPWI205)

EMBALMING, GREATER Range: 0 Duration: 60 minutes Speed: 2 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None Embalming preserves the flesh of the dead... as such, this spell can preserve the flesh of the Nameless One, mending tears, off-setting decay, and making your skin more resilient to damage. This spell is a more potent version of Minor Embalming, and the mending and damage resistance it bestows lasts longer. This spell works only on the Nameless One or any undead. When cast, the target gains +2 hp/level of the caster and +2 AC for one hour. The extra hit points behave exactly like an Aid spell... they will heal the caster if he is less than max hit points or they will give him bonus hit points for an hour.
Value: 250
Horror (SPWI213)

HORROR Range: 75 feet Duration: 30 seconds Speed: 2 Area of Effect: 30 feet radius Saving Throw: Neg. Pure horror is perhaps the greatest equalizer in existence, causing both the weakest and the strongest to lose their courage and flee in cowardice. This spell causes all non-undead creatures within a 30 foot radius of the target point to flee in terror from the area, if they fail their saving throw.
Value: 250
Ice Knife (SPWI207)

ICE KNIFE Range: 50 ft. Duration: Instant Speed: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Neg. Daggers of ice can be conjured that not only strike the intended target but can spread cold as ice in water. This spell fires a magical ice dagger at a target. The caster must successfully hit with his normal missile attack roll. A successful hit causes 2-8 pts. of damage per dagger. When the ice knife strikes a solid object or a creature, the knife shatters, releasing a wave of numbing cold. All creatures w/in a 5' radius must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or suffer 1-4 pts. of cold damage and have a -2 penalty to their attack rolls. If the attack roll misses, the Ice Dagger will 'fall to the ground' 2 feet past (using the same trajectory that it originally took) the intended target. The Ice dagger will then remain on the ground for 2 seconds. If any creature touches this ice dagger during that time it will immediately shatter, and emit a cold wave (as above). If not, then after the elapsed time it will melt away. Finally, the caster gains 1 additional Ice Dagger for every 2 levels after 3rd level, for a maximum of 5 Daggers. The subsequent Daggers can be fired off by a subsequent 'click' on the same (or another) target.
Value: 250
Ignus' Terror (SPWI217)

IGNUS' TERROR Range: 75 feet Duration: 30 seconds Speed: 2 Area of Effect: 30 feet radius Saving Throw: Neg. Terror exists in many forms throughout the multiverse. This incantation calls upon one of the most basic, universal forms of terror, the Fire of Destruction, to destroy courage and strike fear into all adversaries. This spell causes all non-undead creatures within a 30 foot radius of the target point to flee in terror from the area, if they fail their saving throw at a -1 penalty.
Value: 250
Infernal Orb (SPWI218)

INFERNAL ORB Range: 50 feet Duration: Special Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Neg. A sphere of Fiery Red is called upon to weaken and slow the enemy. Caster summons a large, magical Orb of Fire Red Color, which can then be hurled at a target using the caster's normal Attack roll. The caster gains a +3 To Hit bonus to his attack roll. The orb does 1-6 points of damage, and afflicts a -1 penalty to the enemy's Strength and Dexterity for 10 seconds.
Value: 250
Knock (SPWI215)

KNOCK Range: 180 feet Duration: Special Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 10 sq. feet per level Saving Throw: None The inaccessible, the locked, can be freed and within one's grasp with this incantation. With Knock, all locked doors, chests, boxes, or shackles shall be unlocked, but it doesn't affect barred gates and the like. In addition, it can only affect up to 2 impediments per spell.
Value: 250
Luck (SPWI214)

LUCK Range: 30 feet Duration: 5 seconds per level Speed: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None Fortune. Chance. Kismet. Whatever its name, this spell grants a boost in one's Luck for a short duration. This spell grants a 2-8 point bonus to the target's Luck for 5 seconds per level of the caster. This bonus increases the chance for success in various efforts such as Attacking, Thieving Skills, or Saving Throws and the like.
Value: 250
Pain Mirror (SPWI209)

PAIN MIRROR Range: Caster only Duration: When hit, or 5 seconds per level of caster Speed: 2 Area of Effect: 10 ft. radius when activated Saving Throw: None A near-forgotten legacy of an ancient empire, this spell reminds those who wish to harm the caster that they must be willing to suffer as well. If the caster is hurt, the same damage is inflicted on any creatures close to the caster. This spell only affects the caster. Whenever the caster is attacked while the spell is in effect, all hostile creatures within a 10 foot radius take equal damage. It only works for one attack, and the effects are not cumulative (you cannot have more than one mirror erected). If the spell is not triggered, it lasts for 5 seconds per level of the caster.
Value: 250
Power of One (SPWI219)

POWER OF ONE Range: Touch Duration: 30 mins per level Speed: 2 Area of Effect: Person touched Saving Throw: None And from Gith, the warrior-queen, came the *knowing* of oneself. And from the *knowing*, came immense power. This spell increases the target's Strength score by a certain number of points (or tenths of points above 18) which will still be qualified by race/class restrictions. The spell cannot bestow a Strength of 21 or greater. The bonus is as follows: Priest 1d6+1 points Rogue 1d6+1 points Warrior 1d8+1 points Wizard 1d4+1 points
Value: 250
Strength (SPWI211)

STRENGTH Range: Touch Duration: 60 mins per level Speed: 2 Area of Effect: Person touched Saving Throw: None Grants immense strength to the weak - or greater strength to the strong. This spell increases the target's Strength score by a certain number of points (or tenths of points above 18) which will still be qualified by race/class restrictions. The spell cannot bestow a Strength of 19 or greater. The bonus is as follows: Priest 1d6 points Rogue 1d6 points Warrior 1d8 points Wizard 1d4 points
Value: 250
Swarm Curse (SPWI212)

SWARM CURSE Range: 100 feet Duration: 15 seconds Speed: 2 Area of Effect: 3 feet / level of the caster Saving Throw: Neg. All that scuttles, creeps, and swarms shall be invited to dine... on a victim of your choosing. Brings a swarm of insects to attack all those in the area of effect. Brings a swarm of insects to attack all those in the area of effect. They inflict 1-4 + (caster level/3) points of damage every 5 seconds. No one can cast a spell while within the swarm.
Value: 250