Ax of Torment (SPWI310)

AX OF TORMENT Range: 50 feet Duration: Instant / Special Speed: 3 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: Neg. As if from the depths of Baator, Torment shall be brought upon your enemies, and with time, its strength will only grow. Effect: This spell summons a mystical giant Battle Ax. The Ax strikes a specified individual target for 1-8 pts. of damage. In addition, as a final blow, the Ax will cause a magical effect to occur (at random): (1) Suffer an additional 1-8 pts. of damage; (2) 2-16 pts. of damage; (3) Paralyzed for 5-15 seconds. * At Level 9+, the following new effects can occur: (4) 5-40 pts. of Fire damage; (5) 6-48 pts. of Ice damage; (6) Randomly teleported 1-100 yds. Away; (7) Turned to stone; or (8) 8-64 pts. of pure damage.
Value: 500
Balance in All Things (SPWI314)

BALANCE IN ALL THINGS Range: Caster only Duration: When hit the same number of times as Level / 4, or 5 seconds / level of caster Speed: 3 Area of Effect: 10 ft. radius when activated Saving Throw: None From the Separation of the People, came the *knowing* of Two Skies. From the *knowing* of Two Skies came the realization that hurting others, hurts oneself. This spell only affects the caster. Whenever the caster is attacked while the spell is in effect, all hostile creatures within a 10 foot radius take equal damage. It lasts for 1 attack per 4 levels of the caster, and the effects are not cumulative (you cannot have more than one Balance spells erected). If the spell is not triggered, it lasts for 5 seconds per level of the caster.
Value: 500
Ball Lightning (SPWI301)

BALL LIGHTNING Range: 90 ft + 30 ft. per level Duration: Instant Speed: 3 Area of Effect: Nearest target Saving Throw: 1/2 Spheres of electrical force shoot forth and strike your nearest foes. Caster can create up to 4 glowing spheres of lightning when the spell is cast. They are roughly 3 ft. in diameter. The damage varies depending on the number of balls created: 4 2-8 each 3 2-12 each 2 5-20 each 1 4-48
Value: 500
Cloak of Warding (SPWI304)

CLOAK OF WARDING Range: 0 Duration: 5 seconds per level or (Special) Speed: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None This spell summons a magical cloak of force around your body that absorbs damage. The spell creates a "shield" effect similar to the shield spell that absorbs 3-12 points of damage + 1 point per level of the caster. Once it has absorbed this amount of damage, it shatters or "powers down". The spell will also expire after 5 seconds per level of the caster.
Value: 500
Elysium's Tears (SPWI305)

ELYSIUM'S TEARS Range: 90 feet Duration: Instant Speed: 3 Area of Effect: 1 target/meteor Saving Throw: None The skies of the Upper Planes shed tears when evil is done. These tears can burn even the most armored of foes. The caster chooses any single target within range. Then, a stream of small meteors rain down and strike the target and surrounding area - one 'meteor' for each level of experience, up to a maximum of 10. Each missile that hits inflicts 1-2 points of blunt damage and 1-4 points of fire damage. Anyone within 3 feet of the target takes 1 point of fire damage as well.
Value: 500
Fiery Rain (SPWI313)

FIERY RAIN Range: 90 feet Duration: Instant Speed: 3 Area of Effect: 1 target/meteor Saving Throw: None Streams of fiery rain streak down upon the target, burning and crushing it into submission. The caster chooses any single target within range. Then, a stream of fiery meteors rain down and strike the target and surrounding area - one 'meteor' for each level of experience, up to a maximum of 10. Each missile that hits inflicts 1-2 points of blunt damage and 1-4 points of fire damage. Anyone within 3 feet of the target takes 1point of fire damage as well.
Value: 500
Hold Undead (SPWI307)

HOLD UNDEAD Range: 180 feet Duration: 5-20 seconds + 5 seconds per level Speed: 3 Area of Effect: 1d3 undead Saving Throw: Neg. The restless dead shall be bound and held when this spell is cast. This spell allows the caster to immobilize 1-3 undead creatures, provided that the total HD of the creatures are equal to or less than the caster's level. Furthermore, undead with less than 3 HD are automatically affected. Those with 3 or more HD are allowed a saving throw to negate the spell. Those affected are rendered immobile for the duration of the spell. When cast, the caster can choose the point of origin of the spell (within range), and from there, the 3 closest undead are affected.
Value: 500
Infernal Shield (SPWI312)

INFERNAL SHIELD Range: 0 Duration: 5 seconds per level or (Special) Speed: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None Even the Great Destroyer is halted by this mystical barrier. When cast, all fiery effects are absorbed and altered into healing energies. Works on caster only. The spell creates a fiery shield that bestows a 150% Normal Fire Resistance and 150% Magical Fire Resistance. The spell will expire after 5 seconds / level of the caster.
Value: 500
Tasha's Unbearable Derisive Laughter (SPWI308)

TASHA'S UNBEARABLE DERISIVE LAUGHTER Range: 50 feet Duration: 5 seconds per level Speed: 3 Area of Effect: 30 feet radius Saving Throw: Neg. What man does not feel their body fill with burning shame when mocked by a woman? Fill the ears of your enemies with the derisive scorn of a woman's laughter. Their bodies shall become clumsy and foolish, easily struck, and confidence shall be leeched from their muscles, weakening their blows. Tasha's Unbearable Derisive Laughter occurs in a 30 ft radius from that spot. All male living creatures with an INT > 4 in range of the spell must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or get a -2 to their attack, -2 to AC, and -2 to their damage rolls for 5 seconds / level of the caster.
Value: 500
Vampiric Touch (SPWI309)

VAMPIRIC TOUCH Range: Touch Duration: Instant Speed: 3 Area of Effect: 1 Creature Touched Saving Throw: None This spell steals life from the target and transfers it to you. When the player touches a non-undead creature, he drains 1-6 hp from the target for every 2 wizard levels he has (2-12 hp for Lvl 4). The damage that he drains is then transferred to the caster and added to their total hp. Any hp over the normal maximum is treated as 'temporary hit points' which will be lost after one hour if not used beforehand (absorbing damage).
Value: 500
Zerthimon's Focus (SPWI311)

ZERTHIMON'S FOCUS Range: 50 feet Duration: 5 seconds per level Speed: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None This enchantment helps the target remember Zerthimon's teachings on the ways to channel one's mental and physical focus during battle. When cast, the recipient's chances for a Critical Attack are raised for 5 seconds per level of the caster.
Value: 500