Abyssal Fury (SPWI912)

ABYSSAL FURY Range: 50 feet Duration: Instant Speed: 9 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: see below When compared to the Tanar'ri, at least the Baatezu are more civilized. There is, perhaps, nothing more horrific than the unbounded fury of Abyss. By use of this spell, the ground shall split open and the victim dragged into the Tanar'rian Madness. Welcome to Hell. This spell opens a planar portal beneath a specified victim and drags them down into the Abyss. The portal remains open even after the victim is swallowed in. The only sound bystanders hear is the incessant screaming of the victim as he/she is torn apart by the ruthless Tanar'ri. After what seems like only a few seconds (which is more than an eternity for the victim in the Abyss), the victim (or what's left of him) gets spit back out of the portal. (1) If the victim makes a successful saving throw, he will get spit out of the portal in 'one piece,' but while the victim sensed nothing at first, after a split-second, all the Wrath of the Tanar'ri will surface. The victim will suffer 5-510 pts. of damage as he suffers multiple 'delayed' attacks and slashes from all angles. (2) If the victim fails the saving throw, it is instant death. All that is left are body parts.
Value: 12000
Celestial Host (SPWI901)

CELESTIAL HOST Range: 100 feet Duration: Instant Speed: 9 Area of Effect: 50 ft. x 50 ft. area Saving Throw: None While the various proxies and beings of the Celestial Planes are seen as the embodiment of kindness, compassion, and benevolence, their might easily rivals those of Baator or the Abyss. Woe to those who underestimate the power of the Upper Planes! When cast, a group of powerful phantasms are called to help eradicate all enemies in a 50 ft. x 50 ft. area, as their combined attacks inflict 40 - 120 hit points of damage, with no saving throw possible. The phantasms represent the some of the most powerful celestial beings from the Upper Planes: Astral Deva [Mace of Disruption], Phoenix [Fire Storm], Solar Aasimon [Celestial Bow], and a Gold Dragon [Energy Wave].
Value: 12000
Conflagration (SPWI902)

CONFLAGRATION Range: 50 feet Duration: 50 seconds Speed: 9 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special Burn, burn, burn. A single creature shall be set aflame with this hideous spell, suffering 2-12 points of damage per 5 seconds, with no saving throw. The spell lasts 5 seconds per level of the caster. Anybody within 10 feet of the target will also suffer 2-12 pts. of damage, but are allowed a saving throw vs. spells to halve the damage.
Value: 12000
Elysium's Fires (SPWI905)

ELYSIUM'S FIRES Range: 90 feet Duration: Instant Speed: 9 Area of Effect: 50 ft. x 50 ft. area Saving Throw: 1/2 Elysium's Fires split the sky, raining streams of bright white fire down upon the earth. Each blast explodes when it strikes the ground, causing a tremendous flash and sending waves of fire rippling out from the point of impact. This spell summons 8 meteors from Elysium to strike down upon the area and crush all enemies. As they smash down on the ground, each one explodes in a 15 foot diameter area, doing 5-20 points of damage. A creature gets a Saving Throw for each of the blasts that hit him.
Value: 12000
Power Word, Kill (SPWI909)

POWER WORD, KILL Range: 15 feet per 2 levels Duration: Instant Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 10 feet radius Saving Throw: None With a single word, life's energies are snuffed out. When this spell is uttered, one creature of any type within the spell range is instantly killed. It can kill any creature that has up to 120 hit points, with no saving throw allowed.
Value: 12000
Rune of Torment (SPWI914)

RUNE OF TORMENT Range: 0 Duration: Instant Speed: 9 Area of Effect: 50 ft. x 50 ft. area Saving Throw: None Pain, Agony, Suffering, Torment. When the Rune is invoked, even the earth shall resonate its anguish. Torment of the mind. Torment of the body. Torment of the soul. All will be made clear when the Circle is drawn. After the Ultimate Circle is inscribed on the ground, and the Rune explodes, all creatures in the 50 ft. x 50 ft. area that are hostile take 30 - 100 hit points of damage. There is no Saving Throw.
Value: 12000