Ancient Scroll (WSCROLL)

ANCIENT SCROLL Weight: 0 Despite it's age, this scroll is amazingly well preserved. Strange symbols have been carefully penned onto the parchment.
Value: 10
Copper-Eyes Dead Contract (COPPERCO)

COPPER-EYES DEAD CONTRACT Weight: 0 You obtained this blank contract from Copper-Eyes, and it has a faint metallic smell about it. From what you can make out from the tiny, cramped writing, this document seems to be a contract between two parties: The Dustman faction and an as-of-yet unnamed signer. In exchange for thirty copper pieces, the signer gives away the rights to his corpse to the Dustmen, presumably so that they can use him as a worker in the Mortuary.
Value: 0
Crumplepunch's Legacy (CRUMLEG)

CRUMPLEPUNCH'S LEGACY Weight: 0 This legacy is inscribed on a wadded-up piece of old vellum, creased and soot-covered. It has obviously been much pored over by someone with very dirty hands. It belongs to Crumplepunch the smith, and from what you can decipher, it appears that his father was both uneducated and sloppy in his handwriting. The little you can make out appears to order the division of the smithy and the distillery between the two brothers, but does not provide detail as to how the division is to be accomplished.
Value: 0
Deionarra's Legacy (DLEGACY1)

DEIONARRA'S LEGACY Weight: 0 My Love, If you are reading this, then the tragedy I have Seen has come to pass. I have died, and you have remained to suffer the loss. Know this, my Love... I know why you were forced to shield your feelings from me. You sought to protect me from the terrible burden you carry with you. The distance you kept between us was your way of protecting me, and the brief moments when we were alone and you let your feelings be known, *that* was when I knew you cared for me. Carry no regrets with you, carry no guilt, for I came with you on your haunted journey of my own accord, and no matter how death came for me, I know that you did everything in your power to save me. Our lives are intertwined my Love, and death shall not be a wall between us. For my Sight has seen what is to come, only in staccato segments, but it is enough for me to know that we will be separated for a time, but we shall be reconciled again. Thus, do not see my death as a farewell, but only as an interval before we meet again. Carry my ring with you, and these other pieces of me, and think of me. Keep me in your mind and heart, and that will be the beacon that brings us together. Forever, Deionarra.
Value: 0
Dustman Request (DREQUEST)

DUSTMAN REQUEST Weight: 0 A note written on a scrap of dry parchment: "Contact the necromancer responsible for Raising contractual worker 42. I know he's examined the skeleton before, but I am certain the initial Raising of the body was warped. The worker still responds to commands, but when it has completed a task, it resumes pacing in the same circular pattern as it did before. "Dhall recently informed me that worker 42 exhibited that same walking pattern when it was a zombie decades ago. There may be a soul echo in the marrow or the skeleton's age may have caused the magic animating him to decay. One of the Initiates suggested it may be following an order issued by a higher-ranking Dustman in the past, but I have found no records of such an order. "Whatever the reason for its behavior, the matter is to be resolved or the worker replaced."
Value: 0
Forged Dead Contract (FALSECON)

FORGED DEAD CONTRACT Weight: 0 This false 'Dead Contract' is similar to a standard Dustman Dead Contract, but the tiny cramped writing on it hides the fact that the signer in fact does not owe his corpse to the Dustman after death at all... essentially, any Dustman who signs the contract will essentially be paying the signer for doing nothing but putting his signature to paper.
Value: 0
Giltspur's Handbill (GILTBILL)

GILTSPUR'S HANDBILL Weight: 1 This is the handbill Giltspur asked you to deliver to Scofflaw Penn for printing. It's nothing special. It's a little promotional note for Giltspur's auctioneering services: "COME ONE, COME ALL TO GILTSPUR'S AUCTION" And so forth.. It's not much to read, but it certainly reflects his personality accurately.
Value: 0
Giltspur's Note (GILTNOTE)

GILTSPUR'S NOTE Weight: 1 This is the note Giltspur has asked you to deliver to Keldor of Durian, in the Great Foundry. It looks like it's a private note, but you don't seem to have any scruples about reading it. Upon further examination, it appears that it's just a bill for Giltspur's promotional services. You're a little disappointed that it's not something more exciting.
Value: 0
Giltspur's Posting Handbill (GILTPOST)

GILTSPUR'S POSTING BILL Weight: 1 This is the handbill Giltspur asked you to deliver to Barkis at the Smoldering Corpse Bar. It's a copy of the bill Penn printed up for him. Giltspur must be hard up for messengers if he'll pay you two hundred coins for this.
Value: 0
Godsman Receipt (RECEIPT)

GODSMAN RECEIPT Weight: 0 A receipt stamped with the symbol of the Godsmen. Probably redeemable at the Great Foundry.
Value: 0
Healing Scroll (DLEGACY2)

HEALING SCROLL Special: Heals 33 Hit Points Weight: 0 This tissue-thin vellum scroll was part of Deionarra's legacy. The scroll is neatly rolled up and wrapped with a red ribbon. When the ribbon is opened, the healing magic contained within the scroll is released. The scroll will heal even the most critical of wounds. It disintegrates into powder when used.
Value: 0
Kester's Legacy (KESTLEG)

KESTER'S LEGACY Weight: 0 This legacy is inscribed on a carefully-folded piece of well-tended, old vellum. It belongs to Kester the distiller, and from what you can decipher, it appears that his father was both uneducated and sloppy in his handwriting. The little you can make out appears to suggest that the two brothers devote themselves to increasing their wealth by building the businesses... and here the ink smudges into unreadability. The rest of the document does not provide detail as to how the division is to be accomplished.
Value: 0
Loan Document (LOANDOC)

LOAN DOCUMENT Weight: 0 This document shows that Trist's loan from Byron Pikit was paid in full.
Value: 0
Love Letter (LOVELTR)

LOVE LETTER Weight: 0 This is a passionate, steamy, and rather graphic love letter. Who it's to and whom it's from, however, are quite vague.
Value: 0
Mortuary Reminder Message (DREMIND)

MORTUARY REMINDER MESSAGE Weight: 0 This rolled up piece of parchment appears to be some sort of message the skeleton in the Mortuary was supposed to deliver: "This is the third and *last* request for the prybar; if it has been misplaced, *tell* me and I shall go to the Hive market and purchase another. I have no objection to maintaining the Contracted workers, but I've been trying to repair the skeletons, and the bolts are wedged in so tight I can't get them out. "Also, some of the locks on the storage cabinets on the third floor have become stuck again due to the heat, and I need the prybar to snap them open as well. If the prybar is indeed lost, I will see about procuring the services of a locksmith and having the cabinet locks replaced. "Your aid in this matter would be appreciated, An unreadable signature has been scrawled beneath the message.
Value: 0
Mortuary Task List (TASKLIST)

MORTUARY TASK LIST Weight: 0 Someone has penned a series of tasks in red ink on this scrap of parchment: - I would like the Contracted Workers to be inspected thrice-daily, at the end of each work shift when the new Initiates come on duty. We have experienced too many Contracted collapses while engaged in heavy labor as of late, and I fear the embalming enchantments initially used on the corpses may be decaying or may have been warped somehow. - If the Contracted workers could be inspected every eight hours and Raised if they have collapsed, then this would prevent the backlog of shells in the Preparation Rooms and free up more Contracted workers for other duties. - I do not wish collapsed bodies to be disposed of; when possible, the original Contracted shells are to be Raised and be made to resume their duties. - I have included spare embalming charms within the shelves for the Initiates on duty. They are to be used only when the shells cannot be repaired with stitching, bandaging, or applications of embalming fluid.
Value: 0
Note from Corpse #1201 (N1201)

NOTE FROM CORPSE #1201 Weight: 0 This is a foul-smelling note retrieved from the mouth of one of the Mortuary zombies; it looks like it was sewn into the corpse's mouth by accident. Despite its condition, the writing is legible: "Please, to whatever Dustman reads this; I beg of you. I know of my legal obligation under the terms of the Dead Contract, but I am prepared to offer *more* than my signing fee if you will cremate my body rather than Raising it. I have arranged for this note to be left with my body upon my death. If you are reading this, then please use this note as instructed and accept the result in exchange for my Contracted duty. Let my Contract number serve as the key." It looks like the corpse was too late to prevent the Raising... but you notice that beneath the writing is a diagram. It looks like directions for folding the parchment into a strange pattern. NOTE: If you are ever capable of examining an object further, or performing an action on the object outside of the world screen, a "USE" button will appear for the object on this examine screen. This button allows you to manipulate the item through a dialogue screen. If you wish to examine the diagram on this note further, select the USE button below.
Value: 0
Parchment (PARCH)

PARCHMENT Weight: 0 This is an ordinary blank sheet of parchment.
Value: 1
Penn's Note (PENNOTE)

PENN'S NOTE Weight: 0 This note has been written with remarkable penmanship upon the finest parchment: Vaxis, If you are reading this, then you have undoubtedly failed in your task and have been forced to use the escape route I arranged. I told you that your little disguise idea was ridiculous. In any case, you'll need to lay low for a while. The Dustmen may be deluded, but they are not fools, and they will certainly seek retribution for our intrusion. I've left you some coins. Use them to secure a hiding place in the Hive, preferably in Ragpicker's Square. The Dustmen will be unwilling to look for you there. Once you have secured a new hiding place, I have a new mission for you: find out where Pharod is getting those bodies he's delivering to the Mortuary. It's apparently causing the Dustmen a great deal of upset, and I wouldn't mind knowing myself. Reports are that that stone-faced Dustman at the Gathering Dust Bar -- Initiate Emoric, I think the fool's name is -- has been sending out finders to try and mark Pharod's movements. See if you can find out how far along he is and hinder his efforts until we know more about Pharod's activities. I don't want Emoric finding out something before we do. - Penn
Value: 0
Promissory Note (ECNOTE)

PROMISSORY NOTE Weight: 0 This is a promissary note in the amount of one thousand copper commons that the possessor can collect upon from the Brothel of Slating Intellectual Lusts. Ecco gave it to you in order to purchase the Deva's Tears with; it's doubtful you could do anything else with it.
Value: 0
Ragged Note from Pharod (NPHAROD)

RAGGED NOTE FROM PHAROD Weight: 0 This is the tattered note you received from Pharod. It reads as follows: - Beware SHADows - Beware places where the night LIVEs. - They wait - There is no Natural Darknesss - Only ShaDOWS
Value: 0
Receipt (RECEIPT2)

GODSMAN RECEIPT Weight: 0 A receipt stamped with the symbol of the Godsmen. Probably redeemable at the Great Foundry.
Value: 0
Receiving Log Page (LOGPAGE)

RECEIVING LOG PAGE Weight: 0 This ragged page looks like it was cut neatly out of a book. It is written in a tight, crabbed script: 16537, 5th Night: Drunk -- Chest Wound -- Cause of Death: Mauling/Abishai? -- Collector: Pox -- 3 Commons Paid --No possessions. 16538: 5th Night: Desiccated Corpse -- Cause of Death: Indeterminable - Age of Shell prevents identification* -- Collector: Pharod -- 3 Commons Paid -- No possessions (Stripped? Knife marks evident from dissection.) 16539: 5th Night: Scarred Shell -- Cause of Death: Indeterminable (scars do not appear to be cause of death - shock trauma?) -- Collector: Pharod -- 3 Commons Paid -- Possessions Logged: - Fist Irons - Thirteen Commons - Middle Table, Receiving Room. 16540: 5th Night: Desiccated Corpse #2 -- Cause of Death: Indeterminable - Age of Shell prevents identification* -- Collector: Pharod -- 3 Commons Paid -- Possessions Logged: Knife marks evident from dissection, but the dissection was not thorough enough - Copper earring found lodged in abdomen; earring has been locked in Southeast Preparation Room. Have an Initiate from the Third Circle examine it; it has strange markings, like those on Contracted Worker #79. 16541: 5th Night: Skeleton -- Cause of Death: Indeterminable - Age of Shell prevents identification* -- Collector: Pharod -- 3 Commons Paid -- No possessions (Stripped? Knife marks evident from dissection.) * As with the previous entries, these shells Pharod has brought also shows signs of having been prepared. I have asked that Initiate Emoric launch an investigation into the matter. Furthermore, Entry 16542 is one of Pharod's gang. I have seen the individual before - I would ask Emoric to pay heed to how the man died. 16542: 5th Night: Tiefling, Male -- Cause of Death: Slash marks/discoloration of wounds are consistent with grave rot (ghoul claws?) -- Collector: Pharod -- 3 Commons Paid -- No possessions (Stripped? Knife marks evident from dissection.)
Value: 0
Recipe: Blood Bridge (RECIPE03)

RECIPE: BLOOD BRIDGE Allows user to copy "Blood Bridge" into Spell Book Range: 0 Duration: Instant Speed: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None Weight: 0 Usable only by Mages This tattered card has the recipe for the ingredients and the incantations necessary for the necromantic spell, "Blood Bridge." This spell allows the caster to share a portion of his life with others, weakening himself but strengthening others.
Value: 200
Recipe: Chromatic Orb (RECIPE01)

RECIPE: CHROMATIC ORB Allows user to copy "Chromatic Orb" into Spell Book Range: 50 feet Duration: Special Speed: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Neg. Weight: 0 Usable only by Mages This tattered card has the recipe for the ingredients and the incantations necessary for the minor evocation, "Chromatic Orb."
Value: 75
Recipe: Identify (RECIPE02)

RECIPE: IDENTIFY Allows user to copy "IDENTIFY" into Spell Book Range: 1 Item Duration: Instant Speed: 1 Area of Effect: Inventory usage only Saving Throw: None Weight: 0 Usable only by Mages This tattered card has the recipe for the ingredients and the incantations necessary for the minor divination spell, "Identify." This spell reveals the mysteries of an enchanted object, allowing you to know its exact abilities.
Value: 75
Scrawled Note (DOORNOTE)

SCRAWLED NOTE Weight: 0 Looks like someone has scrawled a reminder to themselves: - The lock to the door to the Eastern Preparation Room is jammed shut again. See to it that it is fixed. I tire of having to force it open just to walk to the Embalming Room. - NOTE: To bash a locked door or a chest, select the attack key (either through the quick menu on the world screen or by holding down the CTRL key) and "attack" the door or chest. This will not always be successful, but it can open objects that are stuck or might otherwise need a key. Usually, your success will depend on the strength of the door or container and your character's Strength score.
Value: 0
Scroll of Agril-Shanak (AGSCROLL)

THE SCROLL OF AGRIL-SHANAK Weight: 1 This scroll is covered with gold leaf and scrawled upon with an ink that looks suspiciously like dried blood. The writing is irregular and chaotic, without any pattern that you can discern, and the feeling that rises from it is of incredible malevolence.
Value: 0
Suspicious Sealed Scroll (SCTRAP)

SUSPICIOUS SEALED SCROLL Weight: 1 This scroll has been tightly bound with red ribbon and sealed with wax. You can't put your finger on it, but you've got a bad feeling about the thing - as if opening and reading the scroll could be somehow dangerous.
Value: 0
Tomb Plans (TOMBPLAN)

TOMB PLANS Weight: 0 These are the plans of a custom made tomb. Stenciled proudly across the top edge are the words 'Engineered for Eternity.'
Value: 0