Tenement of Thugs
First floor (AR0403)
When you are at the tenement walk up to the
door, close your eyes and open it to enter the building. Before
you progress, note that the Tenement has traps. You best let Annah
use her detect trap ability and once found disarm them. Close
to the entrance there is Sybil. She tells you that behind the
door there are a lot of Starved Barking Thugs and there are some
big ones among them so listen to her. She tells you that you might
slip by them through a locked door at the right side of the room.
However the door is locked and the key is somewhere in the upper
floors. The stairway is in the east side of the area.
Second floor
On the second floor there are some thugs and
you can collect some goodies, beware of the traps however.
Third floor
On the third floor there is a door, behind the
door there are two Starved Dog Barking thugs including a veteran
which are a lot harder to kill. Once you killed them let Annah
enter and disarm the trap. She will be spotted by a mage however
that will attack her. So after disarming the trap let her run
back. Now you have to stop the mage. The easiest way is to send
to him a swarm of flies, which will make it relatively impossible
for him to cast any spells and he has become an easy target. He
has the key on him, so now you can go back to the ground floor.
Back again
Back on the ground floor there is a closed door
on the right side of the area. This is the storeroom, you can
bash it in or let Annah lockpick it. Inside there is one container
that can be bashed or picked. Beware of the trap however. If you
can not bash it or lockpick it then you can come back later with
some keys.
The locked door
The locked door that opens with the key you
have is in the same room where two thugs are waiting for you.
Kill the thugs and you can open the door and make you're way to
the exit, preferably running. You can consider fighting everybody
inside, but that's a big battle so take care.
There is also another way. Do not open the door and go to the
room at the east instead. There is a hidden door (at X=850, y=2660)
that can be detected by Annah. Now there is only a small distance
to the exit. You can let Annah
go to stealth mode and enter the room. In my case I placed here
in such a position that the first veteran was in sight. On him
I let Morte send his litany, which immediately causes him to attack
Morte. Kill him and find on him the keys of the storeroom and
the container. But if you already opened them than you don't need
There is an easy way to go to the exit from here. Let Annah go
into stealth mode and let her go through the exit alone. Nobody
sees here and without any other party member only moving an inch
inside the room you automatically all pass through the exit. This
means you can go through the room without starting a fight.
Before you go however make sure that you have a prybar. There
is one located in the Tenement, so if you don't have it yet, first
try to find it. You need it at a later stage.

- The Mortuary
- Second Floor
- Third Floor
- First Floor
- The Hive
- Northeast Hive
- Ragpicker's Square
- Northeast Hive
- Southwest Hive
- Southeast Hive
- Alley
- The Catacombs
- Trash Warrens
- Weeping Stone
- Dead Nations
- Drowned Nation
- The Tomb
- More Catacombs
- Pharod & Annah
- The Hive Again
- Joining Dustman
- *Tenement of Thugs
- Lingering Thugs
- The Wards
- Lower Ward, pt1
- Lower Ward, pt2
- The Great Foundry
- Clerk's Ward
- Civic Festhall
- Ignus
- Solving Quests
- Mazes
- Player's Maze
- Modron's Maze
- Ravel's Maze
- Curst
- Curst
- Curst Underground
- The Prison
- Outlands
- Outlands
- Baator
- Carceri
- Curst Gone
- Carceri
- Fortress
- Mortuary
- Fortress Entrance
- Trial and Maze
- Fortress Roof
Information about
Planescape: TormentDeveloper: Black Isle
SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: RPG
Combat: Pausable Real-time
Play-time: Over 60 hours
Voice-acting: Partially voiced
Regions & platforms
North America
· Platform: PC
· Released: 1999-12-10
· Publisher: Interplay
More information