Curst (AR0700)
You are now in Curst (10000XP) in the outlands.
Before you go on talk with your companions about what Ravel told
about them. Especially Dak'kon and Annah. From Dak'kon you learn
that you once saved his live and he is now your slave (6000XP).
From Annah you learn that she loves you, if you love her too than
you can kiss her. Just for fun because it doesn't give you anything
extra in the from of XP (or anything else). It is fun though.
Before you go into any buildings, explore the
area first to learn about Curst. You learn that Curst is in quarantine
now because of some kind of plague and the Deva is underneath
Curst. The citizens are not very talkative and Curst guards guard
every building that means something.
The tavern
Like always try to familiarise yourself with
the environment and learn about Curst, the plague and the deva,
without entering any buildings. When your finished enter the Traitor's
Gate Tavern (AR0704), which is the first building on the right
from the gate where you entered Curst. The tavern is a building
with two floors. On the second floor there is however not a lot
to do, besides collecting all the available items.
A mental key
When you entered, walk to the barman named Tainted
Barse to learn that his daughter was kidnapped. He can tell you
something about the deva and has a hidden way that leads there
(a curst guard named Chek'ka Plute
is on the other side of the bar watching Barse to find out about
it). Before he tells you about the secret entrance you will have
to get a key to enter it. The key is not a physical key but consists
of pieces of text. There are 5 parts in total. There are also
5 persons in the bar that can give you their part of the key,
but each of them has a quest for you and the quests have to be
carried out in sequence.
Barse will tell you that Marquez a harmonium
officer who can be found left from the entrance can give the first
part of the key to you. From Barse you can also acquire some healing
charms if required. Go to Marquez and he will tall you that your
task is simple. Find the slave traders that captured the daughter,
kill them and bring the daughter back alive. The girl and the
slave traders, that are Harmonium guards, can be found in inner
Curst (AR0701), so leave the bar and head to the NE and on to
the next area.
Free the girl
When you enter upper Curst then the guards are
located on the left side of the Warehouse, which is the first
building on the left. You see several guards standing there around
the girl Jasilya, the daughter of Barse. You can talk to the guards
but it will always end up in a fight. So kill them, but take care
that none of the guards turn around and kill the girl, or that
she is killed with an incorrect spell that is casted. Once your
finished talk to the girl that thanks you and leaves. Go back
to the bar and tell Marquez that Jasilya is free (65000XP). He
gives you the first part of the key and directs you for the second
part to Kitla. When you wish to improve your fighting skills or
want to become a fighter than talk to Marquez about that.
A legacy
Go to the woman named Kitla who can be found
at the other side from where Marquez is standing. She will tell
you about the distiller Kester and the blacksmith Crumplepunch
who both owe her money but are not paying due to an argument about
a legacy. She wants her money and asks you to solve the argument
or kill them. Well killing doesn't give you the amount of experience
you get from solving the problem so go talk to the blacksmith
Crumplepunch about the problems with his brother Kester. The blacksmith
is to be found in the centre of outer Curst (AR0104C).
The brothers have an argument over the inheritance of their father
who left them the distiller and the blacksmith and the distiller
is making more money than the blacksmith. Suggest that you will
solve the problem and he gives you his legacy. Next go to the
distiller (AR3014) in inner Curst (first building on the left)
and talk to him as well. He will also give you his legacy.
Distilling a decision
With the blacksmith you can trade weapons and
with the distiller you can trade charms and spells. Depending
on what you decide to do it might be wise to do your trading first
before making a decision. When you are ready to tell them your
decision go to Crumplepunch. You have the following options:
1. Decide in favour of Crumplepunch (131250XP). You then get
higher prices for what you sell to him and get lower prices
when you buy from him. You can however no longer trade with
2. Decide in favour of Kester (131250XP). You then get lower
prices for everything you sell to Crumplepunch and have to pay
more for everything you buy. However Kester is fond of you and
you can buy freely from him.
3. Split things up evenly between them (150000XP). This is more
favourable to Crumplepunch then to Kester. You can then still
buy and sell hardware from the first but the second will no
longer trade with you.
4. Give the legacies to Kitla (150000XP) and you're no longer
able to trade with Kester and have to pay more for everything
you buy from Crumplepunch.
When you told Crumplepunch your decision go to Kitla and she gives
you the scroll of Abyssal Fury and the second part of the key.
She also tells you to talk to Nabat for the third part of the
Taking care of the dump
Nabat can be located in the middle part of the
area. Ask him about the third part of the key and he will tell
you that you can have it if you protect the dump caretaker from
some thugs. So off you go to the dump caretaker Kyse which can
be found outside, across the bar. Talk to him to find out two
things. First why the thugs are after him and secondly that there
is an entrance to the Curst underground from the dump. You can
go in here without having the key! You do miss out then on a lot
of XP and the fun of playing the game. So onwards we go to the
thug named Wernet in inner Curst. Go to him (south of the distiller)
and talk to him about Kyse. He doesn't listen and leaves. Now
head back to Kyse to protect him. When you arrive the thugs also
arrive and start attacking Kyse. Protect him and kill the thugs.
Then talk to Kyse who offers you some healing if you ever require
it. Then go back to Nabat (43750XP) and get the third part of
the key who then directs you to Dallan for the next part.
Go talk to Dallan, who can also train your thieving
skills if you require so. He wants you to talk to a githyanki
named An'izius who is one of the leaders of the town and can be
located near the gate to Carceri at the north side of inner Curst.
Go there and talk to him about his trouble. He will tell you that
a woman named Siabha needs to be humiliated because she is in
the way of his ambitions. The way to do that is by lying to the
captain of the guard that she wants to assassinate him. Now talk
to her about that (she is in front of the administration building)
and she will double the offer if you tell to the captain of the
guard that An'izius is trying to assassinate her. Go back to An'izius
and he will double that offer again now go to Siabha and she will
match that last offer. If you turn one of them in you get 100000XP
and 3000 copper. If you turn them both in you get 200000XP but
no money. Tell the captain of the guard about your choice (he
can be found near the gate to outer Curst) and he will arrest
one or both of them depending on your choice.
Fiend or foe?
After that is done go to Dallan (875000XP) and
get the fourth part of the key after which he directs you to Dona
Quisho who is near Kitla. She will ask you to free a fiend named
Agril-Shanak, which is held captive in a pentagram located in
the grain Silo. She gives you a scroll, which is needed for that.
Go to the grain Silo, that is just above the tavern and enter
it (AR0705). Go up the ladder and stand near the pentagram after
which you can read the scroll (60000XP). This will result in the
appearance of Agril-Shanak. Talk to him and learn how he can be
freed. You can get the heartgrinder weapon from him if you do.
You can also opt to kill him but you will get another chance for
that at a later time so free him. Then go back to Dona Quisho
and tell her that it is free (131250XP). You also get some money
and she directs you to Barse, who will send you through his tunnel.
Before you do make sure that you are healed and have enough healing
charms. Also this is the time to sell all unnecessary items you
are carrying and buy some sensible stuff for that. From this point
on you need to fight a lot so make sure you are equipped for that
before you talk to Barse.

- The Mortuary
- Second Floor
- Third Floor
- First Floor
- The Hive
- Northeast Hive
- Ragpicker's Square
- Northeast Hive
- Southwest Hive
- Southeast Hive
- Alley
- The Catacombs
- Trash Warrens
- Weeping Stone
- Dead Nations
- Drowned Nation
- The Tomb
- More Catacombs
- Pharod & Annah
- The Hive Again
- Joining Dustman
- Tenement of Thugs
- Lingering Thugs
- The Wards
- Lower Ward, pt1
- Lower Ward, pt2
- The Great Foundry
- Clerk's Ward
- Civic Festhall
- Ignus
- Solving Quests
- Mazes
- Player's Maze
- Modron's Maze
- Ravel's Maze
- Curst
- *Curst
- Curst Underground
- The Prison
- Outlands
- Outlands
- Baator
- Carceri
- Curst Gone
- Carceri
- Fortress
- Mortuary
- Fortress Entrance
- Trial and Maze
- Fortress Roof
Information about
Planescape: TormentDeveloper: Black Isle
SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: RPG
Combat: Pausable Real-time
Play-time: Over 60 hours
Voice-acting: Partially voiced
Regions & platforms
North America
· Platform: PC
· Released: 1999-12-10
· Publisher: Interplay
More information